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Cushings disease - anyone got a dog with it?

Mel B

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Hi Maggyd


Don't use the insurance that came with the microchip, shop around, Tesco and a few others do it and for a lot less than that!


Just been to collect Squidge - not £120, try £165! They did a liver test as well and unfortunately his levels are still way up which is a concern so there may be more to this than just Cushings .... we'll find out on Monday probably when the other test results come back in .... off to have a wander on the web to look up liver problems now! :-|

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Oh Dear Mel I really feel for you, what a worry, but as long as Midge is eating and happy for as long as possible that is the main thing! sometimes meds can cause problems like this I know that both of us have regular tests for Liver and Kidney function because of medication were on, and I suppose dogs are just the same.


Anyway keep your chin up and try not to worry too much the Vets will sort it out Im sure :-S although as you say it will probably cost you!! but what the hell just cut out a couple of Christmas pressies I know which you would rather have, cuddles to Midge from me xx God Bless Margaret.

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Thanks for your thoughts Margaret, much appreciated, and the rest of you too! Midge sends you some licks!


Took the dogs out with Midge in his buggy this afternoon - they're not the easiest things to push on fields are they ... I wonder if they make 4 wheel drive versions!!!!! :D Whilst we were out he had a little potter and sniffed a tree and did what male dogs do. On the way back, a young female dear came bouncing by at the end of the field, obviously scared by the guns going off in another field, what a beautiful creature she was, only the second time we've seen deer although there are supposed to be quite a few around our way.


Tonight Squidge has munched his way through a load more chicken, frolics and even had a bit of normal tinned dog food so progressing even more. We've stocked up on a load of reduced chickens from Tesco just to be safe though. He's certainly perked up a bit more today and has been chomping on a rawhide chew - although he can't hold it with his paws he sort of jams it in his bean-bag and has a good old munch. He's starting to do some of this old favourites now, like lying near the patio doors (his favourite spot) and also let Lily lay in his bed with him.


Christmas presents ... what are they? :D (lol) We've been hitting Woolies and have got loads of great things at a fraction of the cost which has helped a lot, all wrapped up and ready to be delivered. Considering digging out one of the old videos of our dogs to send to "You'be Been Framed" ... the dosh will come in handy ... so if you see some nutty dogs on there (5 of them) with some bloke giving them dog chews (hubby) and with the little one doing a lovely sneaky whip round to pinch some, that'll be our lot!! *-)


At least our mortgage is going down again (base rate tracker with no 'minimum') so the extra £90 will come in very handy. It may be costing us but at least we can afford it, more than a lot can I know, so we've got to be thankful that we are able to pay for his treatment. There are a lot of pets being put into shelters as their owners can't afford to keep them, I don't know how they can part with them, I know I couldn't, I'd sell everything I had first.


Enough of this doom and gloom ... off to have a wander on the forum before watching a bit of telly - got a "Wallace and Gromit" adventure to watch ... should be fun.



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Good news on the Midge front. Got the results yesterday from the blood tests they did last week. The vet was very pleased when she rang me, the lab had told her that they don't usually get results like this ... the dosage of the medication that Midge is on is absolutely spot on and is managing his illness excellently! :-> It usually takes a bit of adjusting to get it right, so doing this first time is great.


He's getting better each day, he's pottering a little bit more now and came and laid next to me on Tuesday afternoon whilst I was on the computer - he hasn't done that for 6 weeks. Today I was even happier, he was lying in front of the fire at lunch time and decided to have a roll around on his back with his feet in the air (as dogs like to do), I haven't seen him do that for ages - must be 2 months!!! He's almost back onto his normal dog food and is nearly the 'dumpling' he was before so we need to watch his ration size! :D


I'm well happy! :-D

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Good news Mel and may Midge continue with his improvement. If Betie is anything to go by, if the Viteroyl is monitored and controlled by the blood tests, the prognosis is good. Not cheap but worth every penny for the laughs he gives us.

Best wishes and happy christmas to Midge and you.

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Thanks guys. Still some concern over Midge's raised liver readings but it could be that he hasn't been on the medication long enough so they haven't had a chance to come down yet ... here's hoping. We'll have a good Christmas whatever barring any disasters though, I'm sure Midge will enjoy his turkey ... roast tatties, carrots .... and even sprouts (though we may regret it later!). :D


Interesting chat with some relations the other night, went round to take their pressies and saw that they've got themeselves a nice 32" flatscreen TV costing £400. We got onto the subject of what they would do if their little dog had similar porblems .... oh, she'd have to go, came the answer. Why? Because they couldn't possibly afford the treatment! 8-)


Yes I'd love to have been able to buy a nice TV etc in place of paying for the vet's bills, medication etc but I know which I'd rather have ... he's much more 'entertaining' than the programmes you get on the TV anyway .... but I must remember not to try to plug the aerial in! (lol) (lol)

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I'm with you on that one Mel, but when you look how many get dumped, that are ill and have been for a while it shows we are in the minority, with people under threat of loosing jobs and costs of living like they are unfortunately there will be even more out on the streets in the coming months.


Good luck with midge on sprouts on christmas day, have you got gas masks??? (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Seen on TV today that some of the excuses people are coming up with to get rid of dogs are absolutely rediculous:


... he doesn't match my sofa

... doesn't go with my white carpet

... owner wants a younger model


Some people are absolutely disgusting. I do have sympathy for those who really have no choice, like those whose homes are being re-possessed and they are having to move into rental accommodation where the landlord doesn't allow pets. It really is such a shame things like this have to happen.


On a brighter note, tood Midge out in his buggy today to cheer him up as he was fed up and mumbling to himself in his bean-bag bed, managed to have a good poddle round for about 40 mins with the other 2 dogs partially pulling the buggy!!! Must get them some reindeer antlers!!!!!



Tonight, Midge was mumbling again as he'd realised that hubby had taken the other 2 out for their usual evening constitutional, so when he got back he put the lead on Midge and took him for a little potter, about 50 yards, and back again. Midge walked, slowly and gingerly, but he managed it and had his first piddle for ages on his favourite road sign ... Midge that is not hubby! :D Then they both apparently stood on the corner of the street whilst Midge nibbled a bit of grass and sniffed the air. He's now stopped mumbling and is snuggled in his bed with a contented look on his face!!!


Plus, we've manged to get a private prescription off the vet (£6) for Midge's tablets. To buy them from the vets they would have been £50 for 30 tablets, we can get them on line for less than £25 including delivery! Vet did a 3 month prescription so that's saved us £69 to go towards his next lot of blood tests in early January (£165!). Thinking of sending Romy and Midge out to do some carol singing to get some dosh! :-> Ding, dong merrily on high .... woof, woof!!!! (lol)

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Update, for anyone that's interested! :D


Last Sunday when we took Midge out in the buggy we got a bit bogged down and totally clarted in mud! Decided we could do with a better type of buggy, one with bigger wheels at least. Couldn't find one at a car boot sale yesterday, however, on Friday night I'd already been on the the local Freecycle site and noticed someone had offered a 3 wheeled buggy, with 'proper' pneumatic tired wheels! I'd sent a plea to have it for Midge but to be honest I didn't hold out much hope as they usually get snapped up. Yesterday afternoon I checked my email and lo and behold I'd had a response and the buggy was mine! Even better, it was only a 5 minute walk away so I went and got it straight away. Checked it over to see if anything needed sorting out as they'd had it in the attic for a couple of years, nope everythign fine, so took Midge out this afternoon in it the Romy and Lily, across the field - didn't get bogged down at all. Brilliant!!! While we were out Midge decided he wanted a little potter so he had a snuffle around for 10 minutes and can now lift his leg to have a pee ... hasn't been able to do that for a while! :$ Even though he is feeling much better in himself and eating well I just wish we could clear up his manky feet and legs completely, they don't seem to be getting much better unfortunately, covered with a yeast/infection, all horrible black bits and crusty white/cream bits - yuk! :-(


He's now got a couple of small bit of yeast infection on his back end/hips where he's been nibbling ... on goes the plastic funnel 'collar' again! Anyone any tips on what we could put on his feet legs etc? I keep washing them in the shampoo that we've got from the vet (just bought a cheap baby-bath to make it easier than trying to do it in the normal bath) and it does get some of the manky crusty bits off but doesn't do much else and certainly doesn't seem to be helping clear it up. Any suggestions gratefully received! :-S (You can see one of his manky legs in the photo below.)


Oh, forgot to say - got Lily a lovely little basket from the car boot sale - brand new for 50p! Unfortunately when we put it on the floor Midge made a bee-line for it and has hardly moved out of it!!!!!


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Its good to hear that midge is trying to potter, he looks happy enough in the pic.

When our Zoe was having probs with her staffies skin, she got tee tree oil based products off line, she got wipes and shampoo and her skin cleared upgreat, I got some tea tree oil from boots for her, and she put it in some baby oil and used this to stop missy nibbling and it worked, and she mixed some with baby shampoo to bath her in as it was a bit strong neat, its a natural antibiotic and antiseptic, but natural so it shouldn't interfer with any drugs..... hope this helps....

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Hi Jacqui


Thanks for that, I have some tee tree oil and baby shampoo already so will do a test on one leg/paw to see if it helps, then if it does, I'll put it on his nose as that really itches, the poor mite keeps rubbing it on his bed to get some relief, the gel from the vets doesn't help unfortunately.


One of the problems with his feet that was an absolute pain was the white sticky stuff that was on them, a bit like white silican sealant! Nothing would shift it and it just kept making his toes 'glue' themselves to each other and preventing the air getting in to them, the shampoo and treatments from the vet wouldn't touch it. After digging out my 'vinegar/honey/garlic' remedies book it suggested that vinegar has good medicinal properties, so I mixed up some white vinegar with lost of water to diluted it well and washed his feet with this - wonderful stuff as it has actually finally removed the stickyness! Since I did this a couple of days ago, his pads are getting more back to their normal pink now rather than the sore red which they were but they are still swolen. Hopefully they'll improve - I'll keep and eye on them and if it looks like its returning I'll certainly use the vinegar again. I've also got the Malaseb shampoo (an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal treatment) that the vet prescribed which I've been using on him so will keep using this too now that it can actually get into his paws/toes properly it might do some good, obviously I won't use it at the same time/day.


We've done a lot of research and are probably going to stop his antibiotics as they are not helping at all and it appears they could actually be causing a lot of his probelms with the yeast infection as they will be killing off all the 'good' bacteria (we'll see what the vet thinks of course). I did try him on some probiotic yoghurt a while ago but he wouldn't touch it - he wasn't eating much then anyway, but I'll get some more for him tomorrow, a nice flavoured one this time, and see if he will eat some of that to get the good bacteria going again. We've got to do something as at this rate he is going to be covered in the yeast. We're also gonig to change his diet as well, gradually, so that he is back to having cooked chicken and less processed dog food as this again looks like it could cause problems. In fact, whilst he was off his food, although his feet were infected etc, that's all it was, it didn't spread anywhere else, so worth a try ... hopefully they'll be selling the turkeys off cheap after Christmas!


Obviously I reaslise a load of people on the forum won't be intereted in any of this 'jabbering' of mine, but if it just helps one person with another poorly dog, then its worth it!





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Bertie has a black sticky substance similar to what you describe, that reaccures around his eyes and mouth every so often. 2 years ago he got it quite bad but we were away from home for 6 months and used a couple of local vets who prescibed antibiotics which did no good.

On returning home we went to our own vet got his dermatolagis specilist to look at and she precribed the Promeris tick/flea treatment and the Antirobe antibiotics and it cleared up straight away.

Whenever it starts to reappear we now we give him the Antirobe (the Promeris he has every month anyway) and it clears up straight away.


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Mel at the end of the day if this thread doesn't interest everyone then they won't read it. but as you say if it helps one other person help keep their pet comfortable, or one of the tips help you with midge then thats all that matters.

Have a great time, extra turkey for midge.

Jacqui ;-) ;-)

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I concur. Enjoying this thread Melanie and learning something all the time as well, so carry on 'jabbering'. Might draw the line at pushing our mutt around in a pram, but all us animal lovers know where you are coming from and expect you to keep us updated. x
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Hi guys


Thanks for your support. Hubby rang the vet today and she's approved of us stopping the antibiotics he's on seeing as the actual infection itself has gone and it's just the fungal/yeast problem now. She's recommended also using Canestan cream so we got some of that and will see if it helps.


Wanderer - that's very interesting - the black stuff round his eyes and mouth though goes more crusty than sticky, the sticky stuff was the white manky bit on his feet ... was your Bertie's crusty too? If so I will look into this further but will have to be careful as it says it shouldn't be used for dogs with renal problems - at the moment we don't know if he has a problem with his liver/kidneys, won't know until his next blood test results, so that'll be mid January probably, but thanks for the info.


Went to Lidl at lunchtime to get the veg etc in for Christmas and they had reduced a load of fresh chickens, £1.69 a kilo with 30% off! Got six for Midge so that should keep him going for a while, also got the probiotic flavoured yoghurt and he loves it! Brilliant!


Howie, excuse me ... who 'made' his dog into a version of 'Ben Hur'??? I rest my case! :D


It's not just a buggy we have for him, we've also got a papoose which we've had for a few years and use it when he gets tired etc or his joints are playing up so at least he gets to go with us. This was Midge in France late summer this year (yes ... I think we had a summer ... didn't we?).


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Hi Mel


Yes the black stuff round his mouth and eyes does go crusty but when you soak it to get it off it goes like a sticky glue.

Yes the Promeris is really horrible stuf and we really don't like putting it on him, it can really push him down for hours but at the end of the day, his life would be misirable without it so better of 2 evils!!!


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Went back to vets yesterday and have changed Midge's antibiotics to Antirobe, we're sticking with the Frontline for the time being as the vet says he doesn't have mites (which is what the Promeris seems to be used for), so with the Antirobe, nightly foot soaks and washes with the Malaseb shampoo, followed by some anti-fungal cream around his eyes and nose we'll see what happens. I managed to get a load of the black crusty layers off his feet the other day so that's letting the shampoo get to his feet much better.


We've also put him back on his normal dog food with the chicken etc as well, plus he's also eating a tub of probiotic yoghurt every day. He seems a bit happier so here's hoping ....

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Hi Mel

Fingers crossed that the Antirobe is as good for Mitch as it has been for Bertie, yes the Promeris is to keep the mite population under control.

Betie managed to pull something in his leg Christmas day and is limping around and looking very sorry for himself, it was kind of funny though the first time after he had done it when he went for wee, he cocked his leg and promptley fell over, poor thing!! Improving now though.

Happy new year

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Went to Hornsea today in the camper and took my Mum. First we went to the beach - a bit bracing to say the least!!! Romy & Lily had a good romp around, Lily didn't seem to know what to make of the sea so kept well away from it when it 'chased' her! Midge was snuggled in his buggy but did come out for a little potter, unfortunately though he's soon worked out that if he pottered over to his buggy when I wasn't looking he could sneak into the shopping 'basket' bit under the seat, which is what he kept doing everytime he got within range! Not daft is he!!! It was a good way to get him to have a bit of exercise though as he followed the buggy around!!! This is him snuggling in it before his potter.


We then went to get some chips to go with our home cooked gammon sandwiches ... loads of scraps, lovely! :D After that the sun had made an apparance (yes ... it does still exist in 2009), so we hit Hornsea Freeport, a 'designer' (posh shop) outlet with loads of stuff reduced, got some jumpers and other bits and bobs, then took my Mum home and then back home ourselves. A nice day and a good end to our holiday. :-S


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Mel B - 2009-01-02 5:48 PM


Went to Hornsea today in the camper and took my Mum. First we went to the beach - a bit bracing to say the least!!! Romy & Lily had a good romp around, Lily didn't seem to know what to make of the sea so kept well away from it when it 'chased' her! Midge was snuggled in his buggy but did come out for a little potter, unfortunately though he's soon worked out that if he pottered over to his buggy when I wasn't looking he could sneak into the shopping 'basket' bit under the seat, which is what he kept doing everytime he got within range! Not daft is he!!! It was a good way to get him to have a bit of exercise though as he followed the buggy around!!! This is him snuggling in it before his potter.


We then went to get some chips to go with our home cooked gammon sandwiches ... loads of scraps, lovely! :D After that the sun had made an apparance (yes ... it does still exist in 2009), so we hit Hornsea Freeport, a 'designer' (posh shop) outlet with loads of stuff reduced, got some jumpers and other bits and bobs, then took my Mum home and then back home ourselves. A nice day and a good end to our holiday. :-S


Thats one posh buggy Mel and Midge looks really cosy :-D Hornsea we used to go to the Pottery there years ago.

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