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No j9withdogs,I'm very seriouse its not a fun thing.I couldn't walk far,went down on my knee often with the sudden pain & was in agony for several years until I listened to some good advice.Taking any form of medication is not a cure it just camerflages the pain for a short while.I listened & have been using this piece of equipment now for 22 years with no more problems unless I go for a long period without using it, listen & thou shall learn.
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Thanks for that Twooks, the pads on mine are square and stick like $h!t on a blanket, its sometimes a bit painful getting them off if they've been in place for a few hours, the connectors are on a short flylead and I've not yet had a problem with them. Don't think I could cope with waiting for a NHS machine as well as waiting to see the speshullist though. I've had many hours of relief from mine so consider the cost money well spent. I agree that drugs only mask the symptoms and don't deal with the problem but if they get me through till I see the speshurlisst I'll take them.



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Oh Dave ,

I feel really sorry for you and all the people that suffer its agony.

I do find that stretching helps the sciatic nerve. When I used to do medical work the thing given out them was the old Co-proxamol now dicontinued.


Ten's seems like a good idea but I seem to be a little short at the moment.

laying flat on my back helps lifting legs a kimbo.

But having said that i seem to suffer more when driving ? weird .


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Funnily enough the only position that gives serious releif is face down, I've slept like that for the last two nights and its much better on my back and sciatica but I hate sleeping face down, I have to put one arm down by my side and the other under my pillow with my head turned to one side but I have to swap arms and turn my head the opposite way every two hours or so or my arm goes to sleep and I get a stiff neck.



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I was gored by a Bull when I was 17 years old and in later life have suffered with a bad back from time to time, but for the last 30 years have had a Water Bed and have had no problems as there are no pressure points as your body is cushioned at all points by the water. I do not have as good a nights sleep in the van.



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My husband has a bad hip and often used to be in pain overnight and especially when he woke in the morning. I used to often wake up with pain from my hip, arms during the night several times having to constantly keep changing position. The mattress, as with most continental vans, is a bit on the solid side. At first we used a thick duvet on top of the mattress but it just compressed after the first night so wasn't any better than the mattress itself, so at the NEC earlier this year we bought one of these 2" memory foam toppers for the camper van (I did a posting at the time with details - cost £99 - you don't have to pay a fortune like you do for the Raskelf ones).


Since we've had it I've not had any problems at all and neither has my husband. I still wake in the night but then the mattress never was supposed to sort out his snoring as well!!!!


Michele - I think the reason it's worse when driving is that you're putting a lot of your weight on your 'bum' area and that in turn causes problems with pressing on the nerve itself - not saying that you're on the heavy side of course my dear just that in addition to 'sitting' on the nerve you're also moving your leg whilst driving so constantly 'niggling' it as well - well that's my theory!


Dave - try putting a pillow lengthways under your front when going to sleep, that extra little bit of height on your body should help take the pressure off your neck and arm. Worth a try.

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Cheers Mel,


for the info I suspect you are right on the fattie bit .

I never eat breakfast nor lunch nor tea .I know you are thinking rubbish but its true i really must learn to put myself first but alas it never happens .

Anyway when i sit down at night I usually sit on here to chill and have a sandwich always a packet of plain crisps and a hand full of peanuts ..Coke.

not good really I,m told that the body stores it all to fat as it does not know where the next meal is coming from. How true that is I dont know because i often wonder how did all the people in the war get skinny ?.

Anyway I would say i was a little over weight and it does not help .

i think you are correct it is trapping the nerve when driving.

well summised Dr watson


I wonder how poor Dave is doing unlike him I dont have to get on with it in the sense of I can go to bed if I want through out the day until the kids come home. hope you are ok dave you have mine and other 's sympathy...


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Save your sympathy for those that really need it guys, its only pain and therefore it can't really hurt you :-S I do appreciate your kind thoughts really but that wasn't the reason for my joining this thread. There are many more people who suffer a hell of a lot more than me. For what its worth I couldn't cope with what Michele goes through with the kiddies. dealing with ones own pain takes no bravery, you have no choice. dealing with someone else's pain and problems takes real courage as you could so easily walk away.


Mel, I'lltry the pillow under my front, I've slept on my side with one between my legs for a good few years now so I can learn to adapt.



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Dave ,

stop it you have made me cry now :'( seeing her on sunday all is not lost and still have the other sister and a new Boy . Still miss my baby though, I can't stop to think about it to painful.

Anyways My oldest F daughter the police one plays Rugby harlow ladies i'll have you know ... last week my back was bad which is why I supect I,m left with this at the mo. She said lay down ! I panicked told her hey your not trained for this . Like a fool I did and she got me to lay flat on the floor and told me this is what the rugby ladies have done . She proceeded with me flat on my front to say breath in and as I did she pushed breath out then she pushed again ( MY BONES WHERE CRACKING ) not in pain just were in the wrong place locked ... I felt 100% better after and could actually walk again I felt the pain go from my legs also ..went to bed with one of tose heated beanie bags under my back . I like you use a pillow between my knees it helps but I found myself sleeping on my back withthe beanie bag felt 100% all over since in my back... *-)

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Michele - EAT!!!!! Don't miss breakfast, I know you've probably heard people say it's the most important meal of the day but it IS true! I used to have a real problem with a slow digestive system, caused all sorts of nasty problems, having to take medication all the time before eating etc not nice and a real pain. Anyway, eventually I managed to change my diet and, whereas before I couldn't face food first thing, now I make a point of having something in a morning, if not immediately, then at least mid-morning. This has mean that I no longer have to be on any stomach medication at all. I was unfortunate in that I had a medical problem which made eating at certain times difficult but I managed to get round it and now can eat pretty much normally. However, I did meet some people at the clinics who hadn't had any medical problems at first but their not having a meal first thing had actually caused them to have a problem!


So please do try to eat, even if it's only a banana (good for long term energy to get you through the morning) or a slice of toast at least and made sure you have plenty of fluid. Not having a breakfast is a good way to really cause yourself problems with your stomach, if not now, more than certainly in the future. *-)

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ou are totally correct of course ! I just get sick and busy the kids come first then I pack them of to school and start to do house work meeting's SS and training and I forget I never get hungry . i neer feel pangs of hunger .

I dont even feel it at night its only that I sit and think what have I eaten today then I make myself eat the wrong food usually a sandwich only one with the crisp's and peanuts & glass of Coke my favourite .

You are correct so I have just got myself some fish out of the freezer for tomorrow I must start to look after myself other wise the house will have no one.. ;-)

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Good girl! Keep it up, I will want a full dietary report when I get back from hols. B-)


Just a thought, instead of having food do you by any chance have a ciggy? That could by why you don't feel hunger pangs as your body gets used to having that instead. That's why some people put on weight when they give up smoking, the craving for nicotine is replaced by other cravings intead. Not that I'm condoning smoking as a means of keeping the weight off you understand. *-)

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I have a JR, a Cavalier and a cocker - all short-legged dogs so have to bend over in order to reach collars ....... ;-)


As for the black spaniel on J9's avatar .......... what a cracker!


As for co-whatever they are meds - if I took anything as strong as those I would end up on the bathroom floor reeling ........ so it's brisk walking if possible, remembering to sit/bend correctly and hot showers or deep baths. When gardening I have to kneel.





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Mel is right the worst thing anyone with a back problem can do is drive..

Some years ago when I had a serious back problem, my Chiropractor said would you hit youself on the top of the head with a hammer for long periods. Well think about it because thats exactly what you do when you drive a car you continuosly bang the base of your spine.



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Mel B - 2007-05-10 10:29 PM


Dave - forgot to ask, how did you sleep last night?


Hi Mel,

I've found that using my memory foam pillow under my chest and sleeping face down works quite well although sometimes I'm better off on my back to start with then turn over in the middle of the night. Thanks for the tip.


Our local NHS trust have switched their referrals system and are now using something called the Booking & Information Bureau (BIB). Upon referral you have to phone them with the Unique Booking Reference Number (UBRN) and all this supposedly gives you the opportunity to see a specialist quicker and at the hospital of your choice. Ha, fat chance! I saw a locum doctor last Tuesday, she couldn't give me a UBRN because she was a locum so I had to phone the surgery yesterday to get one, guess what. "The lady that deals with referrals is on holiday, phone back tomorrow". So I did, only to be told she "couldn't find my referral number, could I phone back later", what time later says I, "I'll hopefully have it by about 4.oo pm".


And so it goes on!



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Only just found this thread.


I suffered from sciatica a few years ago, the cause of which which led to all sorts of problems including (eventually) a hamstring tear. I had a couple of years of ever stronger painkillers, X rays, full body scan, cortisone injections and physio from the NHS. Also bought a TENS machine which gave only temporary relief.


Eventually Jill (better half) booked me in at the local chiropractic clinic. From my first visit I've never had to take drugs to deal with it. Turned out that my pelvis had become mis-aligned because of the manner in which I sat at my (then) office desk and the inadequate chair I was using.


I used to go to the clinic regularly but haven't been for 3 or 4 years now. If I do ever have the odd twinge the techniques I learned soon sort it out.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Update: As my letter of confirmation hadn't arrived I phoned the BIB service yesterday and they're re-sending it but they did confirm the referral booking and date and time are correct. The downside is I'm seeing an Orthopaedic specialist called Summers. I've seen him before, about ten years ago with a similar problem and his considered opinion then was " you have a serious problem with your lower back but we don't know what it is, enjoy your retirement!". I don't hold out much hope of an early solution now. :-(



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