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Maybe its not a myth?...............

Guest pelmetman

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Guest pelmetman
Brambles - 2014-09-12 2:39 PM


"2. Impossible to fill a camper with gas?...........


Air is a gas ..................and any gas will expand to fill a given space **equally**, naturally at point of entry concentrations will be higher. "




..It would if your Motorhome was a vacuum. You have got your gas laws all wrong. Laws correct, wrong application.


You have been told this before, do you not read the relpy posts or are you really in a world of yoru own?


Now go and read up all about the Kinetic theory of gases and how they mix. Yes they mix homogeniously but only if physically mixed and when you stop mixing they will separate into layers depending on their physical properties.

note: A space in scientific terms is just that ...a space, nought, nadda, Pelmets brain, nothing, void of any particle of matter...a vacuum.




Perhaps I should of said CO instead of any ;-)


Bit more useful info :D................


Should the placement of carbon monoxide (CO) detectors be influenced by CO's weight relative to air?

Hampson NB1, Courtney TG, Holm JR.

Author information



Numerous states and localities have recently passed legislation mandating the installation and use of residential carbon monoxide (CO) detectors/alarms. Interestingly, there seems to be confusion about the optimal placement, if any, of CO alarms inside the home.



It was the goal of this study to demonstrate the behavior of CO in air and to help provide a data-based recommendation for CO alarm placement.



CO was calculated to be slightly lighter than air. An 8-foot-tall airtight Plexiglas chamber was constructed and CO monitors placed within at the top, middle, and bottom. CO test gas (15 L, 3000 parts per million) was infused at each of the three heights in different trials and CO levels measured over time.



***********Contrary to a significant amount of public opinion, CO did not layer on the floor, float at the middle of the chamber, or rise to the top. In each case, the levels of CO equalized throughout the test chamber.************* It took longer to equalize when CO was infused at the top of the chamber than the bottom, but levels always became identical with time.



As would have been predicted by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, CO infused anywhere within the chamber diffused until it was of equal concentration throughout. Mixing would be even faster in the home environment, with drafts due to motion or temperature. It would be reasonable to place a residential CO alarm at any height within the room.

Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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So not only do we have the problem modern cars produce less CO than cigarrettes we are looking at making a skillfully made piece of apparatus to react two chemicals to produce CO in the volume needed we also manage to put the right amount into the Motorhome over the right pweiod of time to not only knock the the occupants out but avoid death, cope with varying weights of people and on top of this also not cause them to suffer other effects like Memory loss, blindness and so on. Certainly there have been no reports of any victims suffering these side effects. Very skilled robbers indeed. But what still is very strange is why no one does not wake up gasping for air. This is very odd indeed.


But all this is going round in circles and repeating what has been said already. All gets very boring and hence I propose again its lullaby music the robbers are playing. Prove it is not.


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Brambles - 2014-09-12 5:49 PM

I propose again its lullaby music the robbers are playing. Prove it is not.


Here you are Jon! This is the dangerous sleeping draught that these clever thieves use!



Works every time for me!


To add to your excellent analysis -- any of the gases mentioned, particularly ether and exhaust fumes, leave a pungent and lingering smell if used in any quantity -- nobody ever mentions that in these press reports that pelmetman relies on for his 'facts' *-)





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sorry for the late reply..fell asleep to the sound of the haunting violins. Strangely relaxing but at same time inspirational with all the nuances. Quite a simple composition with somewhat complex timing of notes to make it work well. Yes! could certainly be used to put any camper into a deep sleep from a light slumber.
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Guest pelmetman
Brambles - 2014-09-12 5:49 PM


So not only do we have the problem modern cars produce less CO than cigarrettes we are looking at making a skillfully made piece of apparatus to react two chemicals to produce CO in the volume needed we also manage to put the right amount into the Motorhome over the right pweiod of time to not only knock the the occupants out but avoid death, cope with varying weights of people and on top of this also not cause them to suffer other effects like Memory loss, blindness and so on. Certainly there have been no reports of any victims suffering these side effects. Very skilled robbers indeed. But what still is very strange is why no one does not wake up gasping for air. This is very odd indeed.


But all this is going round in circles and repeating what has been said already. All gets very boring and hence I propose again its lullaby music the robbers are playing. Prove it is not.


So you now accept that CO will mix equally with air in a moho Jon?..................


As for cars producing less CO than a cigarette??? 8-)..................Do they really run cleaner than Capstan full strength?.........that must be why Boris is planning on taxing vehicles and not smokers (lol)...........But I digress.................Put yourself in the shoes of a Eastern European tea leaf who has woken up in EU never never land :D...................You nick a nice motor, change the plates to Romanian, no NPR cameras going to flag you up until you have a rap sheet a mile long ;-)....................cut of the cat for quick bucks and hey presto a instant 4 wheeled CO machine B-)................


Skillfully made apparatus??? :-S..................a hose pipe with perhaps a filter?..........and a 4 cylinder CO pump, otherwise known as an engine, connected to the other end 8-)...................not exactly rocket science is it (lol)...........


Re lack of dead bodies?.......... may I refer you to paragraph 3. of my earlier post ;-)............


As you say...........


"Very skilled robbers indeed. But what still is very strange is why no one does not wake up gasping for air. This is very odd indeed."


I agree why does a family of 6 adults sleep through their camper being ransacked? :-S..............plus if you add into the mix that they'd need torches to see whats worth thieving ;-)..............makes you wonder how they manage it? 8-)............


Cue the next plausible answer from the skeptics? :D..................



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Guest pelmetman
Symbol Owner - 2014-09-12 6:37 PM


Brambles - 2014-09-12 5:49 PM

I propose again its lullaby music the robbers are playing. Prove it is not.


Here you are Jon! This is the dangerous sleeping draught that these clever thieves use!



Works every time for me!


To add to your excellent analysis -- any of the gases mentioned, particularly ether and exhaust fumes, leave a pungent and lingering smell if used in any quantity -- nobody ever mentions that in these press reports that pelmetman relies on for his 'facts' *-)






Colin you do need to keep up *-)..................the RCoA has already stated they are not experts in the use of CO ;-).................and unlike you skeptics I have an open mind and intend to keep digging until I find plausible answers *-) .....................which you skeptics seem to lack under closer examination >:-).............



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Pelmetman, show me were I ever said CO would not mix with air. I doubt I will have said because I know it is approx the same molecular weight as air. So what is there to now to accept when I already knew the fact .... probably about 40 years ago when I studied chemistry.


Cigarette smoke has CO concentration of 1.5 to 5% v/v.

Modern cars have a max of 1% v/v with vehicals manuctured to be below 0.5%.

So some brands of cigarettes have smoke comtaining over 10 times a car exhaust.


You also clearly do not know what I am referring to with apparatus required to generate gas using two chemicals....and without a flame.


There is also a lot of other things I am not telling you, but they can wait for appropriate times if required and I can be bothered.


Now answer my question. Can you prove music cannot be used to send occupants into a deeper sleep in a Motorhome?

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Guest pelmetman
Brambles - 2014-09-12 9:56 PM


Pelmetman, show me were I ever said CO would not mix with air. I doubt I will have said because I know it is approx the same molecular weight as air. So what is there to now to accept when I already knew the fact .... probably about 40 years ago when I studied chemistry.



Considering CO has been in the frame for a while in terms of use as a incapacitate ;-)...........then why did you slag of my post? :-S..................unless you are a nitpicking skeptic? :D...........


Clearly you think like many educated people..... ie............ inside a box *-)...............and are unable to comprehend that even those you consider idiots are often brighter than you (lol).............As they are now able to rob thicko solicitors with impunity >:-)..............


Time for the intelligentsia to wake up, me thinks (lol) ....................or at least put their massive intellect towards a plausible answer as to why folk manage to sleep through a robbery in their camper? :-S ....................because CO is the obvious answer to me :-|.................even Troy wakes me up licking his ar*e, so quite how I'd sleep through being robbed after 20+ years in a camper is the bit that puzzles me ;-)..................

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"Considering CO has been in the frame for a while in terms of use as a incapacitate ...........then why did you slag of my post? ..................unless you are a nitpicking skeptic? ........... "


I did not slag of your posts - You have mentioned before when you referred to gas such as propane or butane being used expanding to fill a space where you were misunderstanding the gas laws.


"Clearly you think like many educated people..... ie............ inside a box ...............and are unable to comprehend that even those you consider idiots are often brighter than you .............As they are now able to rob thicko solicitors with impunity .............. "


Oh how very wrong you areand its actually quite insulting.


"Time for the intelligentsia to wake up, me thinks ....................or at least put their massive intellect towards a plausible answer as to why folk manage to sleep through a robbery in their camper? ....................because CO is the obvious answer to me .................even Troy wakes me up licking his ar*e, so quite how I'd sleep through being robbed after 20+ years in a camper is the bit that puzzles me .................."


So you do have an element of doubt then if it puzzles you. So are you saying CO may not actually be used but just the most likely to you?


Could be music though couldn't it?


On that note I will bid you good night while I plug 18 volts into your 12 volt system and poison you with hydrogen as yor battery boils. Did you know high levels of CO is also explosive?

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Mel B - 2014-09-12 10:52 PM


Gawd ... haven't been on here for a while but thought I'd give it a go again ... why one earth did I bother ... just the usual suspects having a p*ssing contest again it seems .... both physical and alcoholic! 8-)


Hi Mel, wondered where you were these days. Glad to see you back. Och! I am just baiting Pelmetman for something to do ..helps keep my brain cells turning over. Time to call it a day I think. Anyway one of the usual catalysts is silent just now for a couple of weeks as travelling so should be relatively calm on the forums this fortnight. Time to let this thread die a natural death and fall back into the mists of time.



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Guest pelmetman
Brambles - 2014-09-12 11:28 PM



So you do have an element of doubt then if it puzzles you. So are you saying CO may not actually be used but just the most likely to you?



The frog plod said exhaust fumes/CO was used............and there is medical evidence to back it up ;-)....................unlike the skeptics who have only their skepticism as evidence :D............



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Guest Had Enough
Brambles - 2014-09-13 11:28 AM


How many times does it have to be explained to you? No wonder Frank got exasperated with you.

It is like you are trapped in a time warp or it more like the film Groundhog Day.


The simplest thing to do is to ignore him. It's not really to do with gassing, it's about a man who cannot bear to think that he may be wrong. He will continue to spell sceptics wrongly for the same reason. To spell it correctly would be admitting that he was wrong.


The thread had died and clearly no one had any more interest in it, but of course he just had to start it up all over again. Time and time again he shows that he is utterly brainless. His latest claim is that a solicitor believes it. Well of course he would, many people on first hearing about gassing also believe it. But of course the difference is that intelligent people, once they've actually read the facts, realise that it's all rubbish. Unfortunately, Pelmetman cannot work out that most people who believe at first in many things, change their minds when they know the whole story.


Thick people on the other hand are unable to understand and will continue to swallow it, especially if their ego is in inverse proportion to their brain and they don't want to be seen to have been fooled.


I would suggest everyone just lets him carry on posting in order to justify his nonsense but don't respond. Everything has been explained to him many times and he simply ignored sensible questions that I have asked on several occasions. It's now quite obvious that he cannot understand.


He and a couple of others have decimated Chatterbox with their imbecility, don't let him do it to this section. I have made a decision never to respond to him and to one other person, whose sole aim seems to be to stir up trouble.



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Had Enough - 2014-09-13 11:55 AM


Brambles - 2014-09-13 11:28 AM


How many times does it have to be explained to you? No wonder Frank got exasperated with you.

It is like you are trapped in a time warp or it more like the film Groundhog Day.


The simplest thing to do is to ignore him. It's not really to do with gassing, it's about a man who cannot bear to think that he may be wrong. He will continue to spell sceptics wrongly for the same reason. To spell it correctly would be admitting that he was wrong.


The thread had died and clearly no one had any more interest in it, but of course he just had to start it up all over again. Time and time again he shows that he is utterly brainless. His latest claim is that a solicitor believes it. Well of course he would, many people on first hearing about gassing also believe it. But of course the difference is that intelligent people, once they've actually read the facts, realise that it's all rubbish. Unfortunately, Pelmetman cannot work out that most people who believe at first in many things, change their minds when they know the whole story.


Thick people on the other hand are unable to understand and will continue to swallow it, especially if their ego is in inverse proportion to their brain and they don't want to be seen to have been fooled.


I would suggest everyone just lets him carry on posting in order to justify his nonsense but don't respond. Everything has been explained to him many times and he simply ignored sensible questions that I have asked on several occasions. It's now quite obvious that he cannot understand.


He and a couple of others have decimated Chatterbox with their imbecility, don't let him do it to this section. I have made a decision never to respond to him and to one other person, whose sole aim seems to be to stir up trouble.



Agreed also frank , I'm counting the days down though as to how long you don't respond to Dave or the other person you talk of ( Tracker )



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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2014-09-13 6:47 PM


Agreed also frank , I'm counting the days down though as to how long you don't respond to Dave or the other person you talk of ( Tracker )



You're wrong on both counts I'm afraid. It's not Tracker but, like Pelmetman, it's a man whose sole purpose on this forum seems to be to ram his extreme political views down our throats with every post and, like Pelmetman, even does it with his signature. He is also an expert at stringing out posts by obtuse arguments that have already been answered many times and who seems to delight in causing strife. I refer to Peter James and since I made the decision never to respond to him a couple of months ago, I haven't and I never will again.


The same applies to Pelmetman. I will never respond to him again even though I know that because of his obsession with me he will continue to prod and poke. He will now be coming back with his usual lies about how many times I've been banned as it seems to be his only real weapon, but it's like water off a duck's back.


In the gassing thread that he's just resurrected he has proved once more that he's both as thick as two short planks and has an ego that's twice as big as the one he claims for me. He believes that he is never wrong.


Continue watching, you'll be doing it for a long time!



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Had Enough - 2014-09-13 8:33 PM


antony1969 - 2014-09-13 6:47 PM


Agreed also frank , I'm counting the days down though as to how long you don't respond to Dave or the other person you talk of ( Tracker )



You're wrong on both counts I'm afraid. It's not Tracker but, like Pelmetman, it's a man whose sole purpose on this forum seems to be to ram his extreme political views down our throats with every post and, like Pelmetman, even does it with his signature. He is also an expert at stringing out posts by obtuse arguments that have already been answered many times and who seems to delight in causing strife. I refer to Peter James and since I made the decision never to respond to him a couple of months ago, I haven't and I never will again.


The same applies to Pelmetman. I will never respond to him again even though I know that because of his obsession with me he will continue to prod and poke. He will now be coming back with his usual lies about how many times I've been banned as it seems to be his only real weapon, but it's like water off a duck's back.


In the gassing thread that he's just resurrected he has proved once more that he's both as thick as two short planks and has an ego that's twice as big as the one he claims for me. He believes that he is never wrong.


Continue watching, you'll be doing it for a long time!


agree 100% on both of them
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Brambles - 2014-09-13 11:28 AM


How many times does it have to be explained to you? No wonder Frank got exasperated with you.

It is like you are trapped in a time warp or it more like the film Groundhog Day.


As you and I both know, Jon, the sad-looking motorhomers who were robbed were affected by Brahms:-



And Lizt:-


A very potent narcotic mix!





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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-13 8:33 PM



The same applies to Pelmetman. I will never respond to him again even though I know that because of his obsession with me he will continue to prod and poke. He will now be coming back with his usual lies about how many times I've been banned as it seems to be his only real weapon, but it's like water off a duck's back.




Your klearly quackers Fwank :D...............


So for the record how many times have you been banned? ;-)...............



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Guest pelmetman
Brambles - 2014-09-13 11:28 AM


How many times does it have to be explained to you? No wonder Frank got exasperated with you.

It is like you are trapped in a time warp or it more like the film Groundhog Day.


Probably about the same amount of time as it takes for the skeptics view that filling a gas with CO is impossible........because as Colin said CO is heavier than air..... and as HE said the gas will not mix with air but remain in layers thus suffocating the lower occupants of a camper ;-).............


Those opinions have been proved false by an actual experiment carried out in the States >:-)..............


So that's proper empirical evidence as opposed the skeptics fanciful evidence (lol) (lol)..........



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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-09-13 8:33 PM


antony1969 - 2014-09-13 6:47 PM


Agreed also frank , I'm counting the days down though as to how long you don't respond to Dave or the other person you talk of ( Tracker )



You're wrong on both counts I'm afraid. It's not Tracker but, like Pelmetman, it's a man whose sole purpose on this forum seems to be to ram his extreme political views down our throats with every post and, like Pelmetman, even does it with his signature.



My views are pretty main stream now days Franky Old boy ;-)................and if your Tory chums want a cat in hell's chance of forming the next government they'll have to be nice to us Fruitcakes >:-)..........





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Guest pelmetman

Dodgy wifi today *-).............plus a correction to my earlier post ;-)............


Brambles - 2014-09-13 11:28 AM


How many times does it have to be explained to you? No wonder Frank got exasperated with you.

It is like you are trapped in a time warp or it more like the film Groundhog Day.



Probably about the same amount of time as it takes for the skeptics view to change that filling a camper with gas/CO is impossible........because as Colin said CO is heavier than air..... and as HE said the gas will not mix with air but remain in layers thus suffocating the lower occupants of a camper .............


Those opinions have been proved false by an actual experiment carried out in the States ..............


So that's proper empirical evidence as opposed the skeptics fanciful evidence ..........

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