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The Out&AboutLive forums are now 'powered' by Invision Community software.

This 2016 link on the Invision Community forum discussed allowing forum-members to delete their own postings,


It was suggested that this could be permitted provided that the posting was the last of a 'topic' (ie. when it had not been 'replied' to) but not otherwise.

On the 'old' O&AL forum I had Moderator privileges and could delete threads and postings and edit my own postings and every other forum-member's postings with no time limit on my actions. (When I did remove threads that contravened the forum's terms and conditions, I normally explained in advance why I was going to do this. I get the impression that threads are being deleted from this forum with no reason being given.)

Forum-members were time-limited regarding editing their own postings and could not delete their postings once they had been submitted. I would have thought that, now this forum's editing time-period has been increased to 30 minutes, deletion of postings by forum-members should be unnecessary. 

I did not have Administrator privileges (which would have included 'banning' forum-members and deleting forum accounts) but it's not that unusual for forum Moderators to have a 'banning' capability.

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On 10/18/2022 at 4:52 PM, thebishbus said:

Just another thought. Why are we not seeing members vans with their Avatar. ?

                    Brian B.


On 10/18/2022 at 4:55 PM, Keithl said:

Possibly because we haven't found a way to! The best we have managed is to add a signature as below...

And this is how to add a signature... "In your account go to account settings, there should now be an option at the bottom of the menu on the left, that says "Signatures"."

A possibility that does not involve the signature might be for forum-members to edit their Profile so that it contains details of their motorhome. There are currently two fields (both of which could be useful) LOCATION and INTERESTS and clicking on my "D" avatar at the top left of this posting will (or should!) show the effect. This is a similar ugly ploy to that used on the old forum, but it could be implemented immediately.

(I don't think it's practicable to display the information in the LOCATION and INTERESTS fields automatically on a posting, but clicking on an avatar is simple enough.)

The Caravan & Motorhome Talk (C&MT) forum


runs on a similar Invision Community platform to the O&AL forum and I notice that the scope of the C&MT Profile includes specific fields for vehicle-related information. (example attached below). Obviously, if this could be done for the Profile of the O&AL forum, it would be much better than exploiting the INTERESTS field.


On the Invision Community forum (intended for forum 'owners' not forum-members) it's occasionally asked whether a general guide is available for people unused to internet forums or moving from (say) Facebook. The answer seems to be No and it's expected that - if a forum 'owner' feels a guide would be necessary - they are expected to produce this themselves. Certainly, if the O&AL forum Profile were to hold vehicle data, it would be necessary for forum-members to be made aware of that capability and for them to be encouraged to make use of it.

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Well now the forum is getting really tiresome, I'm not usually bothered by adverts as my set up means I don't see any, but now I'm getting a video playing on every page, and most annoyingly it covers part of what I want to see if I scroll down, I've not experimented, but I guess how annoying it gets to be depends on how much you have a page zoomed in, not sure if it plays sound as I mostly have sound turned off.

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43 minutes ago, colin said:

Well now the forum is getting really tiresome, I'm not usually bothered by adverts as my set up means I don't see any, but now I'm getting a video playing on every page, and most annoyingly it covers part of what I want to see if I scroll down, I've not experimented, but I guess how annoying it gets to be depends on how much you have a page zoomed in, not sure if it plays sound as I mostly have sound turned off.

Have you tried Adguard extension for your browser? Chrome, Edge etc?  I get no ads or videos.

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On my 2009-vintage iMac desktop computer I use the Chrome browser and the AdBlock ad-blocker, and this combination suppresses the O&AL adverts and videos.

Temporarily disabling AdBlock causes a large advertising 'banner' at the top of the screen and an irrelevant  video to be displayed, with the video being particularly intrusive. I could probably tolerate the banner advert, but definitely not the video.

(If the banner advert and video is what people are generally being subjected to when they sign into the O&AL forums, if activity falls off even more it won't be at all surprising.)

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14 minutes ago, Derek Uzzell said:

On my 2009-vintage iMac desktop computer I use the Chrome browser and the AdBlock ad-blocker, and this combination suppresses the O&AL adverts and videos.

Temporarily disabling AdBlock causes a large advertising 'banner' at the top of the screen and an irrelevant  video to be displayed, with the video being particularly intrusive. I could probably tolerate the banner advert, but definitely not the video.

(If the banner advert and video is what people are generally being subjected to when they sign into the O&AL forums, if activity falls off even more it won't be at all surprising.)

I find that " in your face " video very annoying.

A forum with adverts attached has now become an annoying  advert with a forum attached !

I doubt it will attract new members.

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