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Royal Mail Shares?


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Not sure I would bother Donna - Twitter is a far better prospect - but even so - their projections would suggest more than the actual worlds population needs to be signed up in the next couple of decades for their profits to hit the projections.



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Had Enough - 2013-10-15 11:09 PM


Colin Leake - 2013-10-15 10:53 PM


Your a jammy bugger Tracker. If I'd got the 50,000 I applied for I'd be around £70,000 better off now. Or may be not. It i had got them it would have possibly been because the issue had not been so over subscribed which would have ment the price would not have been so high. Am I resentful. No not really I took a punt and aimed for a quick buck and it didn't work. If all of,us who applied for higher numbers had been allocated some the number allocated to each of use would have been even smaller, so I think the way the allocation was handled was sensible and fair overall.


Mind you if I had got some they would have been sold double quick while the price was still high so I'm sure youmdidmthe right thing cashing in.


I didn't apply for as many as you but I did hope that I'd get a percentage as has happened in the past.


It's a bit annoying as those who applied for small amounts get to make £300 whilst you and I, who, by any standards, are still ordinary small investors, just lose the interest on the dosh we sent to our broker for a few days! Grrrrrrr!


With interest rates a low as they are nowadays losing it for a few days is hardly significant.

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Guest Had Enough
peter - 2013-10-16 11:03 PM


It is when you're as hard up as Frank is. (lol)


Quite right Peter. From your photograph I can see that you're an OAP like me so you must know how hard it is to make ends meet. Thank you for empathising. ;-)

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I thought I'd like to give you a bit of support, as nobody else on here seems to. It's nice to read your gratitude. I'm genuinely touched. (lol)
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  • 11 months later...
Guest Peter James

Not such a 'No brainer' with shares now below £4 as Royal Mail is losing market share in a falling parcels market, hamstrung by a heavily unionized workforce.

Seems Vince Cable was ahead of his time, and right again?

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