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How's that then?. The MOT tests the emissions at the exhaust. As long as it meets the spe'c it will pass.

If it fails to meet the spec' because the DPF has been bypassed, then it will fail the MOT. Not because you've removed it, as it might still meet the spec'.

It depends how lucky you feel.

Do you feel lucky punk, as Dirty Harry would say. :D

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Nope it has to be there from Feb 2014.


From Dept. of Transport website:-


"Garages and testing stations will be required check for a diesel particulate filter (DPF) in the inspection of the exhaust system as part of the MOT test (or annual test for heavy vehicles) from February 2014.


The vehicle will automatically fail the MOT test if the filter had been fitted as standard but is found to be no longer present."

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You can buy fake dpf's for td5 land rovers, only a matter of time before more models are offered.

The smoke test for diesels wouldn't pick up the lack of innards, unlike catalysts on petrol engines.

When I looked at the specification for my 2007 based Dethleffs (built in 2009) a DPF was an optional extra you paid to have fitted. I assume it has one to comply with euro4, but I wouldn't know where to look.

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Billggski - 2014-01-07 6:55 PM


You can buy fake dpf's for td5 land rovers, only a matter of time before more models are offered.

The smoke test for diesels wouldn't pick up the lack of innards, unlike catalysts on petrol engines.

When I looked at the specification for my 2007 based Dethleffs (built in 2009) a DPF was an optional extra you paid to have fitted. I assume it has one to comply with euro4, but I wouldn't know where to look.


If it's a Sevel van then no DPF needed for euro4, not sure on other makes.

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Guest pelmetman
Billggski - 2014-01-07 6:55 PM


You can buy fake dpf's for td5 land rovers, only a matter of time before more models are offered.

The smoke test for diesels wouldn't pick up the lack of innards, unlike catalysts on petrol engines.

When I looked at the specification for my 2007 based Dethleffs (built in 2009) a DPF was an optional extra you paid to have fitted. I assume it has one to comply with euro4, but I wouldn't know where to look.


So much for green technology (lol) (lol)...............progr..es.........no better not :$

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pelmetman - 2014-01-07 7:31 PM


Billggski - 2014-01-07 6:55 PM


You can buy fake dpf's for td5 land rovers, only a matter of time before more models are offered.

The smoke test for diesels wouldn't pick up the lack of innards, unlike catalysts on petrol engines.

When I looked at the specification for my 2007 based Dethleffs (built in 2009) a DPF was an optional extra you paid to have fitted. I assume it has one to comply with euro4, but I wouldn't know where to look.


So much for green technology (lol) (lol)...............progr..es.........no better not :$


Studies have found that the emissions from engines such as used in your van are responsible for thousands of deaths.

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Guest pelmetman
colin - 2014-01-07 7:42 PM


pelmetman - 2014-01-07 7:31 PM


Billggski - 2014-01-07 6:55 PM


You can buy fake dpf's for td5 land rovers, only a matter of time before more models are offered.

The smoke test for diesels wouldn't pick up the lack of innards, unlike catalysts on petrol engines.

When I looked at the specification for my 2007 based Dethleffs (built in 2009) a DPF was an optional extra you paid to have fitted. I assume it has one to comply with euro4, but I wouldn't know where to look.


So much for green technology (lol) (lol)...............progr..es.........no better not :$


Studies have found that the emissions from engines such as used in your van are responsible for thousands of deaths.


Really? 8-)............... It must be the acceleration (lol) (lol) (lol)

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colin - 2014-01-07 7:42 PM


pelmetman - 2014-01-07 7:31 PM


Billggski - 2014-01-07 6:55 PM


You can buy fake dpf's for td5 land rovers, only a matter of time before more models are offered.

The smoke test for diesels wouldn't pick up the lack of innards, unlike catalysts on petrol engines.

When I looked at the specification for my 2007 based Dethleffs (built in 2009) a DPF was an optional extra you paid to have fitted. I assume it has one to comply with euro4, but I wouldn't know where to look.


So much for green technology (lol) (lol)...............progr..es.........no better not :$


Studies have found that the emissions from engines such as used in your van are responsible for thousands of deaths.



Bulls**t ! you'll tell me you believe in Fairies next.


A government 'Professor' has gone public to say that we should ALL 'make do and mend' Electrical appliances, AND especially cars and vans !! as we are depleting the Earths resources at too fast a rate, with our 'Throw away' society. Do you know how many perfectly good 'serviceable' vehicles were scrapped under the goverments OWN scrappage scheme ?? And do you know how many vehicles are being made 'Unuseable' by 'Euro 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc.,etc.,' Long before they would normally be scrapped.

Two opposing 'Scientific' opinions ?? who will win ? only one way to find out.........Fight ! ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Rayjsj - 2014-01-08 9:25 PM


colin - 2014-01-07 7:42 PM


pelmetman - 2014-01-07 7:31 PM


Billggski - 2014-01-07 6:55 PM


You can buy fake dpf's for td5 land rovers, only a matter of time before more models are offered.

The smoke test for diesels wouldn't pick up the lack of innards, unlike catalysts on petrol engines.

When I looked at the specification for my 2007 based Dethleffs (built in 2009) a DPF was an optional extra you paid to have fitted. I assume it has one to comply with euro4, but I wouldn't know where to look.


So much for green technology (lol) (lol)...............progr..es.........no better not :$


Studies have found that the emissions from engines such as used in your van are responsible for thousands of deaths.



Bulls**t ! you'll tell me you believe in Fairies next.


A government 'Professor' has gone public to say that we should ALL 'make do and mend' Electrical appliances, AND especially cars and vans !! as we are depleting the Earths resources at too fast a rate, with our 'Throw away' society. Do you know how many perfectly good 'serviceable' vehicles were scrapped under the goverments OWN scrappage scheme ?? And do you know how many vehicles are being made 'Unuseable' by 'Euro 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc.,etc.,' Long before they would normally be scrapped.

Two opposing 'Scientific' opinions ?? who will win ? only one way to find out.........Fight ! ;-)


Well I know which camp I'm in ;-)..................although I suspect I might be outnumbered :-S.............but at least I won't have any.......ECU, DPF, EGR, CAT, ABS........(have I forget any (?))..........MOT problems :D

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Rayjsj - 2014-01-08 9:25 PM


colin - 2014-01-07 7:42 PM


............Studies have found that the emissions from engines such as used in your van are responsible for thousands of deaths.

Bulls**t ! you'll tell me you believe in Fairies next.


A government 'Professor' has gone public to say that we should ALL 'make do and mend' Electrical appliances, AND especially cars and vans !! as we are depleting the Earths resources at too fast a rate, with our 'Throw away' society. ...................... Two opposing 'Scientific' opinions ?? who will win ? only one way to find out.........Fight ! ;-)

These arguments are not in opposition - they are separate opinions on differing subjects.


The medical evidence of the effects on health from diesel fumes are well documented. They are why emissions controls were introduced. Diesel fumes do, indeed, result in large numbers of prematire deaths due largely to respiratory failure. People who live and drive in cities have no choice over what they breate in, but we can all choose what we drive and how polluting it is. Where is the logic overall in continuing to use items that are known to damage health, when we have at our disposal newer items that cause less damage to health?


On the other hand, your "government professor" (don't know what one of those is :-)) is merely arguing (sensibly, one might think) against conspicuous consumption and its resultant wastage of natural resources.


The scrappage scheme did not REQUIRE vehicles to be taken off the road and scrapped (as evidence of which there are still vinage and veteran cars legally on the road), it merely offered a subsidy to those wanting to change older vehicles for newer ones. Nor do emissions control regulations require older vehicles to be scrapped: they apply only to newer vehicles. The scrappage scheme was intended to promote car sales and prop up the motor industry: the claimed environmental benefits were a conveniant fig leaf argument - to try to make it more palatable to the green lobby.

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colin - 2014-01-09 5:33 PM


Rayjsj - 2014-01-08 9:25 PM

Bulls**t ! you'll tell me you believe in Fairies next.



Well of cause, but whats that got to do with diesel particulates, do they use deisel to fly? :D


No, they use paraffin, which is a lot less toxic. However the downside is the number of planes in the air so although each produces less than a diesel engine, the quantity makes up for that, and more.


Similarly with vehicles one has to consider all the good efforts being made here in Europe against the mass production of vehicles in China where environmental considerations are ignored. Our small efforts are being swamped.


However on a more local field if you live in a town or city then the less pollution being produced is bound to be beneficial. I mentioned DPF units to my local Volvo dealer regarding them blocking up and shutting down the engine. He told me that they had only ever had 3 instances of that since they were introduced and the main one was an elderly lady who only drove her Volvo 1 mile from her house to the park to walk the dog, and back. Despite being advised?? To take the car for a long'ish run she refused, and they ahd to tow here in twice to fix the problem. I have one fitted and have had no problems.

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Dave225 - 2014-01-09 7:49 PM




Similarly with vehicles one has to consider all the good efforts being made here in Europe against the mass production of vehicles in China where environmental considerations are ignored. Our small efforts are being swamped.


However on a more local field if you live in a town or city then the less pollution being produced is bound to be beneficial.


As you say, it's local pollution that is more of a concern (well it is to me) . Living several miles from the brickfields we would often be breathing polluted air, some years ago a comment about the smell of air brought a look of confusion from a 'incomer' I then had to explain that the 'horrible air' she was complaining about came from Stewartby several miles away. Nice thou it is to see an old car on the road, when following one you soon realise just how bad the exhaust smells used to be.

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colin - 2014-01-09 8:06 PM


Dave225 - 2014-01-09 7:49 PM




Similarly with vehicles one has to consider all the good efforts being made here in Europe against the mass production of vehicles in China where environmental considerations are ignored. Our small efforts are being swamped.


However on a more local field if you live in a town or city then the less pollution being produced is bound to be beneficial.


As you say, it's local pollution that is more of a concern (well it is to me) . Living several miles from the brickfields we would often be breathing polluted air, some years ago a comment about the smell of air brought a look of confusion from a 'incomer' I then had to explain that the 'horrible air' she was complaining about came from Stewartby several miles away. Nice thou it is to see an old car on the road, when following one you soon realise just how bad the exhaust smells used to be.


I used to live in Harlington, Beds and if the wind was in the right direction......yes, the smell of 'bricks cooking' was quite pungent, I just used to think 'That is the smell of someones Job'. Or, Like 'Apocalypse Now'

' I just Lurve the smell of Napalm in the morning' !!

More informing was a 'Pollution projection' at a Milton Keynes town hall, when the widening of the M1 was mooted ( it never happened) Living in Harlington (after coming from Watford) I thought I lived in the 'Country', But the 'Pollution Projection' put me right, there were coloured 'bands' showing how bad the 'pollution corridor' was, either side of the heavily congested M1, I lived in a 'Red band' (the worst) in Harlington, Luton & Dunstable Hospital must be 'Bright,Bright Red' being right alongside the M1 !!

Any way, 12 years ago we retired to West Wales, Now the only Pollution we smell is when the farmers are 'Muck spreading' They say 'It's a healthy smell' I'm not so sure, Give me a Whiff of 'Castrol R', Methanol and Hot racing engine any day. ;-) Ray




Raced one of these in a sidecar outfit in the 60's. NO DPF.

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2014-01-09 5:18 PM


On the other hand, your "government professor" (don't know what one of those is :-)) is merely arguing (sensibly, one might think) against conspicuous consumption and its resultant wastage of natural resources.



Indeed Brian ;-)....................I suspect that proponents of conspicuous consumption and retail therapy as the cure all for the worlds problems................ will become the new Luddites :D......




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pelmetman - 2014-01-10 1:02 PM


Thanks for the picture Colin ;-).......................I feel so much better about the state of my workshop now :D


That's the tidy bit of the workshop :$ It's often been remarked "How can you work in a ****hole like this"

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