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Adblue replacement


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I think we can surmise from John is he will use out of date Adblu and most people after spending many thousands of pounds will make sure there Adblu is up to date. 
I personally will never have to empty mine because we do so many miles 

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5 hours ago, John52 said:

When asked what happens to adblu when is passes its best before date, and how this causes alleged damage to the vehicle, or exactly what alleged damage, people change the subject.

So I can only assume they don't know.

I'm giving up on this thread because I already know a motorhome costs more than a bottle of adblu

If anyone answers the question could someone please let me know 

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Really lol 

I will ask you a very simple question John  .Are you  endorsing using out of date or contaminated adBlue in the SCR system and are you saying, it may do no damage to the SCR system?

I really hope not.

 I would not like any one reading these posts to think it's ok to use out of date or contaminated adBlue in their SCR system thinking it may not do an harm to their SCR system.


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Quote from onecal 06/07/2023 at 15.11 

I would not like anyone to be misled into thinking that using out of date or contaminated adblue may not do expensive damage to their SCR and think it just may raise as you say slightly higher emissions alone. This has happened to quite a few and I have had to repair quite a few that have been  damaged from using same

So I am speaking from experience , not just from reading articles on the internet which as you say may be a pantomine from time to time which I do agree 


I just want to save members from worrying about their adblu and doing unnecessary work to replace it.

You claimed to have repaired SCR systems due to out of date or contaminated adblu, but won't tell us anything about them

You just keep changing the subject.


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Re read all my posts I am not changing at all,lol

I respect your opinion if you think or wish to use out of date or contaminated adBlue in your vehicle. That is your choice ,but i would not like any one reading these posts to think it's ok to use out of date or contaminated adBlue in their SCR system thinking it may not do an harm to their SCR system.Surly the vehicle manufactures are not wrong? 

So again

I will ask you a very simple question John  .Are you  endorsing using out of date or contaminated adBlue in the SCR system and are you saying, it may do no damage to the SCR system?

I really hope not.


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I really don't want to keep repeating things because this thread is getting interminably long.

But if you insist, I have already said I have put adblu in that is 2 years out of date and had no issues.  I have also said I can see no reason why out of date adblu would stop or damage the engine, or anything else on the vehicle.  

I have also explained several times why manufacturers have to say don't use old adblu - but again, if you insist I will repeat that urea weakens slightly with age, leading to slightly higher emissions, which no one can say is OK.

But you have said

I would not like anyone to be misled into thinking that using out of date or contaminated adblue may not do expensive damage to their SCR and think it just may raise as you say slightly higher emissions alone. This has happened to quite a few and I have had to repair quite a few that have been  damaged from using same

And yet, despite being asked many times, you won't tell us anything about the repairs you claim to have done, or the damage you claim to have repaired, or how you attribute it to out of date adblu


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