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Thetford c263 flush not working


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I was under the impression that all Thetford C263 toilets took their flush-water from the leisure vehicle's main fresh-water tank, but there have definitely been reports that a problem with the valve onecal refers to may cause flush water to flow unchecked into the toilet bowl.

(It might be helpful to know the make, model and age of turnips's leisure vehicle.)

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This earlier forum thread discussed a problem with a Thetford C263 toilet


It doesn't deal with turnips's problem, but - besides providing a valuable warning about the electric valve's filter becoming clogged - a 'vacuum breaker' was mentioned. The latter part  was talked about in these two threads



The latter thread relates to a Thetford C262 toilet (not a C263) and the statement "...when i fill the holding tank the water goes directly into the toilet bowl" seems to match turnips's description. Sadly, 'Dorset mick' (who initiated the latter thread) never provided a follow-up.

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The Vacuum Breaker Derek refers to, is also available if fitted to that model  (Depends on serial No) So let's hope O.P. "turnips" provides same to advise , photo, year, Serial number would be very helpful.

Vac, breaker Part number 16833

Electric V/V serial No >E244P,  Part Number 90717

Vacuum breaker Thetford .jpg

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