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EHU Tester


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No doubt some of you will have one but for the newcomers to motorhoming I thought these pics may be of help for the people thinking of going abroad and not sure of the output from the EHU available on Aires and Campsites. With what I have made its easy to test the EHU before connection to the Motorhome and the possibility of causing electrical damage.



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Why not just plug the van in to ehu and plug a phase tester in to a socket in the van.

What do you think will hsppen if you plug the van in and the polarity is wrong. Having a cross wired adapter is more important so you can change the polarity if necessary. Also an adapter to cater for the old French ehu is essential if you go to France

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Cliffy - 2013-04-11 8:26 PM


Why not just plug the van in to ehu and plug a phase tester in to a socket in the van.

What do you think will hsppen if you plug the van in and the polarity is wrong. Having a cross wired adapter is more important so you can change the polarity if necessary. Also an adapter to cater for the old French ehu is essential if you go to France


I would agree with the above comment + in some countries you have to live with no earth etc( eg Morroco, Turkey, Greece) otherwise you just don't have electric.



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I have an even better idea, keep the money in the bank and don't waste your money on a reverse polarity tester.


I continue to repeat In a healthy circuit reversed polarity presents no dangers unless you wish to dabble while connected to the hook up.


As Cliffy has suggested the adapter for the old French EHU is worth purchasing



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Im not concerned about Reverse polarity either but this kit is worth having.. Its a dead quick way to test if sockets on Aires, Sostas or Setllplatz are live as they often are not! Saves getting out the hookup cable first.


I think I got mine of Ebay for about £3 and the leads I got for not much more.

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I agree with most of what has been said but I think a thank you to yourself is appropriate. As you say, those new to the craft may not know and what you have shown is sound. Yes, you can test by plugging in after the EHU but these shortcuts come with practice and knowledge. It may be appropriate for you to show a cross over for use in the event of reversed polarity. No doubt it will get negative replies as well.


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Arthur Brown - 2013-04-11 11:29 PM



I agree with most of what has been said but I think a thank you to yourself is appropriate. As you say, those new to the craft may not know and what you have shown is sound. Yes, you can test by plugging in after the EHU but these shortcuts come with practice and knowledge. It may be appropriate for you to show a cross over for use in the event of reversed polarity. No doubt it will get negative replies as well.



Do you not understand that in a healthy electrical circuit reversed polarity presents no danger unless you want to stick your fingers inside electrical appliances when still connected to a hook up. The advice to newcomers is not to waste money on testers and convertors and enjoy your MH.


For those who still think there is this perceived danger I would ask when you last had your vehicle electrically tested by a competent person(normally an electrician)?


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