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Ducati dim warning lights- does it matter


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The other day, getting back in the day, I noticed the warning lights remained on but dim for 2 or 3 minutes.


There a few threads about this indicating a replacement dashboard required but my question is - is it important? Given that I only noticed by accident is there a risk and what is that risk? WHat is the evidence there is a risk.


I am still in warranty so I suppose I should have it done but it's more hassle which I don't need.





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I refer you to my posting of 21 November 2016 8:57 AM in the following forum discussion




As far as I’m aware the widely-reported warning lights problem has not resulted in any accidents, fires, breakdowns, etc. However, although your warning-lights at the moment just remain dimly lit for a few minutes, it’s quite likely that (as happened with my Rapido motorhome) the problem will escalate.


Within the warranty period replacement of the instrument cluster (a 15-minutes job) should be readily approved by Fiat once the fault has been demonstrated to a Fiat dealership. If you let the warranty period expire and - sometime afterwards - your instrument cluster’s warning lights suddenly come on like Blackpool illuminations, you’ll be kicking yourself for procrastinating.

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Hi peter,


As I understand the real problem may come when you present the vehicle for an MOT test. If certain warning lights, eg ABS, are illuminated at the time of the test then this constitutes a fail. You would then be forced to replace the dash cluster to pass the test.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. Thought I would give an update.


Following the useful responses from the forum i contacted my local Fiat main dealer, they requested I email a copy of my registration doc, then ordered a new dashboard, and replaced it yesterday.


I was very impressed by the efficient and professional manner in which the transaction took place.





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