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Maybe its not a myth?...............

Guest pelmetman

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Reposted from 12 July ................


Younger daughter is an anethasist. Asked her for her professional opinion. Reply was, could I please get her some of this gas as it was obviously far, far superior to anything she has available.


Its obvious benefits are:


1) Non toxic to all patients without having any knowledge of their medical condition, or the interior volume of the vehicle, or the number of patients in the vehicle.


2) Perfectly safe to use for the operator.


3) Clears in seconds after being turned off (so that the thieves can enter the vehicle and remove goods).


4) The only known side effect is a headache.


5) Must be very cheap (given the number of gassings taking place per year).


6) Works on animals as well as humans (so it must have a use in vetenary medicine).


7) Non-flammable.



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Guest pelmetman
spospe - 2014-08-09 9:44 PM


Reposted from 12 July ................


Younger daughter is an anethasist. Asked her for her professional opinion. Reply was, could I please get her some of this gas as it was obviously far, far superior to anything she has available.


Its obvious benefits are:


1) Non toxic to all patients without having any knowledge of their medical condition, or the interior volume of the vehicle, or the number of patients in the vehicle.


2) Perfectly safe to use for the operator.


3) Clears in seconds after being turned off (so that the thieves can enter the vehicle and remove goods).


4) The only known side effect is a headache.


5) Must be very cheap (given the number of gassings taking place per year).


6) Works on animals as well as humans (so it must have a use in vetenary medicine).


7) Non-flammable.



No point in repeating it................As I doubt the people carrying out these crimes are reading this thread *-)................neither are they bothered by rules and regulations :-|................


Has your daughter done any experiments of the effect of laughing gas or CO in a small space?..........


No?................ I thought not ;-)................



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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-08-09 9:34 PM



It makes no sense to apparently intelligent folk like you *-)...................why?.............because an expert told you so



It makes no sense to anyone with an IQ over about 80. And you never answer the question. Why do your thieves go to all this trouble and risk? There's no need. If they're so clever they'd eliminate as much risk as possible and wouldn't use such long-winded and complex methods simply to nick a few quid from the typical motorhomer. These so called gassers aren't clever at all if they do what you're suggesting they do. They're imbeciles!


The clever ones would sneak up silently, jemmy the door and nick as much as possible and slip away. Occasionally they'd wake up the occupants, but it's easy to leg it when your target is drowsy and half-naked.


So come on, why do they go to all this trouble? If they did it wouldn't be because they're smarter than the experts, it would be because they're as thick as two short planks. Perhaps that's why you seem to agree with their methods, you're very much alike!


It's going to be great fun as they years go by, as they have for the last thirty odd, where not one person has been caught doing this gassing! I wonder why not one person has ever witnessed it in all that time?


Not one person has heard an engine running in the middle of the night and had a look out of his window. Not one person has seen anyone trundling his cylinders across a car park and feeding gas into a 'van. Not one person has seen someone waving his hose under the motorhome and waited for ages for the gas to seep up into the interior. Very odd!


Intelligent people can work out the reason why in so long, no one has seen a thing. But that's why you can't understand any of this! To understand even such simple concepts you do need to be reasonably intelligent and if we've learned one thing about you over the last couple of years.................


It really is a shame that you are unable to grasp all the obvious points that so many people have made, but it is ever so with a small percentage of the population. Or UKIP voters as we also call them.


As I said, some people deny the Holocaust. Some still claim that the Earth is flat. These are people who will block out anything that doesn't fit in with their closed minds.


Or as someone said, a mind that's so open the brain has fallen out! (lol) (lol)

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-08-09 9:52 PM


Has your daughter done any experiments of the effect of laughing gas or CO in a small space?..........


No?................ I thought not ;-)................



Desperation! ;-) Of course she has, it's all part of the training. It's called dealing with emergencies such as faulty boilers and blocked flues. Who do you think the emergency services turn to in such cases, vets?


You just get gets sillier in your desperate attempts not to be wrong.

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Guest Had Enough
spospe - 2014-08-09 9:44 PM


Reposted from 12 July ................


Younger daughter is an anethasist. Asked her for her professional opinion. Reply was, could I please get her some of this gas as it was obviously far, far superior to anything she has available.


Its obvious benefits are:


1) Non toxic to all patients without having any knowledge of their medical condition, or the interior volume of the vehicle, or the number of patients in the vehicle.


2) Perfectly safe to use for the operator.


3) Clears in seconds after being turned off (so that the thieves can enter the vehicle and remove goods).


4) The only known side effect is a headache.


5) Must be very cheap (given the number of gassings taking place per year).


6) Works on animals as well as humans (so it must have a use in vetenary medicine).


7) Non-flammable.



What does she know? She's only spent several years learning about the effects of various kinds of toxic gasses on the human body. Any unemployed Albanian plumber could teach her a thing or two about gases in confined spaces! Nothing to it! ;-)

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Page 10 - whose missing?


This discussion was all going along very politely today until Frank just had to put his boots in with his usual tact, insults and put downs and yet again attempt to force his own point of view on everyone else in his ongoing battle with Dave.


Why Frank - you have sufficient education, word skills, common sense, intelligence and whatever else it takes to be civil so why not start using these skills and rise above all the pointless unpleasantries?


At least I always used to think that you had?

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Had Enough - 2014-08-09 9:10 PM

"Which is why the skeptics are doing the truth no favours"


And it's sceptics for crying out loud, unless you're American!


Thanks for that Frank -- he's not only as thick as the proverbial 'two short planks' and obtuse to boot, but illiterate as well! The 'Skeptics' spelling has had me shouting at the screen each time that it has appeared!

Truth and Pelmetman really don't sit very well. do they?





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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-08-09 10:20 PM


Page 10 - whose missing?


This discussion was all going along very politely today until Frank just had to put his boots in with his usual tact, insults and put downs and yet again attempt to force his own point of view on everyone else in his ongoing battle with Dave.


Why Frank - you have sufficient education, word skills, common sense, intelligence and whatever else it takes to be civil so why not start using these skills and rise above all the pointless unpleasantries?


At least I always used to think that you had?


Yes, and Pelmetman's been as nice as ever to me I notice. Pity you don't! ;-) And as for forcing my point of view, what the hell is our resident imbecile doing! This is a man who forces his points of view in every signature in every post! Signatures say an awful lot about people on a forum!


Anyway, this forum headmaster role is becoming very tiresome Tracker.


I'm off to France in the morning so if I don't return you'll know that the exhaust gasses have got me at last! (lol) (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-08-09 10:08 PM


Not one person has heard an engine running in the middle of the night and had a look out of his window. Not one person has seen anyone trundling his cylinders across a car park and feeding gas into a 'van. Not one person has seen someone waving his hose under the motorhome and waited for ages for the gas to seep up into the interior. Very odd!)


With regard to the recent robbery ;-).............only four cylinders needed and why would you leave a hose underneath a camper?? :-S..............much quicker to hold it against the air intake or fridge vent ;-).............


Not true that no one has noticed anything going on at 4 am as the victims wife said she saw car headlights *-).............why don't these Ner do wells wear horizontal stripe shirts and carry bags with swag on? :-S..................well I mean they'd be so much easier to spot :D............


Do try and think out your diatribe Frank before you post it (lol)...........


I'm of to bed now...............but it looks like rain tomorrow >:-)...............



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Guest Had Enough
Symbol Owner - 2014-08-09 10:21 PM


Had Enough - 2014-08-09 9:10 PM

"Which is why the skeptics are doing the truth no favours"


And it's sceptics for crying out loud, unless you're American!


Thanks for that Frank -- he's not only as thick as the proverbial 'two short planks' and obtuse to boot, but illiterate as well! The 'Skeptics' spelling has had me shouting at the screen each time that it has appeared!

Truth and Pelmetman really don't sit very well. do they?






Be careful, the forum prefect will be having a go at you! ;-)

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Had Enough - 2014-08-09 10:25 PM

I'm off to France in the morning so if I don't return you'll know that the exhaust gasses have got me at last! (lol) (lol)


Now that really is too much to hope for.


Have a good trip Frank and let's hope that neither you nor your clutch loses any more of their grip








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Had Enough - 2014-08-09 10:31 PM


Tracker - 2014-08-09 10:25 PM








I like the Oxford English Dictionary version best.


So do I, but then I am not continually for any excuse to have a go at anyone else?


Good night Frank, sleep tight, don't forget to switch your gas alarm on every night and enjoy the break - I hope we will too (lol) (lol)


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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-08-09 10:26 PM


Had Enough - 2014-08-09 10:08 PM


Not one person has heard an engine running in the middle of the night and had a look out of his window. Not one person has seen anyone trundling his cylinders across a car park and feeding gas into a 'van. Not one person has seen someone waving his hose under the motorhome and waited for ages for the gas to seep up into the interior. Very odd!)


With regard to the recent robbery ;-).............only four cylinders needed and why would you leave a hose underneath a camper?? :-S..............much quicker to hold it against the air intake or fridge vent ;-).............


Not true that no one has noticed anything going on at 4 am as the victims wife said she saw car headlights *-).............why don't these Ner do wells wear horizontal stripe shirts and carry bags with swag on? :-S..................well I mean they'd be so much easier to spot :D............


Do try and think out your diatribe Frank before you post it (lol)...........


I'm of to bed now...............but it looks like rain tomorrow >:-)...............



You've still not told us why anyone so clever as to know just how much gas to administer is so stupid as to use such a risky method, which may get them a murder conviction? And all for a paltry few quid!


It's all been explained in earlier posts. Do have another look and let us know! ;-)


Thirty odd years of gassing and not one witness! ;-) This is hilarious! (lol) (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-08-09 10:26 PM


Symbol Owner - 2014-08-09 10:21 PM


Had Enough - 2014-08-09 9:10 PM

"Which is why the skeptics are doing the truth no favours"


And it's sceptics for crying out loud, unless you're American!


Thanks for that Frank -- he's not only as thick as the proverbial 'two short planks' and obtuse to boot, but illiterate as well! The 'Skeptics' spelling has had me shouting at the screen each time that it has appeared!

Truth and Pelmetman really don't sit very well. do they?






Be careful, the forum prefect will be having a go at you! ;-)


Oh dear I really have offended the forum intelligentsia :D...............How typical when you can't fault my logic you pick holes in my spelling *-)...............well I've news for you ;-)................It's spellcheckers spelling (lol) .....


Which explains why you intelligent people frequently prove your not that bright :D.................shall we talk experts?..............how about the ones who said we should all drive diesels? (lol) (lol)..........


You'll be expecting me to believe what camera salesmen say next 8-)

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-08-09 10:36 PM


Oh dear I really have offended the forum intelligentsia :D...............How typical when you can't fault my logic you pick holes in my spelling


Can't fault your logic? My God, Pelmetman's been gassed! (lol) (lol) Well, something's made him loony! ;-)


There are ten pages of your logic being faulted! What are you sniffing? *-)


Ps When are you going to answer the main question? Why do they take such risks for peanuts when it's not even necessary? Now try to think for a few minutes before rushing back in there's a good chap!



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Had Enough - 2014-08-09 10:34 PM


You've still not told us why anyone so clever as to know just how much gas to administer is so stupid as to use such a risky method, which may get them a murder conviction? And all for a paltry few quid!


It's because they are wealthy illegal immigrants who have found the financial stability they seek in Europe and can thus afford expensive anaesthetics - all the while not being registered as residents and so unknown to the police helps them evade capture - that and fast cars!


I thought that a man of your experience would have known that Frank?

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-08-09 10:40 PM


Had Enough - 2014-08-09 10:34 PM


You've still not told us why anyone so clever as to know just how much gas to administer is so stupid as to use such a risky method, which may get them a murder conviction? And all for a paltry few quid!


It's because they are wealthy illegal immigrants who have found the financial stability they seek in Europe and can thus afford expensive anaesthetics - all the while not being registered as residents and so unknown to the police helps them evade capture - that and fast cars!


I thought that a man of your experience would have known that Frank?


I stand corrected. They're just doing it for fun! ;-) Goodnight!

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-08-09 10:34 PM


pelmetman - 2014-08-09 10:26 PM


Had Enough - 2014-08-09 10:08 PM


Not one person has heard an engine running in the middle of the night and had a look out of his window. Not one person has seen anyone trundling his cylinders across a car park and feeding gas into a 'van. Not one person has seen someone waving his hose under the motorhome and waited for ages for the gas to seep up into the interior. Very odd!)


With regard to the recent robbery ;-).............only four cylinders needed and why would you leave a hose underneath a camper?? :-S..............much quicker to hold it against the air intake or fridge vent ;-).............


Not true that no one has noticed anything going on at 4 am as the victims wife said she saw car headlights *-).............why don't these Ner do wells wear horizontal stripe shirts and carry bags with swag on? :-S..................well I mean they'd be so much easier to spot :D............


Do try and think out your diatribe Frank before you post it (lol)...........


I'm of to bed now...............but it looks like rain tomorrow >:-)...............



You've still not told us why anyone so clever as to know just how much gas to administer is so stupid as to use such a risky method, which may get them a murder conviction? And all for a paltry few quid!


It's all been explained in earlier posts. Do have another look and let us know! ;-)


Thirty odd years of gassing and not one witness! ;-) This is hilarious! (lol) (lol)


Blimey Frank *-)..................They don't give a tinkers cuss how much they use.............but given they're getting dam good at it, I suspect they could teach the RCoA a thing or two ;-)..............


It may well of been going on for thirty odd years, but its never been so prevalent as now :-|..............


But your be alright in that gas mask (lol)...........providing you change the filter :D.......


Have a nice time I'm sure it'll be a gas >:-)...............



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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-08-09 10:40 PM



Ps When are you going to answer the main question? Why do they take such risks for peanuts when it's not even necessary? Now try to think for a few minutes before rushing back in there's a good chap!




Well there's your answer Frank *-)..................1900 quid plus jewelry etc for a couple of hours work ;-).............do you earn that much? 8-)..............


No?..................your in the wrong game sunshine B-)..............


PS.... I included traveling in my 2 hour estimate ;-) ..........



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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-08-09 10:52 PM


Well there's your answer Frank *-)..................1900 quid plus jewelry etc for a couple of hours work ;-).............do you earn that much? 8-)..............



Yes, and they were on their way back from holiday. I wonder how much cash they took with them? And don't forget all the jewellery they had! Whatever you do don't get a job as an insurance assessor! ;-) You'll be less successful at that as you've been as a pelmet and pouffe maker.


And you accuse others of believing 'experts'. You'll believe anything! (lol) (lol) If it suits you of course! ;-)


Anyway, I've just worked out what's going on here. No one can be so stupid and so gullible as you've been in these ten pages. I reckon that it's all a ploy and you're angling to be seen as a suitable UKIP candidate in the next election.


Good luck with that. You're coming across as having the perfect credentials. Now I really am going to bed.




Ps Two hours work eh? And no one heard or saw anything as their engine ran and they poked their hose pipe about for two hours! Hilarious! (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) Maybe they bribed all the truckers with the jewellery and Rolexes? ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-08-09 11:05 PM


Ps Two hours work eh? And no one heard or saw anything as their engine ran and they poked their hose pipe about for two hours! Hilarious! (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) Maybe they bribed all the truckers with the jewellery and Rolexes? ;-)


So.............Just to clarify the skeptics view of this recent robbery ;-)..........


"Linda said the family had been given a report from the hospital saying that they had been affected by carbon monoxide.

She said doctors believed that was ‘more than likely’ from exhaust fumes."


I think we can both agree that they suffered CO poisoning as the hospital has no reason to lie ;-)...................where we diverge is that I believe the victims and the hospital...............But the skeptics believe the cause was a faulty gas appliance............Am I correct? :-|.............


So lets examine the probability of it being a gas appliance at fault ;-)..................


1. The appliances appear to develop a fault just before they were robbed.............what are the chances of that eh? *-)..............


2. So if it was a gas appliance...................why weren't they gassed again the next night?.......and the night after that?........................Oooh........ I know its magic :D...............the appliance magically repaired it self (lol) (lol)


Time to break out the paint again..................as that's another awkward question to gloss over >:-)........



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