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Solar Panel Bonding


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Hi I have just received a recall notice regarding the solar panel bonding on my Autotrail F68. Has anyone had a problem with this. We are off to Scotland  for three weeks next weekend so can't be looked at until mid June.


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I'd be inclined to get up and have a look - and give it a good wiggle.

Without knowing if this is a flexi or framed panel it will be difficult to advise the next course of action.

Perhaps you should contact Autotrail for more specific info on the problem?

I would only ever use aluminium brackets when installing a panel, the plastic ones are prone to degrade, and can be weak at the point of bonding too.

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On our way from Arnside to Keswick along the M6 last week we saw two solar panels lodged in the hedging along the hard shoulder. Judging by the jaunty angle they were laid at I would guess they had ‘flown’ there rather than been placed.

Have absolutely no idea if they were from an Autotrail but it does prove the point that these can become detached so certainly take every opportunity to have them checked.


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Pointing with sealant around a possibly secure panel seems a useless exercise.

The use of sealant adhesives alone to fix a solar panel, either rigid framed or flexible, may not be a long term solution. People have died as a result of solar panels becoming detached from a RV.  In my view only mechanical fixing will provide security.


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Yes I agree , bonding alone is a bit of a risk. If it is a painted aluminium roof you are only gluing to a layer of paint, if GRP it is probably a polished surface. You should at least remove the paint, then  in both cases  degrease and  roughen up the surface to form a key. Then add a wind deflector in front of the panel to prevent wind getting underneath.

                                      Brian B.

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It's interesting (to me) that there hasn't been previous on-line discussion about this recall.

Apparently 609 Auto-Trail motorhomes should be checked (and 20 that were exported to Australia), but I can't find any on-line complaints about solar panels  taking wing from Auto-Trail models, not even on the Facebook "Autotrail Unhappy Owners Group".


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Enjoy your three week break ,take your time on the road now that you know there may be an issue with bonding of same. Hopefully the recall on your return will sort all out for you , No stress, no pressure, that's what it should all be about


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