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Visiting Italian cities without getting anything nicked from the van


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We've just spent six weeks around the Balkans and Dolomites and it's been absolutely beautiful.


Plan now is to move south and see some of the Italian cities. But the Park4Nights are thick with warnings about theft - never seen anything like it.


Basically can't find any where we around Bologna that looks like a good bet, even paid parking and it's hard to find anything that can deal with our van's height.


Any smart suggestions or do we just drop anything urban?


Yesterday we ended up cycling into Bolzano from an hour away the reviews were so awful ..


EDIT: We don't use campsites. Absolutely not interested. We like using Park4Night and seeing lots of different places. Not interested in campsites and buses!


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Once again I find myself agreeing with laimeduck. The art to successful travelling is to adapt to the environment you find yourself in, don't expect the environment to adapt to your needs. You have two choices, do cheap, risking, convenient parking and get robbed or use campsites offering more security and facilities. Simples.
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Italian cities are as safe as 99% of those in the rest of Europe.

Thefts can happen anywhere.


Two sure in Bologna:




But if you start with the concept of "even paid parkings" you could stay in the UK where you know motorhomes are welcome but parking is always paid even if you can't sleep there.



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I think as Jeremy has pointed out , it would be prudent to use a campsite when visiting cities or indeed anywhere you don't feel safe.

We have travelled all over Italy over the years and always use sites always when visiting cities without any issues

It's your property , sites are not too expensive for that little bit of security

We all have heard the sad stories about break in's ,so why take the risk?

Have a lovely safe holiday

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We almost always use campsites/official aires and security is one of those reasons.

I am "absolutely not interested" in parking elsewhere given those reports and general lack of faciities.


Also given the thread title it's important to state that thefts can happen in any major city.

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TeamRienza - 2022-09-09 3:20 PM


simian - 2022-09-09 9:12 AM


I just have decals:


'Don Corleone Jr. Touring The Homeland'.


All very well until you waken up to find a horses head sharing your bed.




Quite a disturbing thought.

Mind you in the past I've woken up to the occasional horse face, and lived for another day!

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