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Boxer bonnet

geordy paul

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John52 - 2017-05-29 7:34 PM


You might need to take the glove box out so you can get to the cable and give it a pull


It’s necessary to open the driver’s door to gain access to the bonnet-release handle of my 2015 LHD Fiat Ducato-based motorhome and I assume that will also be the case for similar-age Peugeot Boxers. Consequently (and I’m happy to be corrected) I wouldn’t have thought that the route for the cable connecting the bonnet-release handle to the bonnet-catch would pass anywhere near the glove-box(es).


With my motorhome, pulling the handle needs only a small effort to cause the bonnet-catch to release, so it may be practicable to guess where the problem lies. For example if no effort is needed at the handle the cable may have come detached or broken, or if the handle strongly resists movement the bonnet-catch may have become damaged).


Keith’s suggestion should be tried and some other ‘ploys’ are mentioned here:





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Derek Uzzell - 2017-05-30 8:54 AM

It’s necessary to open the driver’s door to gain access to the bonnet-release handle of my 2015 LHD Fiat Ducato-based motorhome and I assume that will also be the case for similar-age Peugeot Boxers.


I fail to see what that has got to do with the route of the bonnet release cable


Derek Uzzell - 2017-05-30 8:54 AM

Consequently (and I’m happy to be corrected) I wouldn’t have thought that the route for the cable connecting the bonnet-release handle to the bonnet-catch would pass anywhere near the glove-box(es).



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It’s true that my Ducato X290 is LHD and, consequently, the small glove-box in front of the passenger cab-seat is on the right-hand side of the cab at the opposite end of the dashboard to where the bonnet-release handle is, but I’m still wary about the cable between the handle and the bonnet-catch being accessible by removing the glove-box that, on a RHD X290, will be located towards the left-hand end of the dashboard.


I believe you own a 2008 X250 Citroen Relay and I’m pretty sure the cable-run from the bonnet-release handle to the bonnet-catch will be similar to that of a 2015 X290 Peugeot Boxer, so you are in much a better position than me to decide if removing the glove-box would be worth doing.


The cable on my Ducato X290 seems to run close to the inside left wall of the engine compartment and pass beneath the left-hand headlamp on its way to the bonnet-catch. If the cable became detached from the catch, or the catch itself jammed/broke, I couldn’t identify any obvious way of opening the bonnet without performing destructive surgery.

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Derek Uzzell - 2017-05-31 7:49 AM

I couldn’t identify any obvious way of opening the bonnet without performing destructive surgery.


Just grab the cable and pull it. :-D

Unless the end has broken right off the outer will pull the inner once the slack is taken up. In which case you might be able to pull the outer right off to get to the inner.

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