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Lithium battery


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We are seeing some horrendous and even fatal fires started by charging lithium batteries on e-bikes and scooters etc.  Apparently the contents of a lithium battery are highly flammable, so water won't put the fire out - it makes it worse since the flammable liquid floats on the water and spreads out.  Apparently started by incorrect charging of the lithium battery.

Which makes me wonder how safe some of these charging set ups with lithium batteries in motorhomes?

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The problems with charging, and discharging, lithium-ion batteries have been known about for years, a friend nearly lost an eye when a small battery exploded when in use. I would never buy a 'cheap' lithium set up from a unknown supplier. The different types of 'lithium batteries' are more, or less, likely to cause problems.

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Given that since 2008 I have also been riding in winter and in the cold.

It's true that I move often, on average at least 100km a day but with diesel heating and two 100Ah gel batteries I've never had autonomy problems and I don't even have a photovoltaic panel.

But let's not confuse cell phone batteries with LiFePO4 which are commonly installed on campers.

I share the idea that it is better to choose well-known brands and not chinoiserie of unknown quality, perhaps passed off as plug&play.

If possible, lithium batteries should be combined with management electronics of the same brand. For example, I've always heard good things about Victron.


p.s. However I would never put a delicate (and expensive) lithium battery in the engine hood.

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On 5/5/2023 at 10:53 AM, Hans said:

This is my third one in the engine bay. and two  under the front seats. full lithium power plant.


Are you sure this Lithium battery is suitable for use where you have it in your engine bay?

From the Super B website the maximum allowable temperatures are


and my experience of vehicle engine bay temperatures is that they can easily exceed 100 degrees C.


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2 hours ago, John52 said:

We are seeing some horrendous and even fatal fires started by charging lithium batteries on e-bikes and scooters etc.  Apparently the contents of a lithium battery are highly flammable, so water won't put the fire out - it makes it worse since the flammable liquid floats on the water and spreads out.  Apparently started by incorrect charging of the lithium battery.

Which makes me wonder how safe some of these charging set ups with lithium batteries in motorhomes?


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This late-2019 forum discussion (with a 2022 follow-up) may be of interest.


A GOOGLE-search using recreational vehicle lithium battery dangers as the search-term should also be informative/educational.

And there's this 2019 O&AL article (by Clive Mott-Gotobed) about leisure-battery choice and the lithium battery option.


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They have A  Bms. battery management system.  to protect the system short use at high and low temp. but they should be whit in the recommend temps. And therefore i did not put them yet in the engine bay. It was too evoke reactions and it did. Will be continued later what super b  said to me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not sure where you are going with this...

Not all lithium batteries are the same, and batteries primarily intended for 'deep discharge' may well be unsuitable for starting large motors or for installation in a vehicle's engine compartment.

However, there are lithium batteries marketed for large-engine starting (example here)


and, as these are said to be a "direct drop-in replacement" for conventional lead-acid batteries (of all types), presumably they could be fitted in a road-vehicle's engine compartment if that was where the original lead-acid battery was housed.

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