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In the old days this forum was simple enough for even anti progress ludites like what I am to use.

These days it has meaningless phrases like 'recent visitors block', the location and van type of old, so helpful when  discussing problems, has gone from profiles and worst of all bl#### pop ups haunt the for sale pages - so I won't visit those pages again in my quest for a van - simples!

Progress eh - doncha just luvit?

On the plus side most of the morons have left Chatterbox - did they fall or were they pushed I wonder?

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The current forum's software approach was criticised here a year ago.

The fact is that the previous forum did some things well and a lot of things badly. The software was 2005-vintage and 'bespoke' and increasingly difficult (and costly) to support. The current forum uses the commercially-available "Invision Community" platform and, although the omission of a dedicated 'provide your motorhome details' capability is irritating (use the Signature option to do this) this is far outweighed by the software's other capabilities.

The original Out&AboutLive could be considered a 'dumb' mobile phone, whereas the current Invision Community-driven version could be considered a smartphone. Smartphones have extensive capabilities (eg. taking photos and accessing the internet) and are much more complex as a result. That's the price of progress and although a smartphone's full scope will be 'overkill' for many (most?) users, few would choose to return to a dumb phone.

Regarding the Chatterbox forum, the forum Administer's executive decision to revise that forum's stated purpose (plus ongoing strict moderation) has essentially made Chatterbox redundant. Whether any of the Chatterbox protagonists continue to participate on O&AL under other guises is anybody's guess.


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I'm not sure that I agree that our perceived future of total reliance on a reliable power supply, and batteries,

can be decribed as " progress ".

It's been reported that some councils now require motorists to own a smartphone if they want to use their car parks. That could make parking too expensive for many people - or just too complicated.

At the same time we are urged to embrace all this reliance on a power supply, we are also being warned of the impending disasters from climate change.

More floods, more power cuts ( and, politically it seems - more international disputes ? ).

What could possibly go wrong ?


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Is there any way to link from the forum to the Warners Shows. The old website had the Shows as a sub heading along with Park Home sites etc. Now the only way I get to the Shows website is by googling Warners Shows and bookmarking it, yet this new layout has Show News as a sub heading but no posts since August. Next year's bookings open next week but how many won't know how to access the information. 

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The following link is to an October 2022 'press release' about the transfer of the elderly 2006-vintage version of the O&AL forum to the present Invision Community platform. 


Besides being slow, the old forum was particularly challenging where posting photos was  concerned and, although I found using a tablet to access the forum was reasonably straightforward, using a phone was much more difficult. As this extract from the 2022 article highlighted, access via mobile devices is now (or should be!) much easier.

This new platform is also now mobile-friendly so, no matter what device you access the forums on, the content will be scaled to match the device. In addition, the layout, access to threads, search facility and options such as to upload images and follow certain threads have all been simplified.

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