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Royal Mail Shares?


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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-10-15 9:20 PM


Verbal irrelevance Frank


This is what i said:-


"I have looked at it and decided not to bother. It is oversubscribed tho' so others think it worthwhile.


I suspect it is down to individual attitude to risk and reward.


My take is that the thing only became viable when the Royal Mail pension black hole was taken over by Government. Which whilst of dubious value to the taxpayer is obviously of enormous value to future RM Shareholders.


But this has the unfortunate knock on effect of keeping the Government at the table.


But the biggest issue is the simple one that transactions on the whole no longer require snail mail.


So RM needs to move and move significantly faster than it has demonstrated that it has so far been able to.


So overal I see it as bit of a Curettes egg - but with more bad than good."



I think the key phrase that blows your pathetic lies out of the water is this :-


" I have looked at it and decided not to bother. It is oversubscribed tho' so others think it worthwhile. "


in particular:-








And despite this clear evidence of a balanced judgement - you in your bizarre obsessive version of events try to make out that I did not recommend them!


You are totally NUTS!


As for something being all over me like a rash and that this is "in my hands"


I hardly think so Franky


As it is all in your mind.


Like I said before - you threatened some sort of Fraud squad the other day.


I told you then to crack on.


Now i am inviting you to do whatever that mind of yours tells you you can do.


Go on matey boy!


Knock yourself out................ *-) *-) *-) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)



I won't be buying them - I see more bad than good!


Opening price 330p now 480p! (lol) (lol) (lol)


Admit it Clive, you were so wrong it's laughable!


And as for the Fraud Squad ........................


Short term memory problem again Clive! I never mentioned the Fraud Squad. I never accused you of committing fraud. These are my exact words which are in the Wonga thread, go back and read them!


After I'd pointed out your constant bullsh*t about the size and importance of your firm I said this and this is an exact quote:


'Here's a tip Clive, drop the snide little nonsense about my mental health and I might just stop pointing out what a fraud you are!'


No mention of the fraud squad, no mention of you committing anything illegal. People can be a bit of a fraud just be exaggerating their own role in life!


You constantly accuse me of short term memory problems - here's a challenge Clive, show me where I ever mentioned the fraud squad and when you've failed, wipe the egg off your face, come back and and apologise!


LIke I said Clive, there's nothing wrong with my brain, and the sooner you stop this nonsense the sooner you'll stop embarrassing yourself by accusing me of things I've never done!


Let's have the evidence! (lol) (lol) (lol)


Ps You still appear to be very rattled, are you OK?

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Oh I am fine Franky


What you also said was this :-


"Once more, insult me all you like, but carry on this vile slur on my mental abilities and you'll get no peace.


So Clive, here's the deal. Argue with me all you like but if you ever use the cheap tactic of questioning my mental abilities again I shall hang you out to dry and show everyone the true Clive H, financial advisor!


Think very carefully next time Clive before hitting your keyboard."


And without even a second thought


I state again that you habitually lie about people - you manipulate what the say to bolster your own version of events


Traits that indicate a mental problem Frank.


The post above proves this re what I actually said regarding RM share,


As for my mentioning the Fraud Squad! (lol) (lol) - I was actually paking the pi$$ out of you - but it seems your cognitive function is such that you took this seriously?


I was actually poking fun at you as to what your crumbling mind thinks you can achieve! (lol)


So like I say - I am happy to continue playing with you until you forget who I am (which probably will not be long) - so if you want to issue threats - poke fun at my cars - make false remarks about my firm - stalk me such that you post items from my personal and professional life - you carry on mate.


If you think you can have any effect on me due to my questioning your mental state because of your actions - you wait until I arrive on your doorstep to have a chat with you family about what a vindictive senile old $hit you are.


Now - I think the ball is in your court Frank.


You can ring me to chat about it i you want - you have my number.


We can arrange a date for my visit.



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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-10-15 9:55 PM


Oh I am fine Franky


What you also said was this :-


"Once more, insult me all you like, but carry on this vile slur on my mental abilities and you'll get no peace.


So Clive, here's the deal. Argue with me all you like but if you ever use the cheap tactic of questioning my mental abilities again I shall hang you out to dry and show everyone the true Clive H, financial advisor!


Think very carefully next time Clive before hitting your keyboard."


And without even a second thought


I state again that you habitually lie about people - you manipulate what the say to bolster your own version of events


Traits that indicate a mental problem Frank.


The post above proves this re what I actually said regarding RM share,


As for my mentioning the Fraud Squad! (lol) (lol) - I was actually paking the pi$$ out of you - but it seems your cognitive function is such that you took this seriously?


I was actually poking fun at you as to what your crumbling mind thinks you can achieve! (lol)


So like I say - I am happy to continue playing with you until you forget who I am (which probably will not be long) - so if you want to issue threats - poke fun at my cars - make false remarks about my firm - stalk me such that you post items from my personal and professional life - you carry on mate.


If you think you can have any effect on me due to my questioning your mental state because of your actions - you wait until I arrive on your doorstep to have a chat with you family about what a vindictive senile old $hit you are.


Now - I think the ball is in your court Frank.


You can ring me to chat about it i you want - you have my number.


We can arrange a date for my visit.



Twice you accused me of setting the Fraud Squad on you. There was no irony, no joking. You were serious because you'd forgotten the exact words and the context.


I invite everyone to read what you wrote and make up their own minds!


But now you've been challenged and you discovered that you're wrong you change tack - you were only taking the p*ss out of me. No you weren't Clive, you're a bloody liar and this again proves my entire point about you. You are never wrong, you can never make a mistake.


As I said Clive, you're a fraud and this latest lie proves it. Why can you never say "OK, I got it wrong".


You've spent some time looking back at the post, realised that I never said what you accused me of but you're just to egotistical to admit that you were totally wrong once again!


You're pathetic. Grow up, man up and stop trying to impress everyone about how clever and infallible you are.


Sad, sad man!


Ps Call any day you like Clive - my wife knows exactly what I am, she loves me and is proud of me and me of her. Any time you like and I'll reciprocate! And it might be nice to call at your firm and meet the techies!


Pps I think you're unwell this evening Clive, you ought to go and lie down.


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Had Enough - 2013-10-15 10:06 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-15 9:55 PM


Oh I am fine Franky


What you also said was this :-


"Once more, insult me all you like, but carry on this vile slur on my mental abilities and you'll get no peace.


So Clive, here's the deal. Argue with me all you like but if you ever use the cheap tactic of questioning my mental abilities again I shall hang you out to dry and show everyone the true Clive H, financial advisor!


Think very carefully next time Clive before hitting your keyboard."


And without even a second thought


I state again that you habitually lie about people - you manipulate what the say to bolster your own version of events


Traits that indicate a mental problem Frank.


The post above proves this re what I actually said regarding RM share,


As for my mentioning the Fraud Squad! (lol) (lol) - I was actually paking the pi$$ out of you - but it seems your cognitive function is such that you took this seriously?


I was actually poking fun at you as to what your crumbling mind thinks you can achieve! (lol)


So like I say - I am happy to continue playing with you until you forget who I am (which probably will not be long) - so if you want to issue threats - poke fun at my cars - make false remarks about my firm - stalk me such that you post items from my personal and professional life - you carry on mate.


If you think you can have any effect on me due to my questioning your mental state because of your actions - you wait until I arrive on your doorstep to have a chat with you family about what a vindictive senile old $hit you are.


Now - I think the ball is in your court Frank.


You can ring me to chat about it i you want - you have my number.


We can arrange a date for my visit.



Twice you accused me of setting the Fraud Squad on you. There was no irony, no joking. You were serious because you'd forgotten the exact words and the context.


I invite everyone to read what you wrote and make up their own minds!


But now you've been challenged and you discovered that you're wrong you change tack - you were only taking the p*ss out of me. No you weren't Clive, you're a bloody liar and this again proves my entire point about you. You are never wrong, you can never make a mistake.


As I said Clive, you're a fraud and this latest lie proves it. Why can you never say "OK, I got it wrong".


You've spent some time looking back at the post, realised that I never said what you accused me of but you're just to egotistical to admit that you were totally wrong once again!


You're pathetic. Grow up, man up and stop trying to impress everyone about how clever and infallible you are.


Sad, sad man!


Ps Call any day you like Clive - my wife knows exactly what I am, she loves me and is proud of me and me of her. Any time you like and I'll reciprocate! And it might be nice to call at your firm and meet the techies!


Pps I think you're unwell this evening Clive, you ought to go and lie down.


How typical Frank


You ignore the main point and focus on the ridiculous!


Do you think ANYONE reading this will think that I seriously thought you would be able to get the Fraud Office to knock on my door?


Are you more lunatic than demented?


Focus on the real issues Frank


Focus on the real issue of your being called to account on your spin and lies re what was actually written about whether RM shares were good value or not.


Focus on your obsession on me in that you are now even noting what time i get up in the morning 8-)


Focus on the fact that you have actually bothered to find out some of my past career and try smear tactics


Focus on the fact that whilst I did indeed work for Equitable - I was very active in seeking redress for those clients badly treated by that firm, such that I was expert witness in two lead cases and was featured in Mail on Sunday on several occasions where Jeff Prestridge did more than any other Financial Journalist to right the wrong that a "Decade of Regulatory Failure" inflicted on policyholders.


Focus on the fact that you seem unable to do anything when you bluff is called - I note that when i challenged you on the Wonga thread - you have been a tad reticent.


Focus on what could well happen if I arrive on your doorstep.


If you are prepared to justify your actions to your family then fine!


Give me a ring and we can get it arranged.


And yes Companies House is very useful - but not if, as a Partnership - registration is not a requirement.


Which in some ways brings us full circle - seeing as this leads me to question your status.


But I now have a differing possibility of course - You probably just forget certain things.


Now - Frank I invite you


Please - put up or shut up.



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Had Enough - 2013-10-15 8:08 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-15 7:48 PM



Not really you buffoon - it is just that the spell checker I use does not recognise Franc - I have to override Frank and did not.



Spell checker? Rubbish, you don't use a spell checker and if you do how does it let you get away with 'overal'? And as for Curette - the mind boggles! And a spell checker that doesn't recognise Franc? Whom do you think you're kidding? I've just run it through mine without a problem. Bloody liar!


Have you ever admitted that you're simply wrong or that you don't know something? And as I said in another post if anyone needs help it's a man who wakes up at first light and comes straight on to here to impress us with his latest news from the 'pinks'.


You crave recognition and attention, you need the self-validation that you think your position on here gives you. You constantly exaggerate your importance and that of your little firm.


Now that is very sad. Perhaps you need to see someone? ;-)

Clive please ignore Frank as it's painfully obvious that he's winding you up, and you are obliging and taking the bait, every time.
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Guest Had Enough

I'm sorry Clive but you have now been exposed for what you really are. These are two comments that you made in this thread: I called you a fraud, yes I did. You then accused me of threatening to call in the Fraud Squad. You were clearly confused and had forgotten the exact words. Now that in itself is nothing, you made a mistake, we all do, but where you are exposed for what you really are is when I proved that you did make a mistake and you lie and lie rather than admit that you may have erred.


Here are your quotes:


'Oh and by the way - I am still awaiting a visit from the Fraud Squad after you pathetic senile rant about somehow exposing me as a fraud!'


'Like I said before - you threatened some sort of Fraud squad the other day.


I told you then to crack on.


Now i am inviting you to do whatever that mind of yours tells you you can do.


Go on matey boy!


Knock yourself out'


Like I said, there was no irony, no joking, you genuinely remembered fraud but got the Fraud Squad element completely wrong.


And now, having been shown that I never mentioned the Fraud Squad you now twist the truth, in fact you out and out lie to avoid simply admitting that you made a mistake.


You stand exposed for what you really are.


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Guest Had Enough
peter - 2013-10-15 10:39 PM


Had Enough - 2013-10-15 8:08 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-15 7:48 PM



Not really you buffoon - it is just that the spell checker I use does not recognise Franc - I have to override Frank and did not.



Spell checker? Rubbish, you don't use a spell checker and if you do how does it let you get away with 'overal'? And as for Curette - the mind boggles! And a spell checker that doesn't recognise Franc? Whom do you think you're kidding? I've just run it through mine without a problem. Bloody liar!


Have you ever admitted that you're simply wrong or that you don't know something? And as I said in another post if anyone needs help it's a man who wakes up at first light and comes straight on to here to impress us with his latest news from the 'pinks'.


You crave recognition and attention, you need the self-validation that you think your position on here gives you. You constantly exaggerate your importance and that of your little firm.


Now that is very sad. Perhaps you need to see someone? ;-)

Maybe, as you say ,Clive does have a problem. But I don't think it looks very good on you to keep on pointing it out and deriding him. In fact I think it's a very nasty thing to do. I used to respect you for having a sense of fun. But I have in the last few months seen a very different side of your character and it's not very attractive. Certainly not the sort of thing one would expect from a respectable businessman.


I'm sorry Peter, but it's just him, he brings out the worst in me with his dissembling and in this case outright lying.

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Your a jammy bugger Tracker. If I'd got the 50,000 I applied for I'd be around £70,000 better off now. Or may be not. It i had got them it would have possibly been because the issue had not been so over subscribed which would have ment the price would not have been so high. Am I resentful. No not really I took a punt and aimed for a quick buck and it didn't work. If all of,us who applied for higher numbers had been allocated some the number allocated to each of use would have been even smaller, so I think the way the allocation was handled was sensible and fair overall.


Mind you if I had got some they would have been sold double quick while the price was still high so I'm sure youmdidmthe right thing cashing in.

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Had Enough - 2013-10-15 10:41 PM


I'm sorry Clive but you have now been exposed for what you really are. These are two comments that you made in this thread: I called you a fraud, yes I did. You then accused me of threatening to call in the Fraud Squad. You were clearly confused and had forgotten the exact words. Now that in itself is nothing, you made a mistake, we all do, but where you are exposed for what you really are is when I proved that you did make a mistake and you lie and lie rather than admit that you may have erred.


Here are your quotes:


'Oh and by the way - I am still awaiting a visit from the Fraud Squad after you pathetic senile rant about somehow exposing me as a fraud!'


'Like I said before - you threatened some sort of Fraud squad the other day.


I told you then to crack on.


Now i am inviting you to do whatever that mind of yours tells you you can do.


Go on matey boy!


Knock yourself out'


Like I said, there was no irony, no joking, you genuinely remembered fraud but got the Fraud Squad element completely wrong.


And now, having been shown that I never mentioned the Fraud Squad you now twist the truth, in fact you out and out lie to avoid simply admitting that you made a mistake.


You stand exposed for what you really are.


Hung by your own petard you silly idiot!!



'Like I said before - you threatened some sort of Fraud squad the other day. "






'Oh and by the way - I am still awaiting a visit from the Fraud Squad after you pathetic senile rant about somehow exposing me as a fraud!'


Fraud Squad???? Pathetic senile rant????? Somehow exposing me as a Fraud?????


You have a bigger problem than I thought!! Only a senile idiot could possible construe that as being anything other than a pi$$take!


Mind you it conveniently allows you the displacement activity so as to avoid the real issues.


As I say ring me Frank - I now want to arrange a date for my visit.






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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-10-15 10:53 PM


Had Enough - 2013-10-15 10:41 PM


I'm sorry Clive but you have now been exposed for what you really are. These are two comments that you made in this thread: I called you a fraud, yes I did. You then accused me of threatening to call in the Fraud Squad. You were clearly confused and had forgotten the exact words. Now that in itself is nothing, you made a mistake, we all do, but where you are exposed for what you really are is when I proved that you did make a mistake and you lie and lie rather than admit that you may have erred.


Here are your quotes:


'Oh and by the way - I am still awaiting a visit from the Fraud Squad after you pathetic senile rant about somehow exposing me as a fraud!'


'Like I said before - you threatened some sort of Fraud squad the other day.


I told you then to crack on.


Now i am inviting you to do whatever that mind of yours tells you you can do.


Go on matey boy!


Knock yourself out'


Like I said, there was no irony, no joking, you genuinely remembered fraud but got the Fraud Squad element completely wrong.


And now, having been shown that I never mentioned the Fraud Squad you now twist the truth, in fact you out and out lie to avoid simply admitting that you made a mistake.


You stand exposed for what you really are.


Hung by your own petard you silly idiot!!



'Like I said before - you threatened some sort of Fraud squad the other day. "






'Oh and by the way - I am still awaiting a visit from the Fraud Squad after you pathetic senile rant about somehow exposing me as a fraud!'


Fraud Squad???? Pathetic senile rant????? Somehow exposing me as a Fraud?????


You have a bigger problem than I thought!! Only a senile idiot could possible construe that as being anything other than a pi$$take!


Mind you it conveniently allows you the displacement activity so as to avoid the real issues.


As I say ring me Frank - I now want to arrange a date for my visit.




Good try Clive but you're fooling no one. You stand exposed. And it appears that I'm not the only one who thinks that you've a problem!


What are we to think about a man who has an argument on a forum and wants to come knocking on his opponent's door? Are you sure that you're not ill?


Go and lie down Clive! ;-)


Can I come and meet the techies? ;-)

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Guest Had Enough
Colin Leake - 2013-10-15 10:53 PM


Your a jammy bugger Tracker. If I'd got the 50,000 I applied for I'd be around £70,000 better off now. Or may be not. It i had got them it would have possibly been because the issue had not been so over subscribed which would have ment the price would not have been so high. Am I resentful. No not really I took a punt and aimed for a quick buck and it didn't work. If all of,us who applied for higher numbers had been allocated some the number allocated to each of use would have been even smaller, so I think the way the allocation was handled was sensible and fair overall.


Mind you if I had got some they would have been sold double quick while the price was still high so I'm sure youmdidmthe right thing cashing in.


I didn't apply for as many as you but I did hope that I'd get a percentage as has happened in the past.


It's a bit annoying as those who applied for small amounts get to make £300 whilst you and I, who, by any standards, are still ordinary small investors, just lose the interest on the dosh we sent to our broker for a few days! Grrrrrrr!

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Guest Had Enough
peter - 2013-10-15 10:39 PM


Had Enough - 2013-10-15 8:08 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-15 7:48 PM



Not really you buffoon - it is just that the spell checker I use does not recognise Franc - I have to override Frank and did not.



Spell checker? Rubbish, you don't use a spell checker and if you do how does it let you get away with 'overal'? And as for Curette - the mind boggles! And a spell checker that doesn't recognise Franc? Whom do you think you're kidding? I've just run it through mine without a problem. Bloody liar!


Have you ever admitted that you're simply wrong or that you don't know something? And as I said in another post if anyone needs help it's a man who wakes up at first light and comes straight on to here to impress us with his latest news from the 'pinks'.


You crave recognition and attention, you need the self-validation that you think your position on here gives you. You constantly exaggerate your importance and that of your little firm.


Now that is very sad. Perhaps you need to see someone? ;-)

Clive please ignore Frank as it's painfully obvious that he's winding you up, and you are obliging and taking the bait, every time.


What me? How dare you! ;-) Don't you know that I'm a senile old git who doesn't know what he's doing? (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Anytime Frank - just call me to let me know when you are coming and i will arrange a full demonstration of what we do.


I guarantee you will be impressed.


You will be able to analyse the firms we retain for technical info as well as talk to our two in house techies Joe and John and our two admin staff.


You will be able to meet the four Directors but I doubt our guys in Norfolk and Swansea will bother themselves.


Now - enough of the snide demented claptrap -


Give me a ring and we can arrange a meeting


I have invited you to our offices before when you returned from your holiday earlier this year.


You declined.


You rang me and one of the things you said was that you did not want me to call on you.


I can understand that given you predilection for making an obnoxious ar$e of yourself.


So as I say


I invite you to our offices to prove to you that you are wrong when you denigrate myself and the firm.


If you do not feel you are able to accept my invitation - I would ask that you ring me so we can arrange for me to visit you.



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peter - 2013-10-15 10:39 PM


Had Enough - 2013-10-15 8:08 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-15 7:48 PM



Not really you buffoon - it is just that the spell checker I use does not recognise Franc - I have to override Frank and did not.



Spell checker? Rubbish, you don't use a spell checker and if you do how does it let you get away with 'overal'? And as for Curette - the mind boggles! And a spell checker that doesn't recognise Franc? Whom do you think you're kidding? I've just run it through mine without a problem. Bloody liar!


Have you ever admitted that you're simply wrong or that you don't know something? And as I said in another post if anyone needs help it's a man who wakes up at first light and comes straight on to here to impress us with his latest news from the 'pinks'.


You crave recognition and attention, you need the self-validation that you think your position on here gives you. You constantly exaggerate your importance and that of your little firm.


Now that is very sad. Perhaps you need to see someone? ;-)

Clive please ignore Frank as it's painfully obvious that he's winding you up, and you are obliging and taking the bait, every time.


That maybe so peter - but when you have your "own little senile stalker" - it seems churlish not to play the game.


I see frank as little more than a playground bully.


He hides behind the keyboard - and will never come out from behind it


He did ring me once - that phone call simply confirmed all that i suspected.



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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2013-10-15 11:16 PM


Anytime Frank - just call me to let me know when you are coming and i will arrange a full demonstration of what we do.


I guarantee you will be impressed.


You will be able to analyse the firms we retain for technical info as well as talk to our two in house techies Joe and John and our two admin staff.


You will be able to meet the four Directors but I doubt our guys in Norfolk and Swansea will bother themselves.


Now - enough of the snide demented claptrap -


Give me a ring and we can arrange a meeting


I have invited you to our offices before when you returned from your holiday earlier this year.


You declined.


You rang me and one of the things you said was that you did not want me to call on you.


I can understand that given you predilection for making an obnoxious ar$e of yourself.


So as I say


I invite you to our offices to prove to you that you are wrong when you denigrate myself and the firm.


If you do not feel you are able to accept my invitation - I would ask that you ring me so we can arrange for me to visit you.



Are you sure you're feeling well Clive? This is very strange behaviour! How would you like a tour of my ten shops? That would be fun!


But as I've told you Clive, I'd rather stick pins in my eyes then come within a hundred miles of you! I think you're a pretentious git and you're the last person I'd want to meet!


Oh and can I remind you Clive, you didn't just denigrate my firm, you told me it didn't exist, which cost you a lot of money (not that you ever paid it!).


Anyway, sincere apologies for saying, as I admit that I did, that your little firm has six staff. It appears that you have eight. Mea culpa! ;-)


Anyway, I know you'll be disappointed but I'm off to bed. We can chat later tomorrow. I'm so enjoying this! (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Had Enough - 2013-10-15 11:26 PM


CliveH - 2013-10-15 11:16 PM


Anytime Frank - just call me to let me know when you are coming and i will arrange a full demonstration of what we do.


I guarantee you will be impressed.


You will be able to analyse the firms we retain for technical info as well as talk to our two in house techies Joe and John and our two admin staff.


You will be able to meet the four Directors but I doubt our guys in Norfolk and Swansea will bother themselves.


Now - enough of the snide demented claptrap -


Give me a ring and we can arrange a meeting


I have invited you to our offices before when you returned from your holiday earlier this year.


You declined.


You rang me and one of the things you said was that you did not want me to call on you.


I can understand that given you predilection for making an obnoxious ar$e of yourself.


So as I say


I invite you to our offices to prove to you that you are wrong when you denigrate myself and the firm.


If you do not feel you are able to accept my invitation - I would ask that you ring me so we can arrange for me to visit you.



Are you sure you're feeling well Clive? This is very strange behaviour! How would you like a tour of my ten shops? That would be fun!


But as I've told you Clive, I'd rather stick pins in my eyes then come within a hundred miles of you! I think you're pretentious (it's not nice to insult people) and you're the last person I'd want to meet!


Oh and can I remind you Clive, you didn't just denigrate my firm, you told me it didn't exist, which cost you a lot of money (not that you ever paid it!).


Anyway, sincere apologies for saying, as I admit that I did, that your little firm has six staff. It appears that you have eight. Mea culpa! ;-)


Again you lie!


I never said said Wilkinsons did not exist - even when i did not know this was the firm.


What i said was that YOU do not demonstrate the sort of knowledge that lead me to believe you were what you say you are. You still demonstrate a belligerence that i have NEVER seen in a successful person from any sector.


And again you lie about the money - I paid it - it is in my accounts - I will get the tax relief on it come Jan.


But the strangest thing is that you obviously have an obsession with me as an individual - You cannot abide that i post financial items on here - it somehow offends you.


Such that you have made it your obsession to denigrate me personally, what i do for a living and the firm that I am now with.


And yet even when i invite you to our offices to see for yourself that you are mistaken and that in our field we are highly regarded - YOU are the one that does EXACTLY what you accuse me off in that you refuse an invitation for us to demonstrate that you are wrong, you are mistaken about us, you are being unfair.


Instead we get more vitriol and bile about you rather pushing pins in your eyes rather than seeing another firm and another individual for what they REALLY are rather than your twisted insane idea of what they are.


The invitation stands


And i am quite happy to visit all 10 shops if that is what you would like to do - but my intention is to ask you family about what you write about people on here. I am happy to ask the employees if you think it would help, but i doubt it would do you any favours my doing so.


I asked you during our telephone conversation


"Does your wife know how you speak about people and what you post?" -


You never answered .............


I asked that question three time


Not once did you answer - you blustered about Tracker and Crinklystafish and were incredibly rude about Dave such that I had to ask you not to say such things.


I knew then that we were dealing with someone who has a problem.


So I ask again


You are invited to our offices - in fact anyone from on here is invited - we have nothing to hide - we are what we say we are - we do "what it says on the tin" - and we do it well.


If you do not want to visit us - I will arrange a visit to you Frank.


I would like to ask you face to face why you are so obsessed with me as an individual and why you object to my posting financial items on here - that incidentally i can demonstrate via PM's that some have found useful and helpful - I would also like to ask your family if they are aware of what you do?



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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2013-10-15 10:45 PM


I'm sorry Peter, but it's just him, he brings out the worst in me with his dissembling and in this case outright lying.


You've got a good side Frank? 8-)......................... you keep it well hidden ;-).........

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antony1969 - 2013-10-16 6:44 AM


C'mon guys England won and were going to win the world cup ( not ) lets take 3 deep breaths , say sorry and focus our attention on important things like upsetting John47 . Should I start a Muslim thread to make things better ?


Yes indeed - something to celebrate!


As for a Muslim thread - John47 and I agree on that subject!! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


And careful Rich and Dave.


I am apparently going to get a rash (all over) that somehow Frank (not Franc) has given me 8-)


And I never felt a thing *-)



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Guest pelmetman
Will85 - 2013-10-16 10:44 AM


Time for the controllers to pull the plug on a few posters here, its getting obscene again and of no point except to those who have typewriter diarrhoea


You'll get used to Chatterbox Will ;-).....................its our version of Jeremy Kyle :D

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There is one point that seems to have been missed in all this facial insulting. Some people may have bought the shares firstly because they would like to support a British Company and secondly, to prevent the overseas hedge funds from gobbling it up. Of course greed is prevalent in our society and some will sell out for their £300's worth of silver just to go to the boozer, but not all. I feel the recent price rise has been due more to demand rather than sellers and as the profit takers leave, the price will drop and then rise again. Unfortunately those that wish to buy do not have the interests of the UK at heart and it will be interesting to see if the the Government sells of its 38% 'golden share'.


Some may argue that if it had not been privatised then this would have not been necessary but whether you agree or not, privatisations have dragged poor performing industries into a new age, and then the Unions always start complaining because they did not get their cut. If the railways for example were still under Brit Rail then I doubt that passenger numbers would be where they are today. People deserted the railways in droves under a national scheme. That however, does not excuse some Companies from making over the top profits but the solution is to control that aspect,. not stop the whole schenanigan from moving forward.


Regardless of your political persuasion all people everywhere in the world would rather have their money under their control than anyone else's.

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