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Knaus Weinsberg waste valve problem

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We have just bought a 2024 Weinsberg cara compact, the waste dump valve seems to be stuck solid, the fresh water valve works fine, am I missing something ie another release catch somewhere, it will be going back to the dealers at some point but we would like to use it in the meantime, many thanks Mike

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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums, Mike.

It might be useful to know which "CaraCompact" model you've bought, but I think they all have the Easy-Travel-Box that groups many of the 'service' elements inside a single externally-accessed  locker.

I've attached below an example of the Easy-Travel-Box and I believe the fresh-water and grey-water drain valves are where I've arrowed in green.


Visually (in photos) the two valves look the same 'twist-to-open/close' type, so there's no real reason to think they should operate differently, nor that there should be a secondary method of opening/closing the grey-water valve. (Presumably the Weinberg handbook includes some information on operating the valves?)

I can understand you being reluctant to use significant brute force to move the stuck valve, but that may be the only DIY option. You might try warming up the stuck valve with a hair-dryer to see if that helps, but otherwise you'll need to contact your dealer for advice.

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Thanks for the reply Derek, yes that is the same arrangement, I have tried brute force with water pump pliers with no success, will try a hairdryer.  I will be going back to the dealer but there are some more glitches to check so will need to get a full snag list.

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Assuming that your CaraCompact has the usual arrangement comprising an inboard fresh-water tank above the floor (and clearly visible in my photo above) and the grey-water tank is under the floor, this would mean that the fresh-water tank's drain outlet/valve should be not far away from its drain-lever in the Easy-Travel-Box. Conversely, with the drain outlet of the grey-water tank necessarily being near that tank's base, a more complex, longer, mechanism might be expected to be required  to open/close that tank's drain-valve using its drain-lever. Basically, if a drain-valve is going to stick, it's going to be the grey-water one.

This Spanish-language video 

relates to the Knaus "Service Box" (aka the Weinsberg "Easy-Travel-Box") and the labels next to the two drain-valve levers make it plain how the levers should be moved.


Have you been able to look underneath your motorhome to see if you can identify how the grey-water drain-valve lever connects to the pipework that exits from the grey-water tank?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there, sorry to randomly jump in on your thread, but I am having a similar issue with my 2022 Knaus, but with the fresh water drain tap. Can I ask what you did to free it off please ? Dave

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Mike's last visit to the forum was on March 31.

He planned to visit the dealership that sold him the motorhome to deal with some other snags with the vehicle, so there may not have been any progress in unsticking the drain-valve.

This 2021 German-language/English-subtitles video relates to the water system of Weinsberg motorhomes. Operating the drain-valve levers in the Easy Travel Box is demonstrated and it's plain that the levers SHOULD move easily.


You haven't said which Knaus model you own, but presumably it has the Knaus "Service Box" with the same lever-type drain-valves as on Mike's Weinsberg and a similar closed 'box' beneath the motorhome that inhibits access to the valves and to their opening/closing mechanism. It may be that, to address any problems with the valves, the 'box' will need to be disassembled or removed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi,  I have the same issue on a Weinsberg CaraCompact both outlet valves were jammed in the shut position. The waste has freed up but fresh water valve is still jammed. From the outlet it looks like a ball and socket like closure. Will be grateful to know if you get this resolved how this can be done.

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Given how the drain-valve levers operate, the valves themselves are (as you've suggested) probably quarter-turn 'ball' type.

The "Ultradrain" valve shown in the following images has been used on some motorhomes (Hymer, Burstner, Rapido etc.) and is operated by a remote lever.



It has been known for the valve to be mounted inside the water-tank, but hopefully that's not the case with the Weinsberg and Knaus motorhomes mentioned above.

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Hi Derek, you are right the valve is external to the water tank. I can see how the closure opens and shuts from the waste outlet which is now OK but the fresh water is stuck in the closed. Fired some WD40 round it but don’t think that’s going to have any effect. Any thoughts about how to unstick? From previous photo posts, levers have 2 screws holding them in place. But they are screwed in to a drain tray which also has the water heater safety drain attached.

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As mentioned in this thread's original posting, ebikemike's Weinsberg CaraCompact is a 2024 model and, later on, he said "Had a look the other day, nothing to see, looks like a well lagged sealed unit", which suggested to me that he could not see the drain-valves themselves. 

You haven't said how old your CaraCompact is, so your motorhome's tanks/drain-valves may differ from Mike's.

The following link is to a German forum for Weinsberg CaraCompact (Pepper) models and the discussion is headed Fresh water tank drain valve cannot be opened.


The discussion is 9 pages long and it's necessary to register/login to see photos, so I've only taken a cursory look at it (using GOOGLE Translate). When the motorhome is to stand idle for an extended period, it's suggested that best practice is too leave the drain-valve levers in their half-open position and to regularly move them to-and-fro to keep the valves freed up. But , if either of the drain-valves really sticks closed or open and judicious brute force fails, remedying this can be a major task.

The problem is clearly well-known in Germany - this is a (GOOGLE translated) quote from the 'Pepper' discussion

It's still not clear to me why so many Knaus/Weinsberg have this problem. This type of ball valve is installed on almost all mobile homes and in many of them they are basically exposed on the underbody and completely dirty. Nevertheless, there are hardly any problems mentioned. Either Weinsberg uses inferior valves or it is due to this wobbly aluminum/plastic extension with which you can hardly apply any force. My Pepper is only 1 year old and I had to make the valves workable after just 6 months. Now the gray water valve is starting to work suspiciously hard again. I think I'll convert to electric Lille valves in the fall because I don't feel like constantly dismantling the Styrofoam box, at some point the screws will no longer grip the wooden floor. This whole Knaus service box is pretty to look at but that's about it. Questionable valve linkage, tanks that can hardly be cleaned without modifications, a drip tray that doesn't deserve the name...

The engineers at Knaus/Weinsberg should go further and spend a few euros more on materials when purchasing.

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Hi Derek, I’ll have a look at this site, our Pepper is still under warranty so back to the dealer? Problem is we’re in Scotland and dealer is Weston super Mare. So if I could sort it here. From what you’ve said it suggests taking off the external box to access the valves. Leaving them open at half makes sense. Though all said for a key component this really should be addressed by Weinsberg. 

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Your postings' IP address suggests you are based near Glasgow.

Calder Campers (at Kirk Newton to the west of Edinburgh) is a Weinsberg/Knaus dealership and MIGHT be prepared to carry out an under-warranty repair, or (at least) to assess what could be done to best address the problem.

This is their website.


Although Knaus/Weinsberg stuck drain-valves seem to be far from rare, I can't find any photos on-line showing exactly where the valves are and how difficult it might be to free them up or replace them. As I understand the German forum discussion, if the pipework leading from the valve to the drain outlet under the motorhome's side is removed, it should be possible to spray a lubricant (eg. WD-40) on to the valve's internal sealing  'ball' (though this ploy doesn't actually seem to work!!) but replacing the valves themselves is a much bigger task.

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Please don't use WD40 it will just add to the problem - these valves are usually made from GR plastic, PVC or occasionally Delrin.

WD40 will actually swell these plastics to the point where nothing will shift them!

If you are going to try and lube them, use something like ACF50 - that's your best chance to free them up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I read the above with some surprise.  Surely, in the case of new/nearly new motorhomes (especially where still under warranty) that have developed problems the first thing to do is notify the supplying dealer of the defect as soon as it becomes apparent?

I strongly suspect this initial notification is a fundamental requirement of the manufacturer's warranty, but it is also a basic requirement of consumer legislation that the supplier be advised of any apparent defects the buyer may eventually hold them liable to remedy.

It doesn't need to be anything more elaborate than an initial 'phone call to the dealer explaining the problem, and seeking their advice/guidance, immediately followed up by a letter or e-mail confirming the date, time and content of the 'phone call, including any advice on remedy that dealer may have provided.  Then, the dealer can't subsequently claim they had no knowledge of the problem.

I think it would also be worthwhile, during the conversation and the subsequent correspondence, to cite the evidence of the German website Derek helpfully referenced above to establish that this is a well-known problem with these vans that must also by now be recognised by Knaus, meaning a "ready made" solution should by now be to hand.

Where the supplying dealer is distant it would also be worthwhile checking the warranty terms to see to what extent Knaus claim or imply that warranty issues may be remedied by any member of their franchised dealer network.  (Can't quote precedents, but I vaguely remember odd cases where arrangements were reached between supplying and nearest dealers to remedy defects at no cost to the buyer - possibly with support from the manufacturer.)

It is also possible to contact Knaus direct by e-mail over warranty related issues.  I have previously found them both constructive and helpful.

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On 10/05/2024 at 11:18, Brian Kirby said:

I read the above with some surprise.  Surely, in the case of new/nearly new motorhomes (especially where still under warranty) that have developed problems the first thing to do is notify the supplying dealer of the defect as soon as it becomes apparent?

I strongly suspect this initial notification is a fundamental requirement of the manufacturer's warranty, but it is also a basic requirement of consumer legislation that the supplier be advised of any apparent defects the buyer may eventually hold them liable to remedy.

It doesn't need to be anything more elaborate than an initial 'phone call to the dealer explaining the problem, and seeking their advice/guidance, immediately followed up by a letter or e-mail confirming the date, time and content of the 'phone call, including any advice on remedy that dealer may have provided.  Then, the dealer can't subsequently claim they had no knowledge of the problem.

I think it would also be worthwhile, during the conversation and the subsequent correspondence, to cite the evidence of the German website Derek helpfully referenced above to establish that this is a well-known problem with these vans that must also by now be recognised by Knaus, meaning a "ready made" solution should by now be to hand.

Where the supplying dealer is distant it would also be worthwhile checking the warranty terms to see to what extent Knaus claim or imply that warranty issues may be remedied by any member of their franchised dealer network.  (Can't quote precedents, but I vaguely remember odd cases where arrangements were reached between supplying and nearest dealers to remedy defects at no cost to the buyer - possibly with support from the manufacturer.)

It is also possible to contact Knaus direct by e-mail over warranty related issues.  I have previously found them both constructive and helpful.

All carried out to my timescale

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