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New bedroom tax


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I have a different conspiracy theory!


Whenever a house goes on the market an EPC is prepared - at the owners cost naturally!


These EPC's have a 'life' of 10 years and unless you carry out significant 'improvements' and pay for an update they will remain on record.


Once the database is big enough it will be easy enough to have much of the rest rated either in bulk by computer or individually by hopefully, but don't bet on it, trained people.


Then it's goodbye council tax and hello environment tax - or more likely not goodbye council tax but still hello environment tax.


I wouldn't bet against it - especially if the loony left ever get back in power!!

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pelmetman - 2013-02-01 6:55 PM


malc d - 2013-02-01 12:51 PM


If you want to be successful in life just make sure of the following:


You are born in the right country...................I don't consider being born in London a bonus*-)


You are born in the right year.......................1958....just in time for the pension age to go up and annuities and endowments to pay out cr*p money 8-)







You could have been born in Afghanistan - so should consider London a bonus.



Born in 1958 - you lucky man !


That's born after the war was all over.

Didn't get evacuated , or bombed.

That's after rationing had finished.

You missed National Service,



Some of you youngsters just don't realise how easy you've had it !




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Guest 1footinthegrave
malc d - 2013-02-01 8:12 PM


pelmetman - 2013-02-01 6:55 PM


malc d - 2013-02-01 12:51 PM


If you want to be successful in life just make sure of the following:


You are born in the right country...................I don't consider being born in London a bonus*-)


You are born in the right year.......................1958....just in time for the pension age to go up and annuities and endowments to pay out cr*p money 8-)







You could have been born in Afghanistan - so should consider London a bonus.



Born in 1958 - you lucky man !


That's born after the war was all over.

Didn't get evacuated , or bombed.

That's after rationing had finished.

You missed National Service,



Some of you youngsters just don't realise how easy you've had it !






Yes I remember Cod liver oil being forced down my neck, orange juice from the state, and little bottles of milk at school. Oh and the not so good, Rheumatic fever that nearly killed me at 4 years of age ( pity it didn't I hear some say on here ) and chicken that was then a luxury :D

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I have just put myself forward as a councillor, my first action is to put through a motion that couples who have a 4 or 5 berth motorhome when they clearly only need 2 beds, will be obliged to allow the spare berths to be utilised by immigrant families.

Do you all agree that this is fair?

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 8:17 PM

Yes I remember Cod liver oil being forced down my neck, orange juice from the state, and little bottles of milk at school. Oh and the not so good, Rheumatic fever that nearly killed me at 4 years of age ( pity it didn't I hear some say on here ) and chicken that was then a luxury :D


And look at how you and the country turned out and how fortunate you were that you were not born in Africa!


What a wonderful place to live is our fabulous England with no repercussions for complaining about the state!!


Think long and hard before you knock it too much as with all it's imperfections it's still a darned good place to live regardless of your perceptions about how well off everyone else less deserving than you may be!!

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1footinthegrave - 2013-02-01 6:56 PM


peter - 2013-02-01 6:01 PM


Tracker - 2013-02-01 4:47 PM


malc d - 2013-02-01 12:51 PM


If you want to be successful in life just make sure of the following:


You are born in the right country

You are born in the right year

You have ancestors with the right genes

You are fit and healthy

You have a supportive family

You have a good education in a good school

You live in a ' nice ' area



..... once you have organised all that - it's up to you to " make your own luck "





I was and I did!!


I'm not special or unique as many others did the same.


Many others had the same but didn't win


Some others had the same but couldn't win


Some other did not have the same but did win


Some others did not have the same but didn't win


Many others like me, had a large element or two of luck and timing.


Many others had bad starts bad luck and misfortune and still won.


Some others blame everyone else because they didn't win

And some didn't have to bother with any of the above because they were born into wealth and priviledge, just like Cameron, Clegg and Osborne, plus many others who feel they know how to run a country. When in fact they are not qualified to run a veg' stall on a market. >:-)


Absolutely............................I once read that just expressing the desire to be a politician, should be the very thing to never make it possible. No doubt they would still find a way to get their noses in the trough though

(!) >:-)


Odd they all look like clones of one another, touch of Dolly the sheep, with about as much brains, (lol)

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to spot ex public school boys?. I have, they have all got ruddy shiny faces. You have a look next time you see the posh talkers on television.
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peter - 2013-02-01 9:22 PM

]Have you ever noticed how easy it is to spot ex public school boys?. I have, they have all got ruddy shiny faces. You have a look next time you see the posh talkers on television.


It's good to know that the enemy of logic, our old mate Para Noia, is alive and well!!

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Well of topic, but this is a perfectly true story, and does in some way show the mindset of some of our betters ( well mine at least )


I was employed for the last 18 years of my life before retirement as a resident caretaker of a large country house with 12 acres of gardens and grounds, occupying a tied cottage to carry out my work. my employers were what I suppose you'd call the public schoolboy type, one of them a circuit judge.


On our first meeting with all the joint owners of the property, the conversation was exactly this, " Sue ( my wife ) would you like a glass of wine" and then the option of red, white, rose, they then turned to me and said Mike, I suppose you'd prefer beer, !!


On another occasion one of our paying guests ( the main house was let out to paying guests ) had written a letter of complaint about a few issues, I was not normally present on these occasions, but I was on this notable occasion. The letter of complaint was read aloud by one of the Trustee's to the others present, at the end one of them remarked as follows, and this is as true as I'm a grumpy old git according to some.


" Well I do not think we need to really concern ourselves with this persons complaint , after all their grammar is appalling" I knew at that point exactly where I was in that hierarchy from that moment on. Not much better I suspect than a trained chimpanzee,



Like the old " I know my place" sketch.


My world was as alien to them, as there's was to mine, and this is true of our legislators of this policy to the impact this policy will have, they haven't got a clue, or simply do not care. >:-(


Oh and I guess my grammar is appalling as well

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2013-02-02 9:55 AM


Does the team think that the welfare budget as a percentage of our national gdp is too high, about right or too low?


I think the same as you, BUT...........when both governments gave up on building council housing and allowing the private sector to fill the void, with landlords quite happy to charge what they liked, knowing the state would pick up the tab the result was inevitable, add in to that the likes of winter fuel payments ( anyone rushing to give theirs back I wonder on here ) and the burgeoning of baby boomers like you and I in many cases needing many kinds of welfare, the disabled and their mobility payments, that have gone up three fold in the last 10 years, and of course immigrants and their needs, well it goes on and on..........................also when the likes of James Dyson dumped his very local UK workforce, and p*ssed off abroad, no doubt leaving many on jobseekers allowance Mmmmmmm

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Do you think that people who speak like that are what divides society, It seem to me that most northerners and perhaps the Scots and Welsh think that everyone south of Watford talk and act like these people do,


Have you ever noticed how easy it is to spot ex public school boys?. I have, they have all got ruddy shiny faces. You have a look next time you see the posh talkers on television.
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