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New Thetford fridge freezer


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If your new fridge freezer is a Thetford 3 or 4 series model it has a power control module that the 12v supplies are wired into they are , 12v HC for 12v heating element supply (from starter battery) , 12v LC for fridge controls (From the habitation battery) and a D+ engine running signal for the power control module.
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Although my reply looks like its Buddy only it isnt, its all of you who have offered help, we have more help from suppliers who have been very helpful, fitter coming tomorrow with stand alone battery with high v cable, will wire this then test fridge, if it works the solution is rewire fridge to engine battery with higher voltage cable , Vehicle is 2005 Burstner elegance which had dometic fridge in,

told by suppliers quite a difference in power which is reason it wont kick in, Im optimistic , let you know outcome fingers crossed, i appreciate all help given, if it wins will post message hopefully useful to others, cheers Steve

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