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Swift spare part issue


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Sorry if this is already posted but nothing using search.

Anyone else experiencing issues with getting spares for Swift caravans/motorhomes?

Skipping the Fiat "sensor issue"

I have an 18 month old Kon-Tiki sport that is off the road as I  need a fresh water dump valve.

ETA over a month as Jason from Swift uses the excuse "Lead times do vary with each supplier and some suppliers have experienced supply chain issues which is out of our control".

Jason says "I am pleased to hear you have been provided an estimated delivery date."

Is over a month acceptable for a very common part?

Why do Swift not stock spare parts for aftersales??

I would seem Swift policy is sale and forget....

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If you are looking for a electrical dump valve have look at www.sargentltd.co.uk their shop lists water level sensors and dump valves and it may be that the item you are looking for is listed there as they supply many electrical parts for Swift

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I'll have a look at sites BUT why, as I have an 18mth old motorhome under warranty, should I need to look beyond the manufacrure? There would seem to be a significant issue with Swift aftersales that their customers are working arround, rather than resolving with Swift.

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Jez's Kon-Tiki has electrically-operated drain valves for fresh and waste water.

These valves are advertised online for  £60-upwards and (as Labby has mentioned) the valves are Sargent products. (example advert here)


However, it's to be expected that Swift will obtain parts at a hefty discount, so may be unprepared to 'buy retail'.

Presumably, if Swift supplied the replacement valve, a Swift dealer would fit it under warranty, so perhaps Jez could suggest to the Swift dealer (who sold him the motorhome?) that he (Jez) obtains the valve himself and that the dealer fits that valve and refunds its price.

OK, in an ideal world (never mind the Wonderful World of Motorhomes!) Jez shouldn't need to be progressing this issue himself, but the choice is to have an unusable motorhome until Swift gets a replacement valve, or be proactive and try to minimise the waiting time.

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I don't know if this is relevant or useful, but assuming the drain valve is as seen in this image


evidently there is a manual override. 

Quote from another forum's discussion

At the top of the blue drain valve/solenoid you should see a circular white disk. Pull this up and turn it to manually open and close the valve. Must be a common problem as I am waiting on a replacement as well for my 2017 Bolero. 

From comments in the same forum discussion, it appears that the valve may be lagged to protect it against frost damage. It was reported that removing the lagging and giving the valve a light tap with a spanner had revived the valve to full health.  

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Thank you all for input, my issue was a rogue packing strap on the motorway that "removed" the valve, mounting & pipe from water tank.

Ordered replacements for installation before we sell the van.

For now replacing missing fresh water and the remaining waste water valves with manual taps. The electronic ones are so vulnerable and overall very incocinient.You have to dump 2-3 times to empty a full waste tank or 1/2 full fresh water. Someone has to go out to see if drain is complete. The whole Sargent control system grossly over complicated process that could be very simply done with a switch. Swift claim "55 and counting With over 55 years experience to become the innovative, forward-thinking market leader we are today." I prefer Sir Richard Branson "Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is hard to make something simple". Sargent panel is a disaster waiting to happen. Anyone want to create a simple switch pannel to replace it necessary features??

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Personally I have never rated the Swift group as a competent converters and I've seen a few - look at well used - not new vans - and their build quality did not impress plus their support is anecdotally legendary - for all the wrong reasons.

Personally I would never buy a Swift van and the real shame is that they seem to be oblivious to all those poor souls who have invested their hard earned cash in one of their products.

Unfortunately this same attitude seems to pervade the majority of the Motorhome industry these days where it is their idea of acceptable to grab your money and then pride themsleves in shoddy finish and shoddy service whilst blaming everyone else at your expense and your inconvenience.

This is purely a personal view and to strike a  balance perhaps there is  a Swift owner out there who can tell us all that they have an exemplary van and have experienced exemplary service?

There, I feel better already for getting that aired!

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And it's not just Swift, Eldiss are pretty poor too. I've got  legal issue at the moment so can't say too much but it does seem that all the manufacturers are the same - once they've got your money they don't want to take responsibility for their product. at least car makers try to fix issues, m/h builder just make excuses or blame someone else

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Don't overlook Bailey


and Auto-Sleepers


And it ain't just new UK-built motorhomes, as my 2005 Hobby (made in Germany) had a serious heating system build-fault, while water poured into the rear garage of my 2015 Rapido (made in France) due the roof joint not being properly sealed.

And when it comes to critical complaints about design, how about Hymer


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For this very reason, in over 50 years, I would never ever buy a new van, even less so these days.

Much better, I found, to buy a good used van from a known and trusted dealer, with a proper dealer backed warranty, even if I paid a bit over the odds for it - and spend the first night or two on a site very close to the dealer so that any problems can be reported on the spot.

There were not always issues to resolve, but when there were, being handy was very - err - handy!

Times and attitudes have changed and I don't know if there any 'decent' 'honest' dealers out there anymore!

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Having purchased 9 Motorhomes since 2002 I’ve come across a couple of dealers whom have not been very good. 
I then purchased 3 LeVoyageur’s from Hayes leisure followed by a Chauson. 
they were superb. 
we then purchased a Cathago Malibu from Goeuropean. 
malibu is by far the most excellent vehicle I’ve purchased. 
PX’d it for a Cathago super lightweight again from Goeuropean. 
no motorhome faults, only a broken awning ( this was no ones fault )

popped in to see Lewis whom ordered the parts and fitted them 5 days later. 
we now have another Malibu 640 on order. 
fantastic quality and superb service from Goeuropean. 

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  • 4 months later...

Just come across this thread. The fresh water tank dump valve on my 2017 Swift Escape has packed up.  It has had very little use compared to the waste water dump valve - maybe that's part of the problem.  I just can't see the point of motorised valves, just a complication and the Sargent models obviously are not very reliable.  I intend to replace mine with a manual valve.  Much less to go wrong and more convenient.  You usually have to get out of the 'van to check that your pipe is over the water grid.  Far more easier to just bend down and open the valve manually.

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