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Brian Kirby

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54 minutes ago, Derek Uzzell said:

Unlike some other forums, O&AL Moderators lacked the power to 'ban' users either temporarily or permanently. At one point it was suggested by the Administrator that the ability to 'ban' might be extended to Moderators, but I was unhappy with that idea unless the forum's terms of acceptable use were made more easily understood by the users and the Moderators.

In the address/photos case I drew the Administrator's attention to what had occurred on Chatterbox, copied to the Administrator the PM I had received and recommended that Birdbrain be permanently banned. My reason for this was not just because of the address/photo business, but because of the protracted disruptive effect BIrdbrain had been having on Chatterbox. (Basically, I'd had a real belly-full of Birdbrain.)

Birdbrain ceased posting to Chatterbox not long afterwards and I guessed this might have been due to him being penalised. (In fact, I don't know if the Administrator did nothing, laid down the law with Birdbrain, or imposed any sort of ban.) As far as I was concerned I'd done what I believed an O&AL forum Moderator should do and it was up to the Administrator to decide what follow-on action should be taken.

"Basically, I'd had a real belly-full of Birdbrain" . I'll translate, Derek didn't like anyone disagreeing with his favourite friends here on Chatterbox . He later got rid of Dave Pelmet if I remember correctly 

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53 minutes ago, Barryd999 said:

Perhaps its time to just spread a bit of Christmas cheer and move on.  Are there any forum Christmas decorations?

Here's a nice Christmas tune to get everyone in the mood.


Youve really done it with that clip of the very lovely Kim . One or three of the valuable members will not like seeing naked arms on a motorhome forum 

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9 hours ago, Barryd999 said:

Soz about that and for any offense caused

I meant this good old rousing cheerful Christmas Carol


What a very lovely Christmas tune that is Barry . Even mentions motorhomes in it . I love Christmas and especially those jokes you get in the Christmas crackers, I hope they come with smilies on the jokes though as some folk dont half struggle with humour . Given your voice hasn't quite broken why dont you do some Aled Jones Christmas numbers for us all to enjoy . Actually Ive just had a great idea, what about a Christmas Zoom meeting on here so all the members can meet, kind of meet?  

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17 hours ago, B Dobson said:

Thats a blatant lie Mr Brian . The valuable member hadn't "included his home address" in his profile as you claim, thats totally untrue . He had on his profile given hid business email which is hardly a hanging offence is it? From that email those who felt it necessary to dig further did so and put up photos and address details . Now from your profile and the info you give I can find where you live and see photos of your motorhome and your bin lying on the ground but I wouldnt ever want to publish those details on here would I and wouldnt ever excuse others who did . Maybe thats the difference between you and I, you believe its acceptable and I dont . Best wishes Brian 

Let's see, shall we?

Do you remember Antony1969?  He was a FM who mainly posted bile.  It seems he's now gone to the Out and About Live "happy hunting ground", so naming him shouldn't cause an upset.

Well, back in November 2017 it was he who was the "complainant" who made all the fuss about someone having discovered his home address, and I was the "other forum member" who pointed that out to him that it was contained in his profile.  We exchanged PMs on the subject, as follows.


Started conversation: November 30, 2017

 Brian I owe you an apology ... Ive had a glass of wine with my meal and misread your post ... Please accept my apology and I will be doing the same on the forum

 Brian Kirby 

Started conversation: December 1, 2017

No need Antony. I was a bit curious as to how your address might be identifiable, so had a look at your profile. Put "Harlyn Roofing" into Google, got the address from Yell, transferred that to MapSource, pulled up Google Earth, switched to Street View, and there you were, Renault based Auto Trail and all, right next to Colne Valley School!

That would have worried me, so I pointed it out as I guessed you might not have intended to be so easily identifiable. After all, if I could do it, anyone could! I see you've now pulled the website link.

However, in retrospect, I should have PM'd you in preference to putting clues onto the forum.



See, PMs survive even after the subject string has been "pulled".  Lots more in my mailbox, apparently 700 or more.

Now, where is that "blatant lie"?  I described in my PM how easy it was to find the domestic address from which he seemed to have been trading.  Even now, if I "Google" 'Harlyn Roofing Huddersfield' up pops a LinkedIn entry for someone whose first name is Antony, although I note the the company name has since been removed from Yell.

What really puzzles me, though, is why a B Dobson should take such a close interest in the affairs of someone named Antony with a LinkedIn profile that gives his surname.  After all, "Antony1969" got banned, and reinvented himself as "Birdbrain" to get back on, and then seemed to get banned under that pseudonym and disappeared.  But wait - oh no......................surely you're not that same person trying to avoid detection under a third pseudonym after having banned twice?  On reflection your posts are very similar, in terms of style and their provocative content.  If you've twice escaped from jail, might it not be a better strategy to keep a lower profile and keep quiet about your previous incarnations.

As to your thinly veiled threat about finding my address, maybe you could.  But given the above record of how grateful you were for my help when you thought someone had done that to you, why on earth would you want to do that?  Hardly the way to demonstrate gratitude, is it?  Some might even see it as hypocrisy.

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1 hour ago, Brian Kirby said:

Let's see, shall we?

Do you remember Antony1969?  He was a FM who mainly posted bile.  It seems he's now gone to the Out and About Live "happy hunting ground", so naming him shouldn't cause an upset.

Well, back in November 2017 it was he who was the "complainant" who made all the fuss about someone having discovered his home address, and I was the "other forum member" who pointed that out to him that it was contained in his profile.  We exchanged PMs on the subject, as follows.


Started conversation: November 30, 2017

 Brian I owe you an apology ... Ive had a glass of wine with my meal and misread your post ... Please accept my apology and I will be doing the same on the forum

 Brian Kirby 

Started conversation: December 1, 2017

No need Antony. I was a bit curious as to how your address might be identifiable, so had a look at your profile. Put "Harlyn Roofing" into Google, got the address from Yell, transferred that to MapSource, pulled up Google Earth, switched to Street View, and there you were, Renault based Auto Trail and all, right next to Colne Valley School!

That would have worried me, so I pointed it out as I guessed you might not have intended to be so easily identifiable. After all, if I could do it, anyone could! I see you've now pulled the website link.

However, in retrospect, I should have PM'd you in preference to putting clues onto the forum.



See, PMs survive even after the subject string has been "pulled".  Lots more in my mailbox, apparently 700 or more.

Now, where is that "blatant lie"?  I described in my PM how easy it was to find the domestic address from which he seemed to have been trading.  Even now, if I "Google" 'Harlyn Roofing Huddersfield' up pops a LinkedIn entry for someone whose first name is Antony, although I note the the company name has since been removed from Yell.

What really puzzles me, though, is why a B Dobson should take such a close interest in the affairs of someone named Antony with a LinkedIn profile that gives his surname.  After all, "Antony1969" got banned, and reinvented himself as "Birdbrain" to get back on, and then seemed to get banned under that pseudonym and disappeared.  But wait - oh no......................surely you're not that same person trying to avoid detection under a third pseudonym after having banned twice?  On reflection your posts are very similar, in terms of style and their provocative content.  If you've twice escaped from jail, might it not be a better strategy to keep a lower profile and keep quiet about your previous incarnations.

As to your thinly veiled threat about finding my address, maybe you could.  But given the above record of how grateful you were for my help when you thought someone had done that to you, why on earth would you want to do that?  Hardly the way to demonstrate gratitude, is it?  Some might even see it as hypocrisy.

You claimed yesterday the valuable member had "included his home address" in his profile which is a blatant lie . He had an email n his profile just like others do and to find the address you have to hunt further so either you're confused or it's a lie, I'll let you choose . I don't make threats by the way that's a very silly thing to say, I simply pointed out that like me from the info given in ones profile I could easily find your address . Now given I can easily find your address from your profile did you too include your home address on your profile or is it somehow different? . As for been on Yell one has never paid Yell to be on there or asked to be removed either . Seasons greetings 

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17 minutes ago, Barryd999 said:

Of course you could put the blame at Warners themselves. Displaying actual real Email addresses on their platform in a publicly viewable profile is probably completely in breach of the data protection laws (GDPR) 2018.



I don't blame Warners . You have to blame those who hunt out others addresses from an email and then post those details on an open forum . Brian believes that's fine but doesn't believe it's fine for others to do the same to him . Hypocrisy of the highest order 

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59 minutes ago, Barryd999 said:

Of course you could put the blame at Warners themselves. Displaying actual real Email addresses on their platform in a publicly viewable profile is probably completely in breach of the data protection laws (GDPR) 2018.



Yes, but you had first to decide whether to include your e-mail address in your profile before it could be visible to anyone who clicked on your profile.  I didn't, Antony did.  I don't see how Warners could be blamed for that.

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This link is to a 2014 Motorhome Matters thread titled "This is a Freindly Forum" (sic)


It's a whole lot of fun and includes contributions by the Great Debater Frank Wilkinson (performing as Had Enough) who had turned forum confrontation into an art form.

Those were the days...

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45 minutes ago, B Dobson said:

You claimed yesterday the valuable member had "included his home address" in his profile which is a blatant lie . He had an email n his profile just like others do and to find the address you have to hunt further so either you're confused or it's a lie, I'll let you choose . I don't make threats by the way that's a very silly thing to say, I simply pointed out that like me from the info given in ones profile I could easily find your address . Now given I can easily find your address from your profile did you too include your home address on your profile or is it somehow different? . As for been on Yell one has never paid Yell to be on there or asked to be removed either . Seasons greetings 

No, it is not a lie, although it is not the "warts and all" story.  You had provided an e-mail address in your profile which referenced a company name.  That company turned out to be located at your home address.  You had, in effect, provided a two step route map to your own address.  Your mistake.

Your anxiety at the time had originally been provoked by another FM who had convinced you he had your home address, which you thought threatened your safety.  It seemed a bit improbable to me, but I was intrigued, so I experimented.  That surely is clear from my PM above, in which I explained to you how easy it had been to do.  I also expressed my regret that I had put my reply on the forum rather then sending a PM.  My mistake.

Your PM above expressed your gratitude.  Thanking me would have been a strange thing to do if I had put up actual pictures of your home, wouldn't it?  You came up with that allegation much later.  It was, and remains, completely false.  It's no good trying to distance yourself from the event by referring to yourself in the third person.  You know as well as I do that it was you.

As to whether you paid for the Yell entry, what relevance is that?  Are you seriously trying to claim that I made that up back in 2017, when I gave you what you later acknowledged as "the nod" about your error?  When in a hole??

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