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In 2022 it was finally agreed by Warners that the Out&AboutLive forums' original 2006-vintage software should be ditched and the forums and all their data should be moved on to a new modern platform (Invision Community). This exercise would not be financially cheap and, as the O&AL forums were (and continue to be) free to join and use, it was understood that the 'new' forums would carry advertising to defray the costs of the move and ongoing professional support. (I don't know how many people were aware of this policy in advance of the move, though I certainly was.)

There are two discussions about advertising in the Forum Support sub-forum



but these relate specifically to intrusive and irrelevant 'pop up' video advertising that was appearing in the middle of threads.

I assume the pop-up video-junk issue has been resolved (as people are no longer complaining about it!) but the only way to prevent the rest of the advertising (that SHOULD relate generally to the O&AL forums' purpose) is to use an ad-blocker.

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I run an ad-blocker and had not been seeing any adverts when participating on the O&AL forums. However, having turned off the ad-blocker, sure enough, loads of irritating crap appears.

I'll draw the attention of the forum Administrator to it when I have a minute.

(Thanks for highlighting the issue - I think most regular forum participants run ad-blockers, so I was unaware how bad things were.)

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A follow-up...

Although - when accessing the O&AL forums - I get irritating/irrelevant adverts when doing this on an Apple iMac desktop computer (using the Safari or Chrome browser) or on an Apple iPad tablet (using the Safari browser) and need to use an ad-blocker to suppress those adverts, if I access the forums on my Apple iPhone (using Safari but with no ad-blocker running) I get no adverts.

I assume this is deliberate, as the O&AL display-layout for phones differs to that used for 'computers' and tablets that (generally) have significantly larger screens, and cluttering up a phone's display-layout by cramming in adverts would essentially make the forums unusable.

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On 13/11/2023 at 16:58, colin said:

I've been running an ad blocker for a long while, don't get any pop-up's on here. There are some news site which detect the ad blocker and request you switch it off, other's block content unless you switch it off.

Entering the sections on the Out&AboutLive homepage (eg. the MOTORHOMES section)


will produce (in my case) a message indicating that ad-blocking software has been detected and politely asking that displaying the adverts be allowed. Accepting the adverts is not really a problem, as - unlike the forums' adverts - they are 'focused' and static.

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3 hours ago, Derek Uzzell said:

Entering the sections on the Out&AboutLive homepage (eg. the MOTORHOMES section)


will produce (in my case) a message indicating that ad-blocking software has been detected and politely asking that displaying the adverts be allowed. Accepting the adverts is not really a problem, as - unlike the forums' adverts - they are 'focused' and static.

Clicked on the link and got no message about ad-blocker, might have been that sometime in past I had dismissed this and preference was shown on cookie? I did scroll down and then back up page and eventually a pop-up advert for MMM came up which I dismissed, this is the only time I've had a pop-up with this set-up, and when revisiting that page the pop-up no longer appears. 

p.s. I've just visited the main forum page, then the 'motorhome maters', then this thread, and no adverts of any kind appear.

Edited by colin
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As you've guessed, when the 'ad-blocker has been detected' message appears, if the user then chooses to allow adverts, from then on there will be no message and adverts will appear automatically. 

Those adverts are harmless enough - it's the ones on the forums that are a nuisance when using a 'computer' or tablet and can only be suppressed via an ad-blocker.

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