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Fire extinguisher?


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My MH has to go in for some warranty work, so it is booked into the dealer who sold it to me. I took the opportunity to query why there was no fire extinguisher supplied with the vehicle, since my previous Hymer had been supplied with one. The answer received is that they do not supply extinguishers with British motorhomes. I must say I am surprised, since it is a mandatory requirement that you carry one in several European countries. Do other marques have a similar policy or is it just Hymer?
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curdle - 2019-11-01 3:07 AM


Is it a mandatory requirement in Australia?




Extract from Australian Design Rule 44/01


Fire Extinguisher


Motorhomes and ‘Caravans’ shall be provided with a fire extinguisher(s) selected and located in accordance with the Australian Standard referred to in clause



(My Hymer came without, but I have fitted one)

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Having had a kitchen fire in a previous home, I'm an avid fan of extinguishers and have them at home (Halon, best but now banned but don't tell anyone I've still got it) and on various boats caravans and motorhomes have always fitted one.


For the fifteen or twenty pounds it costs, hardly worth bothering the dealer is it?

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If you do fit a fire extinguisher I’d suggest that you ensure it doesn’t become a dangerous projectile should you crash. Ours is fitted at floor level next to the driver’s seat so that it can be reached both by the driver/passenger and anyone in the habitation area. Often these small fire extinguishers just clip into their mounting bracket so ours is also enhanced with a Velcro strap to hold it securely should there be a ‘bump’. A fire blanket mounted by the hob is also a good idea.
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Robinhood - 2019-11-01 3:47 PM


curdle - 2019-11-01 3:07 AM


Is it a mandatory requirement in Australia?




Extract from Australian Design Rule 44/01


Fire Extinguisher


Motorhomes and ‘Caravans’ shall be provided with a fire extinguisher(s) selected and located in accordance with the Australian Standard referred to in clause



(My Hymer came without, but I have fitted one)


That is very interesting in my opinion. A seatbelt would probably have a similar requirement, so how can the manufacturer get away with not making the supply, standard equipment?

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Keithl - 2019-11-01 4:17 PM




Check the small print of your insurance policy!


Without double checking but I am certain mine requires a serviceable extinguisher to be fitted.




Keith I already checked my quote before questioning the dealer. You are quite correct, that the insurance company require an annually serviced (in my case) extinguisher. I cannot imagine any other insurance companies missing such small print. So how do manufacturers justify the absence?

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ColinM50 - 2019-11-01 4:24 PM


Having had a kitchen fire in a previous home, I'm an avid fan of extinguishers and have them at home (Halon, best but now banned but don't tell anyone I've still got it) and on various boats caravans and motorhomes have always fitted one.


For the fifteen or twenty pounds it costs, hardly worth bothering the dealer is it?


Agreed the after market cost is not relevant, but surely the principal is?

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curdle - 2019-11-01 3:11 PM


Keithl - 2019-11-01 4:17 PM




Check the small print of your insurance policy!


Without double checking but I am certain mine requires a serviceable extinguisher to be fitted.




Keith I already checked my quote before questioning the dealer. You are quite correct, that the insurance company require an annually serviced (in my case) extinguisher. I cannot imagine any other insurance companies missing such small print. So how do manufacturers justify the absence?


The manufacturer will be selling what is legally required, not what insurers might ask for, take trackers as an example.

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Keithl - 2019-11-01 9:17 AM




Check the small print of your insurance policy!


Without double checking but I am certain mine requires a serviceable extinguisher to be fitted.




It would be interesting to know which insurance company(ies) this applies to.


It isn't a condition of my insurance, but there may be others out there insured under such a policy that haven't noted the condition.

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The following AA website




includes a link to a downloadable .pdf file that tabulates the compulsory equipment that a UK-registered vehicle should carry when it is being driven in European countries. (I’ve copied the table below.)


Where a fire extinguisher is concerned the AA recommends that this be carried in Belgium, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and - for Belgium - there’s a footnote on the full .pdf file


(16) Recommended as their carriage is compulsory for vehicles registered in that country


But (apparently) no European country mandates that a ‘foreign registered’ vehicle MUST carry a fire extinguisher.


Some items (warning triangle, high-viz jacket, first aid kit) are compulsory in certain European countries, but a motorcaravan (whatever its registration status) being driven in the UK need not carry any of those items, nor a fire extinguisher.


The Caravan and Motorhome Club’s guidance on fire-safety is here




and, although this advises that All National Caravan Council (NCC) approved dealers and manufacturers must fit a smoke detector in all new and second-hand caravans there is no mention that it is compulsory for a fire extinguisher to be carried in a motorhome/caravan in the UK, or even that NCC approved dealers and manufacturers should provide one.


This doesn’t mean that a motorhome sold new in the UK will never be provided with a fire extinguisher. On delivery my Rapido had an extinguisher (a 1kg dry-powder) as the French manufacturer factory-fits this as part of the standard specification. There was also a smoke detector that would have been added by the UK Rapido dealership that sold me the vehicle.


Regarding insurance, my motorhome policy (Comfort Insurance/AVIVA) makes no mention of a fire extinguisher. As Robinhood says, it would be interesting to know which insurance providers demand that an extinguisher be fitted and exactly how that condition is worded. Similarly, it would be odd if the warranty of a motorhome marketed in the UK would become void if the vehicle did not carry an extinguisher, particularly if an extinguisher was not provided as part of the motorhome’s standard UK specification.


(I looked at the Elddis warranty and a 2015 owner handbook (mentioned by Pete above) and, although the latter recommends that the owner fit an extinguisher, I couldn't find anything to suggest this was compulsory.)


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Hi just looked through the owner manual and can't find the reference to having to have an extinguisher either but, I know that I have read it in the paperwork somewhere and On the Habitation forms there is a tick box asking if there is a fire extinguisher fitted.


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Dereks table at the bottom is the clue to it all, “compulsory and recommended” so why should any manufacturer install anything other than compulsory, not cost effective?. Certain manufacturers may go that extra mile to kid you on that they care, others don’t My Carthago has neither a fire alarm or extinguisher as standard and I don’t even think they offer them as an option, I do of course have both, at my discretion and cost
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Robinhood - 2019-11-02 1:52 AM


Keithl - 2019-11-01 9:17 AM




Check the small print of your insurance policy!


Without double checking but I am certain mine requires a serviceable extinguisher to be fitted.




It would be interesting to know which insurance company(ies) this applies to.


It isn't a condition of my insurance, but there may be others out there insured under such a policy that haven't noted the condition.


My policy is probably more stringent since it is part of my business cover and very expensive at 1600.00 plus for the MH section alone. It was tremendously difficult to place business use cover and only a very tenacious broker could achieve it with a specialist unit within Lloyd’s. I had the same problem with my timber commercial buildings where despite having a Swiss roofing system with a 15 year warranty, am required to have an annual inspection (expensive) report of the same. The idea that Britain is open for seamless business is Brexit delusion.

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Clive_Adams - 2019-11-03 1:01 AM


Dereks table at the bottom is the clue to it all, “compulsory and recommended” so why should any manufacturer install anything other than compulsory, not cost effective?. Certain manufacturers may go that extra mile to kid you on that they care, others don’t My Carthago has neither a fire alarm or extinguisher as standard and I don’t even think they offer them as an option, I do of course have both, at my discretion and cost


I suppose until Derek posted the clarification about “foreign registered” vehicles having to meet national regs, but not UK registered vehicles, I suspect most of us would attempt to conform. By default, MH owners travel in Europe and do you fancy arguing the small print with a European cop similarly unaware of the distinction (see toll charges for similar confusion). In South Africa MH owners driving rigs over 3500kg do not require a public driving permit (PDP) as private users. The cops do not know the legislation however and to avoid inconvenience or worse, vehicle seizure, it is less hassle to do the medical and get the PDP.

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