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Portugal road toll fines


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Hello fellow Tromers, after a summer in Portugal, I received a fine from EPCPLC  for being on a toll road , the photo of my vehicle looks to be in a parking place , I spoke to people then made an appeal but they insisted on paying, i  eventually paid, within 4 days of paying i received another different charge , left a while, paid ,then same thing happened , im now on my third demand , two paid, , my question is, has anyone out there had the same thing happened,  each picture they've sent looks the same but locations address are different,  Any advice help much appreciated , Steve 

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6 hours ago, rawhide said:

Any advice help much appreciated

I accidently entered a section of electronic toll motorway in Portugal , left at the next exit but had passed  a camera gantry. My UK car was not registered for the system. Several months later received a demand from EPC, with the basic toll cost of a few euros inflated to many tens of pounds. Accepted that I had made an error and payed the penalty.  Nothing since.

It could be that Steve is being charged for for each section of the toll route or several trips along toll sections. If you ignore the demand from EPC, the penalty could stay on record in Portugal, this may cause issues if you revisit Portugal.

It's annoying, firstly that DVLA sell data to EPC and secondly,  that the SCUT motorways built with EU money were intended to be toll free. 


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The EPC plc website's homepage describes the company's  operations


and it's link to Portuguese road tolls is shown here


The UK Trustpilot's entry for EPCplc makes interesting reading


Regarding MikeF's comment "It's annoying, firstly that DVLA sell data to EPC" I'm not sure if that's what is happening.

The Portugal-related Trustpilot entries mainly seem to involve cars hired in that country and, although it's tempting to assume that rawhide's vehicle was a UK-registered motorhome, he has not said that.

It's well known that UK motorists committing 'parking' offences with a hired car in a foreign country may subsequently be pursued when back in the UK by a debt-collection company that obtains the motorist's name and address details from the hire company (and, hence, no need to contact the UK's DVLA).

Pre-Brexit, there was a reciprocal arrangement between the UK and EU countries, so that, if a UK-registered vehicle was involved in a 'motoring' offence (eg. caught speeding by an automated camera system) in a EU country, that EU country was empowered to demand from the DVLA details of the UK-registered vehicle's owner. (France exploited this agreement a lot at one stage, though I'm not sure if UK authorities bothered with speeding offences on a vice versa basis.) However, the reciprocal arrangement ceased post-Brexit and - as far as I'm aware - has not been re-implemented.

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