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Royal Mail Shares?


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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-09-28 9:50 AM


I have looked at it and decided not to bother.


So overal I see it as bit of a Curettes egg - but with more bad than good.



I quote above the two significant sentences from your advice on RM shares. Anyone following your example and taking your advice wouldn't have bought.


RM shares, bought at 330p now selling at 480p showing a quick profit of £300 on an outlay of £750.


More bad than good? ;-)


I'm glad you're not my financial advisor! ;-)

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Had Enough - 2013-10-15 6:46 PM


CliveH - 2013-09-28 9:50 AM


I have looked at it and decided not to bother.


So overal I see it as bit of a Curettes egg - but with more bad than good.



I quote above the two significant sentences from your advice on RM shares. Anyone following your example and taking your advice wouldn't have bought.


RM shares, bought at 330p now selling at 480p showing a quick profit of £300 on an outlay of £750.


More bad than good? ;-)


I'm glad you're not my financial advisor! ;-)


With those words you quote from Clive though Frank he doesn't seem to be offering advice to anyone .

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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2013-10-15 6:51 PM


Had Enough - 2013-10-15 6:46 PM


CliveH - 2013-09-28 9:50 AM


I have looked at it and decided not to bother.


So overal I see it as bit of a Curettes egg - but with more bad than good.



I quote above the two significant sentences from your advice on RM shares. Anyone following your example and taking your advice wouldn't have bought.


RM shares, bought at 330p now selling at 480p showing a quick profit of £300 on an outlay of £750.


More bad than good? ;-)


I'm glad you're not my financial advisor! ;-)


With those words you quote from Clive though Frank he doesn't seem to be offering advice to anyone .


Of course he was. He was replying the the OP, Tracker, who asked:


'Seeing as how we have been paying for Royal Mail's inept management and bolshovic and ludite unions for so long now may be the time to get our revenge?


Worth a dabble maybe?'


Tracker was asking for advice and opinion - 'Worth a dabble' has a question mark at the end of it.


Clive gave him his opinion! I hope Richard didn't take it. If he did he's now £300 worse off! (lol)


Read the thread from the beginning and it will all make sense.

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227 RM shares, bought at 330p now selling at 480p showing a quick profit of over £300, after selling costs, on an outlay of £750.


Would that have been a better representation then?


To criticise Clive's original posting does seem like using pedantry in the extreme at trying to distort the message being posted of a quick and early profit, whilst grasping at straws in the ongoing attempts to discredit Clive and would also seem unlikely to win Frank any new friends! Nothing new there then!


Meanwhile I along with several members of my family are off to bank our collective three hundred plus quids!!


£300 may not be much but several are and as someone once said - every little helps!

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Had Enough - 2013-10-15 7:02 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 6:51 PM


Had Enough - 2013-10-15 6:46 PM


CliveH - 2013-09-28 9:50 AM


I have looked at it and decided not to bother.


So overal I see it as bit of a Curettes egg - but with more bad than good.



I quote above the two significant sentences from your advice on RM shares. Anyone following your example and taking your advice wouldn't have bought.


RM shares, bought at 330p now selling at 480p showing a quick profit of £300 on an outlay of £750.


More bad than good? ;-)


I'm glad you're not my financial advisor! ;-)


With those words you quote from Clive though Frank he doesn't seem to be offering advice to anyone .


Of course he was. He was replying the the OP, Tracker, who asked:


'Seeing as how we have been paying for Royal Mail's inept management and bolshovic and ludite unions for so long now may be the time to get our revenge?


Worth a dabble maybe?'


Tracker was asking for advice and opinion - 'Worth a dabble' has a question mark at the end of it.


Clive gave him his opinion! I hope Richard didn't take it. If he did he's now £300 worse off! (lol)


Read the thread from the beginning and it will all make sense.


Maybe I should read the full thread Frank but I want to stay up to watch the England game .

Clive like most of us can't be right all of the time now can he ? it's impossible for anyone to be right all the time is it not ?

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antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:12 PM


Of course he was. He was replying the the OP, Tracker, who asked:


'Seeing as how we have been paying for Royal Mail's inept management and bolshovic and ludite unions for so long now may be the time to get our revenge?


Worth a dabble maybe?'


Tracker was asking for advice and opinion - 'Worth a dabble' has a question mark at the end of it.



It was a rhetorical question Antony - I had already decided what we were going to do - and I do hope that many others took similar action!

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Tracker - 2013-10-15 7:19 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:12 PM


Of course he was. He was replying the the OP, Tracker, who asked:


'Seeing as how we have been paying for Royal Mail's inept management and bolshovic and ludite unions for so long now may be the time to get our revenge?


Worth a dabble maybe?'


Tracker was asking for advice and opinion - 'Worth a dabble' has a question mark at the end of it.



It was a rhetorical question Antony - I had already decided what we were going to do - and I do hope that many others took similar action!


Anybody would think Frankie don't like young Clive or sumat , not since those Plebgate coppers stitched up Mitchell has somebody had such an obvious grievance with another brother .

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antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:30 PM

Anybody would think Frankie don't like young Clive or sumat , not since those Plebgate coppers stitched up Mitchell has somebody had such an obvious grievance with another brother .


Almost right Antony - Frank hates anyone who disagrees with him but his real bile is reserved especially for Clive and myself.


Nevertheless keep winding him up and you too can become a member of his rather elite most hated squad, and once in the squad there is no way back as he is simply incapable of moving on once stuck in rut of misery!


Now - off for some masochistic self inflicted pain and grief - yes it's football time again - and let's hope that England have lost their amazing ability to grasp defeat from the hands of victory!

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Had Enough - 2013-10-15 6:37 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-15 7:11 AM


Well remembering Swiss Franc as opposed to Frank is a long term memory which usually remains unaffected Frank.


However the short term memory is - as indeed is the obsessive nature of ones personality.


Unhealthy focussing on perceived slights and perceived failings in others (such as spelling I would suggest FG ?) is another strong indicator.


Go figure!


First of all Clive, as I've told you just recently, if I was obsessive about your spelling and grammar I'd be jumping on you every day! Perhaps you have a short-term memory problem and have forgotten what I said? (lol)


I'm not really sure what you're getting at though with the long or short term memory regarding the Swiss Franc. You either know it's the Franc or you don't! Just like I know that Paris is the capital of France I know that the currency of Switzerland is the Franc. It's bugger all to do with long or short term memory! I just found it staggering that you didn't know!


Very odd!


And as for unhealthy and obsessive behaviour in the perceived failing of others, that seems to be your position regarding my mental health! You do seem obsessed with it!


Even odder. ;-)


Not really you buffoon - it is just that the spell checker I use does not recognise Franc - I have to override Frank and did not.


Like i say - you try hard to find fault in others - and embellish faults you find - presumably to bolster you ego or sense of well being - al of which are signs that something is not quite right with you.


You post above is yet another rather sad example.


You need help





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antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:30 PM


Tracker - 2013-10-15 7:19 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:12 PM


Of course he was. He was replying the the OP, Tracker, who asked:


'Seeing as how we have been paying for Royal Mail's inept management and bolshovic and ludite unions for so long now may be the time to get our revenge?


Worth a dabble maybe?'


Tracker was asking for advice and opinion - 'Worth a dabble' has a question mark at the end of it.



It was a rhetorical question Antony - I had already decided what we were going to do - and I do hope that many others took similar action!


Anybody would think Frankie don't like young Clive or sumat , not since those Plebgate coppers stitched up Mitchell has somebody had such an obvious grievance with another brother .


Like the analogy Antony! (lol) (lol) (lol)


Very apt!



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Tracker - 2013-10-15 7:36 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:30 PM

Anybody would think Frankie don't like young Clive or sumat , not since those Plebgate coppers stitched up Mitchell has somebody had such an obvious grievance with another brother .


Almost right Antony - Frank hates anyone who disagrees with him but his real bile is reserved especially for Clive and myself.


Nevertheless keep winding him up and you too can become a member of his rather elite most hated squad, and once in the squad there is no way back as he is simply incapable of moving on once stuck in rut of misery!


Now - off for some masochistic self inflicted pain and grief - yes it's football time again - and let's hope that England have lost their amazing ability to grasp defeat from the hands of victory!


Yes - why do we put ourselves through the anguish?


I obviously want us to win and go through - who doesn't? But past history makes the prospect of poor play makes for poor viewing expectations.


We can but hope tho............. :-|



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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2013-10-15 7:36 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:30 PM

Anybody would think Frankie don't like young Clive or sumat , not since those Plebgate coppers stitched up Mitchell has somebody had such an obvious grievance with another brother .


Almost right Antony - Frank hates anyone who disagrees with him but his real bile is reserved especially for Clive and myself.


Nevertheless keep winding him up and you too can become a member of his rather elite most hated squad, and once in the squad there is no way back as he is simply incapable of moving on once stuck in rut of misery!


Now - off for some masochistic self inflicted pain and grief - yes it's football time again - and let's hope that England have lost their amazing ability to grasp defeat from the hands of victory!


You're wrong Richard and in my book you're not in the same league as Clive. OK, you have your faults and so do I and we point them out to each other with some vigour but you have never used the cheapest debating tactic that he does, and not just with me. He continually questions my mental health and sanity and accuses me of being semi-senile. Funnily enough he only started on this line of attack when he found out that I was older than him. This is a man by the way who can't remember the correct name for one of the world's most famous currencies!


There's nothing wrong with my mind as there's nothing wrong with yours and his tactics are just appalling and cheap.


He accuses me of all sorts of things but let's examine the facts. Here we have a man who sometimes gets up at six in the morning. The first thing he does is go to his PC, log on her and post esoteric financial threads that have one, and only one, intention, which is to say "look at me, I'm CliveH, the great financial advisor. He craves the attention and loves being what he thinks is a huge fish in this tiny pool of roofers from Yorkshire and shopkeepers from Lancashire!


Now if anyone has a problem! ;-)

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Tracker - 2013-10-15 7:36 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:30 PM

Anybody would think Frankie don't like young Clive or sumat , not since those Plebgate coppers stitched up Mitchell has somebody had such an obvious grievance with another brother .


Almost right Antony - Frank hates anyone who disagrees with him but his real bile is reserved especially for Clive and myself.


Nevertheless keep winding him up and you too can become a member of his rather elite most hated squad, and once in the squad there is no way back as he is simply incapable of moving on once stuck in rut of misery!


Now - off for some masochistic self inflicted pain and grief - yes it's football time again - and let's hope that England have lost their amazing ability to grasp defeat from the hands of victory!


I don't feel left out Rich as my mate Frankie has called me almost every name under the sun since we became friends , half of them I don't understand and certainly can't spell , just like when he called me a twit , I think that's how he spelt it .

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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-10-15 7:48 PM



Not really you buffoon - it is just that the spell checker I use does not recognise Franc - I have to override Frank and did not.



Spell checker? Rubbish, you don't use a spell checker and if you do how does it let you get away with 'overal'? And as for Curette - the mind boggles! And a spell checker that doesn't recognise Franc? Whom do you think you're kidding? I've just run it through mine without a problem. Bloody liar!


Have you ever admitted that you're simply wrong or that you don't know something? And as I said in another post if anyone needs help it's a man who wakes up at first light and comes straight on to here to impress us with his latest news from the 'pinks'.


You crave recognition and attention, you need the self-validation that you think your position on here gives you. You constantly exaggerate your importance and that of your little firm.


Now that is very sad. Perhaps you need to see someone? ;-)

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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2013-10-15 8:02 PM


Tracker - 2013-10-15 7:36 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:30 PM

Anybody would think Frankie don't like young Clive or sumat , not since those Plebgate coppers stitched up Mitchell has somebody had such an obvious grievance with another brother .


Almost right Antony - Frank hates anyone who disagrees with him but his real bile is reserved especially for Clive and myself.


Nevertheless keep winding him up and you too can become a member of his rather elite most hated squad, and once in the squad there is no way back as he is simply incapable of moving on once stuck in rut of misery!


Now - off for some masochistic self inflicted pain and grief - yes it's football time again - and let's hope that England have lost their amazing ability to grasp defeat from the hands of victory!


I don't feel left out Rich as my mate Frankie has called me almost every name under the sun since we became friends , half of them I don't understand and certainly can't spell , just like when he called me a twit , I think that's how he spelt it .


To be honest I have two views about you Anthony. I don't like your politics but I genuinely admire your enterprise and hard work. You also have a sense of humour.


You are from Yorkshire, so I could never like you entirely but I have learned to respect you. Well, the hard-working businessman side of you anyway.

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2013-10-15 8:12 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 8:02 PM


Tracker - 2013-10-15 7:36 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:30 PM

Anybody would think Frankie don't like young Clive or sumat , not since those Plebgate coppers stitched up Mitchell has somebody had such an obvious grievance with another brother .


Almost right Antony - Frank hates anyone who disagrees with him but his real bile is reserved especially for Clive and myself.


Nevertheless keep winding him up and you too can become a member of his rather elite most hated squad, and once in the squad there is no way back as he is simply incapable of moving on once stuck in rut of misery!


Now - off for some masochistic self inflicted pain and grief - yes it's football time again - and let's hope that England have lost their amazing ability to grasp defeat from the hands of victory!


I don't feel left out Rich as my mate Frankie has called me almost every name under the sun since we became friends , half of them I don't understand and certainly can't spell , just like when he called me a twit , I think that's how he spelt it .


To be honest I have two views about you Anthony. I don't like your politics but I genuinely admire your enterprise and hard work. You also have a sense of humour.


You are from Yorkshire, so I could never like you entirely but I have learned to respect you. Well, the hard-working businessman side of you anyway.


Get your coat Antony ;-).................you've pulled :D

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Had Enough - 2013-10-15 8:12 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 8:02 PM


Tracker - 2013-10-15 7:36 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:30 PM

Anybody would think Frankie don't like young Clive or sumat , not since those Plebgate coppers stitched up Mitchell has somebody had such an obvious grievance with another brother .


Almost right Antony - Frank hates anyone who disagrees with him but his real bile is reserved especially for Clive and myself.


Nevertheless keep winding him up and you too can become a member of his rather elite most hated squad, and once in the squad there is no way back as he is simply incapable of moving on once stuck in rut of misery!


Now - off for some masochistic self inflicted pain and grief - yes it's football time again - and let's hope that England have lost their amazing ability to grasp defeat from the hands of victory!


I don't feel left out Rich as my mate Frankie has called me almost every name under the sun since we became friends , half of them I don't understand and certainly can't spell , just like when he called me a twit , I think that's how he spelt it .


To be honest I have two views about you Anthony. I don't like your politics but I genuinely admire your enterprise and hard work. You also have a sense of humour.


You are from Yorkshire, so I could never like you entirely but I have learned to respect you. Well, the hard-working businessman side of you anyway.


Not since I read The BNP's manifesto have I cried so much Frank , beautiful words just pure poetry xx

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Had Enough - 2013-10-15 8:08 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-15 7:48 PM



Not really you buffoon - it is just that the spell checker I use does not recognise Franc - I have to override Frank and did not.



Spell checker? Rubbish, you don't use a spell checker and if you do how does it let you get away with 'overal'? And as for Curette - the mind boggles! And a spell checker that doesn't recognise Franc? Whom do you think you're kidding? I've just run it through mine without a problem. Bloody liar!


Have you ever admitted that you're simply wrong or that you don't know something? And as I said in another post if anyone needs help it's a man who wakes up at first light and comes straight on to here to impress us with his latest news from the 'pinks'.


You crave recognition and attention, you need the self-validation that you think your position on here gives you. You constantly exaggerate your importance and that of your little firm.


Now that is very sad. Perhaps you need to see someone? ;-)


And you constantly leave a slime trail of bile whilst adding nothing to a debate.


You constantly find fault in others and accuse them of doing what you do to a far greater extent.


Frank - you are boorish and mentally challenged if you think this is the place to spit you dummy out or perhaps more accurately soil your nappy with your verbal incontinence.


You constantly have a go at me because you do not like it that I feel some may gain a bit by way of my expertise in financial matter.


You seem to loath that i do this


Why I have no idea other than the fact that you are a sad twisted old %art with a brain that is rapidly turning to mush.


You twist what i say - as exemplified in the post above - where it is quite clear to all that my analysis of the RM privatisation was a) not something was going to do, b) it was up to the individuals attitude to risk and c) it was both good and bad but to my mind morebad than good.


Now you have more than once said that I did not recommend them.


Others have now pointed out that I did no such thing.


Which is the absolute Gods honest truth


I said it was an individuals choice based upon their attitude to Risk








You are becoming a tiresome old bore of a liar who makes things up about people so as to bolster you own ego.


Oh and by the way - I am still awaiting a visit from the Fraud Squad after you pathetic senile rant about somehow exposing me as a fraud!


Seriously Frank - you are becoming exceedingly dull.


And I sincerely think you are ill such is you obsession with me.


Please recognise that you need some help - what you are doing is not healthy.



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antony1969 - 2013-10-15 8:30 PM


Had Enough - 2013-10-15 8:12 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 8:02 PM


Tracker - 2013-10-15 7:36 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:30 PM

Anybody would think Frankie don't like young Clive or sumat , not since those Plebgate coppers stitched up Mitchell has somebody had such an obvious grievance with another brother .


Almost right Antony - Frank hates anyone who disagrees with him but his real bile is reserved especially for Clive and myself.


Nevertheless keep winding him up and you too can become a member of his rather elite most hated squad, and once in the squad there is no way back as he is simply incapable of moving on once stuck in rut of misery!


Now - off for some masochistic self inflicted pain and grief - yes it's football time again - and let's hope that England have lost their amazing ability to grasp defeat from the hands of victory!


I don't feel left out Rich as my mate Frankie has called me almost every name under the sun since we became friends , half of them I don't understand and certainly can't spell , just like when he called me a twit , I think that's how he spelt it .


To be honest I have two views about you Anthony. I don't like your politics but I genuinely admire your enterprise and hard work. You also have a sense of humour.


You are from Yorkshire, so I could never like you entirely but I have learned to respect you. Well, the hard-working businessman side of you anyway.


Not since I read The BNP's manifesto have I cried so much Frank , beautiful words just pure poetry xx


(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2013-10-15 8:30 PM


Had Enough - 2013-10-15 8:12 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 8:02 PM


Tracker - 2013-10-15 7:36 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:30 PM

Anybody would think Frankie don't like young Clive or sumat , not since those Plebgate coppers stitched up Mitchell has somebody had such an obvious grievance with another brother .


Almost right Antony - Frank hates anyone who disagrees with him but his real bile is reserved especially for Clive and myself.


Nevertheless keep winding him up and you too can become a member of his rather elite most hated squad, and once in the squad there is no way back as he is simply incapable of moving on once stuck in rut of misery!


Now - off for some masochistic self inflicted pain and grief - yes it's football time again - and let's hope that England have lost their amazing ability to grasp defeat from the hands of victory!


I don't feel left out Rich as my mate Frankie has called me almost every name under the sun since we became friends , half of them I don't understand and certainly can't spell , just like when he called me a twit , I think that's how he spelt it .


To be honest I have two views about you Anthony. I don't like your politics but I genuinely admire your enterprise and hard work. You also have a sense of humour.


You are from Yorkshire, so I could never like you entirely but I have learned to respect you. Well, the hard-working businessman side of you anyway.


Not since I read The BNP's manifesto have I cried so much Frank , beautiful words just pure poetry xx


Like I said, your politics are crap but you do have a sense of humour!

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Had Enough - 2013-10-15 8:46 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 8:30 PM


Had Enough - 2013-10-15 8:12 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 8:02 PM


Tracker - 2013-10-15 7:36 PM


antony1969 - 2013-10-15 7:30 PM

Anybody would think Frankie don't like young Clive or sumat , not since those Plebgate coppers stitched up Mitchell has somebody had such an obvious grievance with another brother .


Almost right Antony - Frank hates anyone who disagrees with him but his real bile is reserved especially for Clive and myself.


Nevertheless keep winding him up and you too can become a member of his rather elite most hated squad, and once in the squad there is no way back as he is simply incapable of moving on once stuck in rut of misery!


Now - off for some masochistic self inflicted pain and grief - yes it's football time again - and let's hope that England have lost their amazing ability to grasp defeat from the hands of victory!


I don't feel left out Rich as my mate Frankie has called me almost every name under the sun since we became friends , half of them I don't understand and certainly can't spell , just like when he called me a twit , I think that's how he spelt it .


To be honest I have two views about you Anthony. I don't like your politics but I genuinely admire your enterprise and hard work. You also have a sense of humour.


You are from Yorkshire, so I could never like you entirely but I have learned to respect you. Well, the hard-working businessman side of you anyway.


Not since I read The BNP's manifesto have I cried so much Frank , beautiful words just pure poetry xx


Like I said, your politics are crap but you do have a sense of humour!


Joking apart Frank about my politics , I have not and I could not see myself in the future ever voting for the BNP .

I am strictly for my sins a blue which to some is worse than voting BNP , forgive the bore but for those who do not have a sense of humour on here I thought I should just point that out .

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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-10-15 8:42 PM


Had Enough - 2013-10-15 8:08 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-15 7:48 PM



Not really you buffoon - it is just that the spell checker I use does not recognise Franc - I have to override Frank and did not.



Spell checker? Rubbish, you don't use a spell checker and if you do how does it let you get away with 'overal'? And as for Curette - the mind boggles! And a spell checker that doesn't recognise Franc? Whom do you think you're kidding? I've just run it through mine without a problem. Bloody liar!


Have you ever admitted that you're simply wrong or that you don't know something? And as I said in another post if anyone needs help it's a man who wakes up at first light and comes straight on to here to impress us with his latest news from the 'pinks'.


You crave recognition and attention, you need the self-validation that you think your position on here gives you. You constantly exaggerate your importance and that of your little firm.


Now that is very sad. Perhaps you need to see someone? ;-)


And you constantly leave a slime trail of bile whilst adding nothing to a debate.


You constantly find fault in others and accuse them of doing what you do to a far greater extent.


Frank - you are boorish and mentally challenged if you think this is the place to spit you dummy out or perhaps more accurately soil your nappy with your verbal incontinence.


You constantly have a go at me because you do not like it that I feel some may gain a bit by way of my expertise in financial matter.


You seem to loath that i do this


Why I have no idea other than the fact that you are a sad twisted old %art with a brain that is rapidly turning to mush.


You twist what i say - as exemplified in the post above - where it is quite clear to all that my analysis of the RM privatisation was a) not something was going to do, b) it was up to the individuals attitude to risk and c) it was both good and bad but to my mind morebad than good.


Now you have more than once said that I did not recommend them.


Others have now pointed out that I did no such thing.


Which is the absolute Gods honest truth


I said it was an individuals choice based upon their attitude to Risk








You are becoming a tiresome old bore of a liar who makes things up about people so as to bolster you own ego.


Oh and by the way - I am still awaiting a visit from the Fraud Squad after you pathetic senile rant about somehow exposing me as a fraud!


Seriously Frank - you are becoming exceedingly dull.


And I sincerely think you are ill such is you obsession with me.


Please recognise that you need some help - what you are doing is not healthy.



Dear me Clive, you are getting rattled! Go and lie down and read the 'pinks'!


Here's the facts Clive, Richard asked for advice on RM shares. His exact words in the opening thread were: "Worth a dabble maybe?'


You replied to the post and the main thrust of your answer was that you wouldn't be buying them and you saw more bad than good.


Now if that advice had come from a roofer in Yorkshire or a shopkeeper in Lancashire we could all take it with a pinch of salt.


But if my financial advisor had told me that he wouldn't be buying RM shares and that he saw that there was more bad than good, I wouldn't have tried to buy any. If they weren't good enough for an expert then I wouldn't have risked them. Can't you work that out?


And then I'd have fired him because he was utterly and stupidly wrong! I'd decided they were definitely worth a punt after just reading the analysts in the Telegraph and one or two online. I never looked at a 'pink'.


So Clive, no matter how you squirm, you were wrong. You come on here cutting and pasting esoteric financial stuff just to impress but the one time I can remember that someone asked for definitive advice on a financial venture you got it totally wrong!


Now Clive, scream LIAR all you like. The facts are there for anyone to read and I repeat:


RM shares - I wont be buying any - I see more bad than good!


Cost 330p now can be sold for 480p.


Well done Clive!


As for the fraud allegation. As I remember, I called you a bit of a fraud. I stick by that. You bullsh*t the size and importance of your little firm, you constantly exaggerate your importance and you seem to be unable to survive without constantly trying to impress us all by how terribly clever you are.


A decent man would hold up his hand and say: 'RM shares - yep, I got it wrong.'


Man up Clive, stop the crap about your non existent spell checker, admit you got it wrong. Cut the crap about RM shares, admit you got it wrong. Man up Clive, we all make mistakes.


You show all the symptoms that you accuse me of - perhaps you really do need to talk to someone about your constant need for self glorification?


But I've told you before Clive and you're too thick to heed it. Stop this sleazy and snide comment on my mental health and I'll stop pointing out what a pathetic weasel you are.


But carry on and I'll be all over you like a rash! It's in your hands Clive! ;-)


Now go and lie down in a dark room. Your last post demonstrated a man on the edge! (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2013-10-15 9:01 PM


Joking apart Frank about my politics , I have not and I could not see myself in the future ever voting for the BNP .

I am strictly for my sins a blue which to some is worse than voting BNP , forgive the bore but for those who do not have a sense of humour on here I thought I should just point that out .



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Verbal irrelevance Frank


This is what i said:-


"I have looked at it and decided not to bother. It is oversubscribed tho' so others think it worthwhile.


I suspect it is down to individual attitude to risk and reward.


My take is that the thing only became viable when the Royal Mail pension black hole was taken over by Government. Which whilst of dubious value to the taxpayer is obviously of enormous value to future RM Shareholders.


But this has the unfortunate knock on effect of keeping the Government at the table.


But the biggest issue is the simple one that transactions on the whole no longer require snail mail.


So RM needs to move and move significantly faster than it has demonstrated that it has so far been able to.


So overal I see it as bit of a Curettes egg - but with more bad than good."



I think the key phrase that blows your pathetic lies out of the water is this :-


" I have looked at it and decided not to bother. It is oversubscribed tho' so others think it worthwhile. "


in particular:-








And despite this clear evidence of a balanced judgement - you in your bizarre obsessive version of events try to make out that I did not recommend them!


You are totally NUTS!


As for something being all over me like a rash and that this is "in my hands"


I hardly think so Franky


As it is all in your mind.


Like I said before - you threatened some sort of Fraud squad the other day.


I told you then to crack on.


Now i am inviting you to do whatever that mind of yours tells you you can do.


Go on matey boy!


Knock yourself out................ *-) *-) *-) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)



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