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New bedroom tax


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Guest 1footinthegrave
Mel B - 2013-01-31 8:14 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-01-31 10:57 AM


Our local council tried an initiative to bring private unoccupied houses into use, and asking for members of the public to identify them in their local communities, they would get guaranteed market rent, and full indemnity for damage or loss, I know of one particular house in our village that has stood empty in excess of 15 years, and still is now, the owner of which a local vet lives right next door, the scheme was quietly dropped however as according to the council minutes they had in effect got nowhere with it, makes you wonder.............mind you we're in second home heaven here with approx 55% of second homes that stand empty 9 months of the year,, that has added yet more pressure to local people as well, oh well............................


I've never understood the stance on mobile homes, that can only be occupied for the most part 8/9 months of the year, but can be bought for around 18 /22 k, even less for second hand ones, but the moment they are on a 12 month occupancy site those same vans are 75k,


Ah, so now we're getting to the 'real' bottom of all of this, the problem isn't simply the lack of council housing and what you see as the 'greedy' people who buy them, it's the lack of affordable housing in general available to buy due to the influx of second home owners ... oh, and your council not having enough conviction to sort out the empty homes problem.


So, if there weren't so many second homes and the properties were instead back in the owner occupier market, the prices wouldn't then be so inflated and out of reach of the low paid workers and therefore there wouldn't be a NEED for so much council housing. But then if the second home owners didn't come to stay there they wouldn't bring income into the area which then provides a need for some of the work which the low paid workers carry out ... hmmmmmmmm ... decisions, decisions ... certainly not as clear cut as you like to make it out to be. Go on, give your crystal ball another rub and tell us how to sort this out then! :-S


Boy you've got it in for me, and I have never said right to buy people were greedy per se ,just that it was a catastrophe as far as social housing stock was concerned. as for the second home issue, it is a massive problem in many area's, Lake District, Snowdonia ( where we live ) Cornwall, in fact loads of "desirable" places, I wouldn't imagine much of a problem in Hull though.


There have been many attempts to address the issue by local councils, because they all acknowledge the damage created, get it, that's not ME, it's a well recognised problem, and a growing one.


Take our village, because these houses are only occupied for a few weeks of the year, the local school is the first to go, ( ours is sheduled to close this September, as are 6 other village schools, then the local shop, then the local pub, and so on and so on. Winter here you would think everyone had been abducted.


So the knock on effect happens again, because it's so "pretty" here an elderly resident dies, and because demand is so high for second homes prices have rocketed, then the problem is what young people do try to make a life here are simply priced out of the market. What few jobs were here are disappearing at an alarming rate, the only ones that remain are service sector jobs, and notoriously low paid.


A tiny ex fishermans 1 up 1 down can easily be £200,000. The new buyers of which arrive on a Saturday morning loaded up with their Sainsbury's food shopping from home, so do nothing for the local economy, this is an ongoing topic by our local community council. For donkeys years second home owners have had a 50% discount off their council tax, so yet another loss to the local economy.


But here's the thing, you all expect to come down here, on a nice day, and find a pub open, or a village shop, but the very people you all rely on to service them are piss poor, and NEED social housing, oh bloody hell, why am I wasting my breath....................................you'll never get it in a million years.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I'm curious to know how many on here will be having their meagre benefits cut as a result of this policy ?


Mind you I guess a lot on here can pay for it with their Winter Fuel payments >:-)


No carry on giving those at the bottom of the pecking order a bloody good kicking, and I thought I was the bad guy according to some on here ! !


Let's just ignore Britain's biggest accounting firms yesterday saying they were ‘proud’ of making billions helping companies avoid UK tax.

In ‘shocking’ evidence to MPs, bosses told how they regularly advised wealthy corporate clients to use offshore havens and legal loopholes to minimise UK tax payments.

They admitted to having more than 200 offices in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands or Switzerland.


Oh I forgot, they made their own luck, silly me.


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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 7:52 AM


I'm curious to know how many on here will be having their meagre benefits cut as a result of this policy ?


Mind you I guess a lot on here can pay for it with their Winter Fuel payments >:-)


No carry on giving those at the bottom of the pecking order a bloody good kicking, and I thought I was the bad guy according to some on here ! !


Oh I forgot, they made their own luck, silly me.


(lol) ..I can get where you're coming from 1foot'..

On a forum that in the main seems populated by "retirees" who have been fortunate enough to live through a period/and benefit from full(ish) employmnet and cheap(ish) house prices(..and who are now in a position to trundle around europe,spending their "Winter Fuel Payments" on diesel and cheap plonk etc)....if those members had then turned around and applauded the cutting of benefits to those that need them,then that would be terrible...but in the main,I don't really think that is what anyone on here has been saying... :-S


I think people have just been saying that if someone is in a council house or have rent that is subsidised(housing benefit?) and that house is bigger than their actual requirements,then as a basic priciple it should be up to them to fund the "difference"..(ie the "surplus bedroom".. )


On the other hand,I don't fully agree with all this "you make your own luck" malarky..as true as that may be to a certain degree,as we all know,life has a tendancy of kicking you in guts every now and then.


Like many on here,I bought my home when I was in my twenties(..early '80s)

..Sorry,by "bought", I of cause mean "Committed to a scary mortgage and lived in fear of short time,redundancy,repossesion etc", :-S ...and that would have all been paid for by now.

Unfortunately my now ex-wife,had other "plans".....and sooo,years later I find myself in private rental "properties",paying a montly rents that is over 3-4x more than my mortgage ever was...


(Well done the "Buy to Let" brigade eh!)


Anyway,back to this "benefit reduction"...I would've thought that as with most things "the devil is in the detail" and it has already been mentioned that it may not apply to "pensioners" anyway(otherwise known as the Tories core voters!).

So that just leaves the low paid and single parents in the firing line..and as they wouldn't have voted Tory anyway,there's no lost votes there then. *-)



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Guest 1footinthegrave
pepe63 - 2013-02-01 9:41 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 7:52 AM


I'm curious to know how many on here will be having their meagre benefits cut as a result of this policy ?


Mind you I guess a lot on here can pay for it with their Winter Fuel payments >:-)


No carry on giving those at the bottom of the pecking order a bloody good kicking, and I thought I was the bad guy according to some on here ! !


Oh I forgot, they made their own luck, silly me.


(lol) ..I can get where you're coming from 1foot'..

On a forum that in the main seems populated by "retirees" who have been fortunate enough to live through a period/and benefit from full(ish) employmnet and cheap(ish) house prices(..and who are now in a position to trundle around europe,spending their "Winter Fuel Payments" on diesel and cheap plonk etc)....if those members had then turned around and applauded the cutting of benefits to those that need them,then that would be terrible...but in the main,I don't really think that is what anyone on here has been saying... :-S


I think people have just been saying that if someone is in a council house or have rent that is subsidised(housing benefit?) and that house is bigger than their actual requirements,then as a basic priciple it should be up to them to fund the "difference"..(ie the "surplus bedroom".. )


On the other hand,I don't fully agree with all this "you make your own luck" malarky..as true as that may be to a certain degree,as we all know,life has a tendancy of kicking you in guts every now and then.


Like many on here,I bought my home when I was in my twenties(..early '80s)

..Sorry,by "bought", I of cause mean "Committed to a scary mortgage and lived in fear of short time,redundancy,repossesion etc", :-S ...and that would have all been paid for by now.

Unfortunately my now ex-wife,had other "plans".....and sooo,years later I find myself in private rental "properties",paying a montly rents that is over 3-4x more than my mortgage ever was...


(Well done the "Buy to Let" brigade eh!)


Anyway,back to this "benefit reduction"...I would've thought that as with most things "the devil is in the detail" and it has already been mentioned that it may not apply to "pensioners" anyway(otherwise known as the Tories core voters!).

So that just leaves the low paid and single parents in the firing line..and as they wouldn't have voted Tory anyway,there's no lost votes there then. *-)



Well a shining light, in a sea of blackness. And your correct it seems to over 65's will not be affected, almost certainly the biggest singe group with spare bedrooms, funny that, no it's because "pensioner bashing" would not look good on a Tory manifesto I guess.

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pepe63 - 2013-02-01 9:41 AM



On the other hand,I don't fully agree with all this "you make your own luck" malarky..as true as that may be to a certain degree,as we all know,life has a tendancy of kicking you in guts every now and then.





The " make your own luck " theory is based on the notion that everyone starts off on a level playing field.



So, I thought I would check that idea out.



I have been comparing my early struggles with seeking work, paying a mortgage etc - and compared it with Prince Harry.


I have concluded that the two of us certainly did not start off on a level playing field.



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Brian Kirby - 2013-02-01 12:17 PM


malc d - 2013-02-01 12:12 PM.............I have concluded that the two of us certainly did not start off on a level playing field.

You do, but he owns the playing field! :-D


Yeah,somehow I have a feeling that the phrase "..playing with the other kids from the estate..", meant something different to Harry... (lol)


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Guest 1footinthegrave
Brian Kirby - 2013-02-01 12:17 PM


malc d - 2013-02-01 12:12 PM.............I have concluded that the two of us certainly did not start off on a level playing field.

You do, but he owns the playing field! :-D


Never a truer word, as for all starting of on a level playing field, I've always though popping out of the right womb helps a lot as well, or not being born with Downs or any other multitude of disabilities. When I see the first Downs prime minister I'll think we've cracked it. ;-)


As my advosary said, some things are not Black and White ;-)


Just kidding Brian ;-)

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If you want to be successful in life just make sure of the following:


You are born in the right country

You are born in the right year

You have ancestors with the right genes

You are fit and healthy

You have a supportive family

You have a good education in a good school

You live in a ' nice ' area



..... once you have organised all that - it's up to you to " make your own luck "




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Guest 1footinthegrave
malc d - 2013-02-01 12:51 PM


If you want to be successful in life just make sure of the following:


You are born in the right country

You are born in the right year

You have ancestors with the right genes

You are fit and healthy

You have a supportive family

You have a good education in a good school

You live in a ' nice ' area



..... once you have organised all that - it's up to you to " make your own luck "





Nice to see some sing from the same Hymn sheet,


as for a Muslim Prime minister that will come soon enough,


I see Baroness Warsi is back in our faces,perhaps she "got off" with her expenses blunder in not declaring rental income from a flat she owned,. and the little matter of her expenses after allegations that she claimed £12,000 for overnight accommodation when she was actually staying at a friend's house rent-free, I'll bet she's in favour of this benefit cut as well >:-(


Perhaps she'll be the one, eventually ;-)

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malc d - 2013-02-01 12:51 PM


If you want to be successful in life just make sure of the following:


You are born in the right country

You are born in the right year

You have ancestors with the right genes

You are fit and healthy

You have a supportive family

You have a good education in a good school

You live in a ' nice ' area



..... once you have organised all that - it's up to you to " make your own luck "





I was and I did!!


I'm not special or unique as many others did the same.


Many others had the same but didn't win


Some others had the same but couldn't win


Some other did not have the same but did win


Some others did not have the same but didn't win


Many others like me, had a large element or two of luck and timing.


Many others had bad starts bad luck and misfortune and still won.


Some others blame everyone else because they didn't win

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-02-01 4:47 PM


malc d - 2013-02-01 12:51 PM


If you want to be successful in life just make sure of the following:


You are born in the right country

You are born in the right year

You have ancestors with the right genes

You are fit and healthy

You have a supportive family

You have a good education in a good school

You live in a ' nice ' area



..... once you have organised all that - it's up to you to " make your own luck "





I was and I did!!


I'm not special or unique as many others did the same.


Many others had the same but didn't win


Some others had the same but couldn't win


Some other did not have the same but did win


Some others did not have the same but didn't win


Many others like me, had a large element or two of luck and timing.


Many others had bad starts bad luck and misfortune and still won.


Some others blame everyone else because they didn't win


Ah luck and timing, look at Clive Sinclair, if he'd had bought that ridiculous three wheel bike to market first instead of the Sinclair computer, he may well have ended up skint and bankrupt. :D


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Tracker - 2013-02-01 4:47 PM


malc d - 2013-02-01 12:51 PM


If you want to be successful in life just make sure of the following:


You are born in the right country

You are born in the right year

You have ancestors with the right genes

You are fit and healthy

You have a supportive family

You have a good education in a good school

You live in a ' nice ' area



..... once you have organised all that - it's up to you to " make your own luck "





I was and I did!!


I'm not special or unique as many others did the same.


Many others had the same but didn't win


Some others had the same but couldn't win


Some other did not have the same but did win


Some others did not have the same but didn't win


Many others like me, had a large element or two of luck and timing.


Many others had bad starts bad luck and misfortune and still won.


Some others blame everyone else because they didn't win

And some didn't have to bother with any of the above because they were born into wealth and priviledge, just like Cameron, Clegg and Osborne, plus many others who feel they know how to run a country. When in fact they are not qualified to run a veg' stall on a market. >:-)
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pepe63 - 2013-02-01 12:28 PM...........Yeah,somehow I have a feeling that the phrase "..playing with the other kids from the estate..", meant something different to Harry... (lol)

Exactly. We sometimes go to a pub on a local estate..........................owned by one of the local Nobs.

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2013-02-01 12:28 PM


Yeah,somehow I have a feeling that the phrase "..playing with the other kids from the estate..", meant something different to Harry... (lol)


Surely not another peado scandal 8-)

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2013-02-01 12:51 PM


If you want to be successful in life just make sure of the following:


You are born in the right country...................I don't consider being born in London a bonus*-)


You are born in the right year.......................1958....just in time for the pension age to go up and annuities and endowments to pay out cr*p money 8-)


You have ancestors with the right genes.....mines morbidly obese with dodgy ticker and diabetes :-(


You are fit and healthy.................................Some bits maybe, but I'm not sure about the bits that dribble :$


You have a supportive family.....................Yes I have supported my family.....never seem to have my hand out of my pocket..............and we've no kids :-S


You have a good education in a good school..................Ha ha ha ha...........I'm officially an idiot an have the school reports to prove it (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


You live in a ' nice ' area...................Grant you we have a nice house in a small village 10 mins from the sea or the wolds...............did I mention its for sale with a garage for a 25' campervan ? :D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
peter - 2013-02-01 6:01 PM


Tracker - 2013-02-01 4:47 PM


malc d - 2013-02-01 12:51 PM


If you want to be successful in life just make sure of the following:


You are born in the right country

You are born in the right year

You have ancestors with the right genes

You are fit and healthy

You have a supportive family

You have a good education in a good school

You live in a ' nice ' area



..... once you have organised all that - it's up to you to " make your own luck "





I was and I did!!


I'm not special or unique as many others did the same.


Many others had the same but didn't win


Some others had the same but couldn't win


Some other did not have the same but did win


Some others did not have the same but didn't win


Many others like me, had a large element or two of luck and timing.


Many others had bad starts bad luck and misfortune and still won.


Some others blame everyone else because they didn't win

And some didn't have to bother with any of the above because they were born into wealth and priviledge, just like Cameron, Clegg and Osborne, plus many others who feel they know how to run a country. When in fact they are not qualified to run a veg' stall on a market. >:-)


Absolutely............................I once read that just expressing the desire to be a politician, should be the very thing to never make it possible. No doubt they would still find a way to get their noses in the trough though

(!) >:-)


Odd they all look like clones of one another, touch of Dolly the sheep, with about as much brains, (lol)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 6:56 PM

Odd they all look like clones of one another, touch of Dolly the sheep, with about as much brains, (lol)


Howcome if as you seem to suggest , you've got the brains they have not, that they got the good jobs and loadsa lolly and you have not when there are plenty of MPs with humble backgrounds behind them?


Sounds a lot like sour grapes to me?

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-02-01 7:10 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 6:56 PM

Odd they all look like clones of one another, touch of Dolly the sheep, with about as much brains, (lol)


Howcome if as you seem to suggest , you've got the brains they have not.



Did I say that at ????? but thanks for the compliment if that's what you think. :D

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 7:17 PM


Tracker - 2013-02-01 7:10 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 6:56 PM

Odd they all look like clones of one another, touch of Dolly the sheep, with about as much brains, (lol)


Howcome if as you seem to suggest , you've got the brains they have not.



Did I say that at ????? but thanks for the compliment if that's what you think. :D



Did I say that ??? - but you are welcome to think whatever makes you happy!!!!!!!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-02-01 7:28 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 7:17 PM


Tracker - 2013-02-01 7:10 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 6:56 PM

Odd they all look like clones of one another, touch of Dolly the sheep, with about as much brains, (lol)


Howcome if as you seem to suggest , you've got the brains they have not.



Did I say that at ????? but thanks for the compliment if that's what you think. :D



Did I say that ??? - but you are welcome to think whatever makes you happy!!!!!!!


VERY HAPPY, are you getting Judgemental withdrawal symtoms :D you seem to be directing your fire at me these days ;-)

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When the government have fine tuned this "spare bedroom tax" and saved themselves millions in the bargain they are going to further "savings/earnings" by hitting the spare bedrooms in the private sector, but in this case they will be raising the community charges in an attempt tp make you sell up and down size, ohhh no they wont I hear you say, ohhh yes they will.

The whole welfare benefits system is undergoing massive changes, for example if you own a house that you rent out if that tenant is on welfare the rent is at the moment paid directly to the landlord, future rents will be paid directly into the tenants bank account, will all those tenants who see a monthly payment of say £600 in their bank account pay that money direct to the landlord? dont think so. Salix Homes which is a housing association nearby me have made it known that they have had 100,000 notices to quit printed because they know that notices to quit are going to be scattered like confetti in the near future, so those of you who worked hard and paid a mortgage for years and who are at the moment sitting pretty are in for a rude shock, I have been following this situation for at least 3 years.

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