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First Motorhome


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Hi all,


This is my first post, so please be gentle with me ;-)


Hubby and I have been discussing purchasing a motorhome and we have been visiting local dealers for the last 6 months and have also just been to the NEC. We have finally come to a decision on the layout that we want, having hired a couple of motorhomes during the summer, and saw the one that we wanted at the show. We managed to get a good deal, with a few extras thrown in and all that is left is to sign on the dotted line.


It's a big investment, obviously, but how many of you started with a NEW van??. I'm probably daft in thinking that we are less likely to encounter problems with a new van but I am very wary about buying used.


We are in Norfolk, so any comments/recommendations on local dealers would also be appreciated.


Thanks :-D

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Hi Rosierose and welcome to the forum.



Well you certainly went about buying the right way - hiring first - then scouring the dealers / shows.


We bought a new van in 2003 ( after 18 months research ! ) - and still have it - only had one or two very minor problems, which I put right myself.


As with any major purchase it's all always a bit of a risk.


Good luck - and happy travels !



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Thank you malc d. Yes, we have been very cautious with this purchase. It was also lucky that I found this site a few months ago. It's been a great help..... It's good that so many people have contributed to this forum, with their knowledge and experience. (and banter (lol) )
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Hi Lisa and welcome.

You'll have to give us some more details about the van later, but a really important thing is to try and buy from a dealer that is both reputable and fairly close by.

There will always be issues but it is how the dealer resolves them that will keep or destroy your faith, lol.

Congrats on your purchase, good travelling!

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Hi Chris, thanks......we were originally discussing things with a dealer that was 3hrs away but after returning from the NEC we managed to get an even slightly better deal with our local one that is about 50mins away.


Do you have to take the van back to where you purchased it from, for any warranty work?

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Hi Lisa


We ordered our first (and current) van at the NEC in 2008, we'd never been caravaning let alone motorhoming , we'd only ever been camping in tents. We liked the outdoor life but decided we wanted more comfort. So I had done a little bit of research over the previous months reading MMM and comments and advice on this forum. We've now travelled as far as Croatia over the intervening years seldom using the van much in this country choosing Europe as our preferred destination (better weather and more motorhome friendly). We think we got the layout for us right first time thankfully).


I have to say there is a certain comfort in buying new and knowing that the van you have bought has a manufacturers warranty and nowboby else has used it let alone slept I the beds ( I'm funny like that).


The dealer you buy it off and the service you get is a bit of a lottery, I know some people praise certain dealers and I'm sure they are very good, but it's a people thing and employees do change at dealers and individuals can influence your opinion of that dealer.


We have had problems with our van having had three leaks fixed in about 2 years which were all covered by warranty, so you will probably have issues with your new van unless your are very lucky so be prepared!


I hope you enjoy your new found freedom and enjoy the lifestyle.



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Rosierose - 2013-10-23 2:27 PM


Hi Chris, thanks......we were originally discussing things with a dealer that was 3hrs away but after returning from the NEC we managed to get an even slightly better deal with our local one that is about 50mins away.


Do you have to take the van back to where you purchased it from, for any warranty work?


Best always to go to supplying dealer for warranty work as that is your legal recourse, if needed, under Sale of Goods Act.


BTW Welcome to the madhouse that is the forum and good luck with your van when you get it.




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shaggy - 2013-10-23 2:29 PM


Hi Lisa


We ordered our first (and current) van at the NEC in 2008, we'd never been caravaning let alone motorhoming , we'd only ever been camping in tents. We liked the outdoor life but decided we wanted more comfort. So I had done a little bit of research over the previous months reading MMM and comments and advice on this forum. We've now travelled as far as Croatia over the intervening years seldom using the van much in this country choosing Europe as our preferred destination (better weather and more motorhome friendly). We think we got the layout for us right first time thankfully).


I have to say there is a certain comfort in buying new and knowing that the van you have bought has a manufacturers warranty and nowboby else has used it let alone slept I the beds ( I'm funny like that).


The dealer you buy it off and the service you get is a bit of a lottery, I know some people praise certain dealers and I'm sure they are very good, but it's a people thing and employees do change at dealers and individuals can influence your opinion of that dealer.


We have had problems with our van having had three leaks fixed in about 2 years which were all covered by warranty, so you will probably have issues with your new van unless your are very lucky so be prepared!


I hope you enjoy your new found freedom and enjoy the lifestyle.




Hi Gavin, and thanks for your reply. Wow, you really did take a risk considering you hadn't been caravaning or motorhoming before, but it sounds like you have had good use of it since. I'm not sure that I would be brave enough to travel as far as you have, but "never say never".


I think we are wise to choose a local dealer, considering your warranty issues. We have visited them about 4 times in all, and they have been very polite and helpful. No pressure. I know it could be a different story once the purchase goes ahead, but first impressions count ;)


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docted - 2013-10-23 2:39 PM


Rosierose - 2013-10-23 2:27 PM


Hi Chris, thanks......we were originally discussing things with a dealer that was 3hrs away but after returning from the NEC we managed to get an even slightly better deal with our local one that is about 50mins away.


Do you have to take the van back to where you purchased it from, for any warranty work?


Best always to go to supplying dealer for warranty work as that is your legal recourse, if needed, under Sale of Goods Act.


BTW Welcome to the madhouse that is the forum and good luck with your van when you get it.




Thank you docted - that's good to know :)

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Hi Lisa.
Welcome to the forum, you are going about it the right way ,take your time and write down all on the wish list both You and He requires.There is a lot to cover. Then compromise a little, until you find what suits both of you. when you both are happy with what you want try hiring one out like it. Also ask Motorhome owners who may have one the same . Whether you go for new or old when you choose be proud it's yours, and enjoy.
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onecal - 2013-10-23 3:02 PM


Hi Lisa.

Welcome to the forum, you are going about it the right way ,take your time and write down all on the wish list both You and He requires.There is a lot to cover. Then compromise a little, until you find what suits both of you. when you both are happy with what you want try hiring one out like it. Also ask Motorhome owners who may have one the same . Whether you go for new or old when you choose be proud it's yours, and enjoy.


Hi and thanks Brendan :)


We have definitely found the right one and we did ask the question of the dealer, as to whether we could actually hire the same model for a weekend to make sure that it's the right one and that we are comfortable sleeping in it. It's not something that they would be prepared to do, unfortunately.


The make/model we want is the Bailey Autograph 740 - I can hear groans! lol But, that is the one that we have hardly had to compromise on when we drew up our list of wants and wishes ;)


We did wonder whether we should raise the question with Bailey direct?



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Hi Lisa,
Have a look at some of the posts on site , if it's what you want then that's it.All have good and bad points ,but in the end it is the both of you that have to live and love your purchase be it any make. I am sure there is  Bailey motorhomes to hire, and quite a few owners you can talk to, even here, just re word your post to "Buying a Bailey Motorhome any advice", Whatever may I wish you and yours many happy and safe years with it , be proud it's yours ,,,,
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welcome to the forum Lisa

We also bought new our first and current Motor Home in 2006. Having been to shows , and decided what lay out we wanted. Definatley not fix bed, for us (over cab OK, even just for storage), waste of living space IMO End kitchen so as not to be in the way when cooking. We had been sailors prior to buying the MH, so based our ideas on that experience. The only priority was had to be no more than 20ft, as that was the length of the drive that we would have to use when the van is bought home for packing for journeys, we don't keep at home, due to covenment, we only use our van over the water, and for longish stays, so took all that into account

You appear to have thought long and hard, and have wisely hired , but if thinking long trips, think of lounging space when it rains. Some one will come on who has/had a Chasson, so will be able to give more possative info rethat model

Happy motoring


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Hi Lisa and welcome to the forum,


Now wanting to throw water on your parade (pun intended) did you see the recent YouTube video of a Bailey 740 with a water problem?


If not have a look here... Link to YouTube.


I would suggest you ask your dealer for his comments on this BEFORE parting with any more money.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but to to be warned, etc, etc...



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Hi I have just joined this forum and can I say don't be put of by that video. I am the owner of that Bailey 740 and I didn't want to resort to making the video but because of a lot of wrong information and mis-communication between all the people concerned it became my only option.

The van was collected by Bailey yesterday and I had a phone call today to say that they have found the problem and it is being sorted. The water wasn't going inside the van only in the front void.

I would like to say that other than this problem we are very pleased with the van.



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Well, I'm glad that I saw your reply before I watched your video Peter, as I am shocked! I'm so pleased that you now have it resolved. Can I just ask, other than the silly excuses are you happy with how Bailey have dealt with this....what are your opinions on their customer service?


Thanks for the warm welcome guys. :)

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Good luck with your new van when you get it, but no one van will ever be perfect ,as we all say its compromise, I have owned 5 caravans and we are on our third m/home all in about 50 yrs! Never found a perfect one yet,but they have all been good in there own way. Given me self,my family,some really wonderfull holidays all over Europe/uk. We are still vanning in our 70s enjoy and good luck. Dave
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Rosierose - 2013-10-23 2:48 PM


shaggy - 2013-10-23 2:29 PM


Hi Lisa


We ordered our first (and current) van at the NEC in 2008, we'd never been caravaning let alone motorhoming , we'd only ever been camping in tents. We liked the outdoor life but decided we wanted more comfort. So I had done a little bit of research over the previous months reading MMM and comments and advice on this forum. We've now travelled as far as Croatia over the intervening years seldom using the van much in this country choosing Europe as our preferred destination (better weather and more motorhome friendly). We think we got the layout for us right first time thankfully).


I have to say there is a certain comfort in buying new and knowing that the van you have bought has a manufacturers warranty and nowboby else has used it let alone slept I the beds ( I'm funny like that).


The dealer you buy it off and the service you get is a bit of a lottery, I know some people praise certain dealers and I'm sure they are very good, but it's a people thing and employees do change at dealers and individuals can influence your opinion of that dealer.


We have had problems with our van having had three leaks fixed in about 2 years which were all covered by warranty, so you will probably have issues with your new van unless your are very lucky so be prepared!


I hope you enjoy your new found freedom and enjoy the lifestyle.




Hi Gavin, and thanks for your reply. Wow, you really did take a risk considering you hadn't been caravaning or motorhoming before, but it sounds like you have had good use of it since. I'm not sure that I would be brave enough to travel as far as you have, but "never say never".

Lisa, may I ask are you retired or able to make good use of the van?

It's amazing, once you get a tiny bit of confidence, to venture a little further afield, that what vans are for.

When you get to your first port of call, you can do a little exploring, and then you can go on to the next place and have a look at that rather than keep returning to base and starting again.

Also, nipping over the Channel is so easy these days, and once you have made your first stop En Francais you will be hooked as it is far more motorhome friendly than here.

Good luck, enjoy!

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Guest JudgeMental

"The water wasn't going inside the van only in the front void. "


Ha ha ha..Well that's OK then *-) what a USP! (unique selling point)

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waspes - 2013-10-23 4:14 PM


Hi I have just joined this forum and can I say don't be put of by that video. I am the owner of that Bailey 740 and I didn't want to resort to making the video but because of a lot of wrong information and mis-communication between all the people concerned it became my only option.

The van was collected by Bailey yesterday and I had a phone call today to say that they have found the problem and it is being sorted. The water wasn't going inside the van only in the front void.

I would like to say that other than this problem we are very pleased with the van.




Hi Peter,


Welcome to the MMM forum and thanks for clarifying the situation with your MH.


Whilst Bailey say they have found the problem with your MH and are working to sort it I have to ask how many other Bailey MH's have this potential problem?


I only ask because I work in the motor industry and there is no such thing as a 'One off failure'. Sooner or later another will come along.


In fact did you not say on the other forum that you knew of another owner with the same problem?


So my warning to Lisa is find out what caused Peter's fault and make sure it does not happen to your new pride and joy.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2013-10-23 6:32 PM


"The water wasn't going inside the van only in the front void. "


Ha ha ha..Well that's OK then *-) what a USP! (unique selling point)


I'm with you on this Eddie, that would certainly be confidence building for me, I mean come on folks. :-S still it may get glued back together under warranty...........................until the next time,


my pals Autotrail has leaked like a sieve but the extended warranty specifically excluded water ingress after 2 years., and surprise surprise it was just in to it's 3rd year.

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We bought a new van in 2006 after a few months of research, we still have it and have always been happy with our choice. We were fortunate in that our first long trip 3 months after buying it ended up being all the way to Portugal and back in three weeks for a particular event......we have never looked back
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Guest 1footinthegrave
I would add that of course that some people buy new obviously, but I've been eyeing another van in mint condition with just 17000 miles on the clock at approx a third of the price of a comparable new one, that's a lot of diesel and eating out money, as far as being wary about buying used, if you've saved yourself 25 / 35 grand that's a lot of change in your back pocket should you have a problem at a later date and many dealers offer warranties anyway, just study the small print though ;-) oh and yes I've always bought used, even the missus was second hand. :D
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Guest JudgeMental
gwyn - 2013-10-23 6:55 PM


We bought a new van in 2006 after a few months of research, we still have it and have always been happy with our choice. We were fortunate in that our first long trip 3 months after buying it ended up being all the way to Portugal and back in three weeks for a particular event......we have never looked back


from memory? :-S You have a La Strada? No wonder problem free..One of the best built vans going....I am seriously considering one.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2013-10-23 7:12 PM


gwyn - 2013-10-23 6:55 PM


We bought a new van in 2006 after a few months of research, we still have it and have always been happy with our choice. We were fortunate in that our first long trip 3 months after buying it ended up being all the way to Portugal and back in three weeks for a particular event......we have never looked back


from memory? :-S You have a La Strada? No wonder problem free..One of the best built vans going....I am seriously considering one.


Are they foreign by any chance ? >:-)

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