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Second hand motorhome even new ones,to seriously lose value?


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Must be that the overall MH market, used or new is in for a serious depreciation and the bankruptcy of numerous manufacturers? Great time for buyers with an eye to recovery ( ahem, presuming you are still alive to enjoy the fruits of your purchase).
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The coronavirus emergency looks like having a big impact on all sorts of industries and It's interesting to speculate how it will affect motorhoming. Fairly obvously there will be less international touring during the next year and perhaps even less use of UK campsites. You would think that sales of both new and used motorhomes will slow down quite a bit too, if there is a big drop in MH touring activity.


The prices of new MHs have continued to rise beyond my expectations during recent years anyway and I don't understand how that could be sustained unless large numbers of new-to-motorhoming customers are spending their retirement funds freely - which some of them presumably are. Motorhoming has continued to appeal to younger families too (instead of caravans, sales of which I understand have fallen) but there will presumably be a market saturation point for MHs somewhere, eventually.


A well informed man in the trade told me the other day that Hymer are now only building MHs to order, rather than to place stock with dealers but whether that tells us anything I wouldn't know.

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Apart from getting a crystal ball, it’s difficult to predict outcomes. If the normal supply and demand rules apply, demand may well stay the same (after a blip) but supply will be lower if manufacturers pause production. So, second hand prices should increase in that scenario although we all know that it will be more nuanced.
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I think what's happening to the stock market and pension funds will have a massive and long lasting impact on the leisure industry.


Who is going to buy a car, motorhome, caravan, house, furniture, clothes, eat out etc etc for the next 3 to 6 months. All companies can expect a drop in earnings so anyone used to bonuses will have to think again


I work in Construction and expect all our large projects to be shut down by the end of next week.


We were planning on going to Italy this year so now hoping the campsites over hear remain open so at least we can still get away for a break of sorts.

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very few under forty-year-olds could by a home for a long time anyway. And the days of good index-linked pensions are few. I.M.O the days of the new motorhome when i fancy it are coming to an end.Our generation have had the best of it.And consider myself to be lucky to be part of it, (apart from being in my final years that is!). That tax hike doesn't help .either. Prices and profit margins are too high in the u.k anyway.
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We ummed and ahed over whether to buy a new M/H or go on a big cruise last year so very glad we decided on the M/H The cruise would have been this year.. One of the best decisions was cashing in a pension based on stocks and shares which we were lucky to have although not amegga amount with that and our savings plus Part ex we got the M/H we wanted. I do not think they will ever go down drasticaly in price but if they do we have had a lot of pleasure out of ours so far. You pays your money makes your choice, I personally think a lot of M/H,s are well over priced in the most part and what put me off the German offerings is the fact that you buy the over priced van and then are stung for the accessories. Remember you can have as much fun in old 2nd hand vans as a .new one. We have had our fair share of 2nd hand M/H,s,Caravans and cars over the years so talking from experience.
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  • 4 months later...
I think motorhomes are like bricks and mortar and my experience has been they hold money like no tomorrow. My first secondhand motorhome a number of years ago was 3 years old done 13k miles and cost me 25K i kept it for 6 years ran it up to 46k miles and sold it for 19k . Buy a car for 25k and keep that for 6 years I would say 5k if you are lucky. So if there are less new motorhomes sold because of Covid 19 the secondhand value will be better in my opinion .
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The prediction is quite the reverse of what the OP has posted. With staycations and the need to maintain social distancing there is a growing interest in caravans and motorhomes and prices are expected to rise not fall.


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I didn't hear it myself but apparently the boss of Perthshire Caravans was on TV last night saying business is booming. Caravans up to £20k in great demand and mohos as well up to £130k.


A friend was looking to trade in his Elddis moho two weeks ago with a large N England dealer. Quoted delivery earliest Spring 2021 and if he wanted an auto box no provisional date available.


And for those who chose to staycation, some will choose a moho?


Evidence suggests second hand values will not decline?

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arthur49 - 2020-07-23 12:53 PM


I didn't hear it myself but apparently the boss of Perthshire Caravans was on TV last night saying business is booming. Caravans up to £20k in great demand and mohos as well up to £130k.


A friend was looking to trade in his Elddis moho two weeks ago with a large N England dealer. Quoted delivery earliest Spring 2021 and if he wanted an auto box no provisional date available.


And for those who chose to staycation, some will choose a moho?


Evidence suggests second hand values will not decline?


Hi Arthur, In this part of the world the MH rental market has dropped significantly as a large percentage of these vehicles were hired by overseas visitors. Currently with our external and some internal borders closed there is less demand. As a result I am seeing a lot of exrental vehicles on the market., often at "special" prices. Until that group of vehicles is moved through the dealers I suspect there will be a price reduction on that group. New vehicles seem to be to "customer order" in most cases with delivery in Octoberish. I am waiting to drive a new fully auto Ducato but no one seems to know when they will arrive. Cheers,

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It' quite remarkable that the prices of new MHs have continued to rise in real terms over the years, even though the new models have been supplied with additional gadgetry and amenity. I think it's clear that despite the relative shortage of caravan sites (and lack of Aires) in UK the market is not yet saturated,


There is also a shortage of MH servicing capacity, which is why MH dealers have waiting times for work to be done, so although the odd dealer might wilt under COVID financial pressure, I doubt the number of dealerships overall will fall much. I've heard it suggested that Travelworld overstretched themselves with their big Erwin Hymer Centre investment last year and I remember that Brownhills went bust (as a five site dealership including Sole Hymer Importer) when they tried to expand too much a few years ago but there still seems to be plenty of scope in the UK MH market for development, so things still seem to me to be looking up.

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I've never bought a new motorhome, but have, over the years, bought five ex-rentals from Germany. They were all about 6 months old and heavily discounted (as you would expect) Four were also free of tax, as at the time I worked for MOD in Germany. Our current one is also ex-rental from Germany, but tax paid, but was considerably cheaper than a similar counterpart here in UK. I think the danger for the UK market is that it is very much geared towards wealthier clients who might have healthy pension lump sums to lavish on a new motorhome. This market won't be around forever. Many younger people don't even have sufficient funds to get on the dreaded mortgage ladder, let alone buy a motorhome. The UK motorhome industry needs to adapt and look at how it can attract a younger customer base, or face the consequences. In short, prices need to come down and the younger end of the market targeted. The Europeans, in particular the Germans have kept prices down and it pays off. If you go to Germany, Austria, Holland etc, you will see younger families out in motorhomes all over Europe. Advertising is directed at young families and models are directed at specific age markets. I don't really see any evidence of this here.
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The OP was kind of right back in March April but not now. I was watching back then as Im seriously looking for a new van but only a couple of models are suitable. Back then they were £30-£32k now the same vans are £37-£40k! If you can find them.


My plan is to wait until Winter. Ideally I should sell mine now but Mrs D wants to go away in it for the summer so thats that. Pity as I reckon I would get top whack for it as its sub £20k.

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Geeco - 2020-07-24 2:59 AM


Hi Arthur, In this part of the world the MH rental market has dropped significantly as a large percentage of these vehicles were hired by overseas visitors. Currently with our external and some internal borders closed there is less demand. As a result I am seeing a lot of exrental vehicles on the market., often at "special" prices. Until that group of vehicles is moved through the dealers I suspect there will be a price reduction on that group. New vehicles seem to be to "customer order" in most cases with delivery in Octoberish. I am waiting to drive a new fully auto Ducato but no one seems to know when they will arrive. Cheers,


................ and I love your part of the world. A friend in Melbourne telling me some Victorians hiding in the boots of vehicles to flee the State. Sorry off topic now .................... :-S :-S

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