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Water sterilization

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I use the cheapest of them all, pure tap water straight from my kitchen tap!

Fill the tank and purge through all the pipes, leave 24 - 48 hours then rinse and repeat. It's worked for me for the last sixteen years!


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But, it will to an extent depend on how long the un-treated water will then stand in the tank.  Our vans have all had fresh water tanks of approx. 100L capacity.  We always started our trips with the tank full, and re-filled when 50% empty.  We found that 50L fresh water usually lasted us in the region of two weeks.  We almost invariably stayed on camp sites and used site facilities for cooking, washing, and washing-up.

Most water purification products are chlorine based (including tap water) and, with a ventilated tank, the chlorine slowly leaches from the water gradually reducing its concentration.  This can (and on occasion did!) lead to odd niffs from the water, and some algal deposits within the tank.

We discovered two products, both made by Elsan, that eliminated this problem.  First is a product called Fresh Water Tank Cleaner.  This is a chlorine free tank steriliser that is dosed into the tank before each trip.  The tank and pipework first need to be flushed through, then the tank filled, dosed with the purifier, the taps opened long enough to draw the solution through the pipes, and then left 24 hours and drained thoroughly, and finally flushed through with clean water.  Then the tank is re-filled with fresh drinking water and the second Elsan product, Elsil dosed in.  This product is formulated to maintain the water in a safely drinkable state for several weeks.  It is a silver and hydrogen peroxide based additive that prevents algae and other organisms developing in the water.

All I can add is that on the evidence of our own experience it works, and maintained odourless and taint free water over European trips lasting up to 90 or so days, re-dosing at the prescribed rate as and when we replenished the tank from 50% empty, over the course of at least 15 years.

The point about avoiding chlorine based water purification products is that they attack most grades of stainless steel, and most motorhomes have stainless steel sinks in which water drops tend to persist.

So, yer water stays drinkable, yer get no nasty tummy bugs, and yer sink doesn't develop mystery holes.  What's not to like?  😄 

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We use Puriclean once a year. Part fill the tank, and purge through taps etc. Dissolve correct amount in hot water.  Add to tank. Fill up to full with cold water. Run through taps to get stuff into pipes and boiler. Leave overnight, drain, refill with fresh water and drain. Good to go. When emptying the puriclean from tanks we run taps for a while with waste  outlet closed so some of it goes into waste tank. 

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2 hours ago, hja said:

We use Puriclean once a year. Part fill the tank, and purge through taps etc. Dissolve correct amount in hot water.  Add to tank. Fill up to full with cold water. Run through taps to get stuff into pipes and boiler. Leave overnight, drain, refill with fresh water and drain. Good to go. When emptying the puriclean from tanks we run taps for a while with waste  outlet closed so some of it goes into waste tank. 

 I also do that.


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On 16/03/2024 at 20:31, hja said:

We use Puriclean once a year. Part fill the tank, and purge through taps etc. Dissolve correct amount in hot water.  Add to tank. Fill up to full with cold water. Run through taps to get stuff into pipes and boiler. Leave overnight, drain, refill with fresh water and drain. Good to go. When emptying the puriclean from tanks we run taps for a while with waste  outlet closed so some of it goes into waste tank. 

Exactly! I’ll be doing that again in a few weeks time and after 6 vans and some 12 years of no problems no reason to do other wise. Concerning the use of Milton, I always have and would only ever use Puriclean, its designed to do this job whereas Milton isn’t. 

Edited by GandJP
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