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Leak at water heater system


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1st trip after winter and all going well until a problem with the water heater system. Pump working well but when I switched the valve at the water heater unit from horizontal to vertical to fill the water heater unit the pump stayed on too long. Looking outside, I saw that water was pumping out under the heater unit. Presumably a loose connection or a burst pipe due to freezing; hopefully nothing worse. Too damp and muddy where I am so will use gas to boil water meantime but any advice would be appreciated. It's a Bessacarr E460 rear lounge where the water heater is located at the rear off-side corner. No sign of any water damage inside the van. I'm assuming (hoping) all water pipework runs under the van base and not internally. Thanks.

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As Keithl has suggested , have you opened the boiler drain down tap, mine is vertical to drain (out through a pipe that comes out under the van) and horizontal to close when filling with water and when in use.

Edited by Labby
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It will be helpful to know van make and year, and type of water heater installed.

Truma "Combi" type water/space heaters have the kinds of drain-down taps mentioned above by Keith and Labby, and most, if not all, of those installations have an auto drain-down function to prevent frozen pipes in cold weather.  Might it be that the valve has opened over the past winter and merely needs re-setting to close it?

The valves drain directly through the van floor, and would do as you describe when attempting to fill the water-heater jacket if the valve were open.  Check the manual for type fitted (depending on age of van) and how to open/close it.  The valve is usually located on the floor close beside the heater itself.

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Would you believe it?  Novice error ... and I'm no novice.  Drain tap in wrong position.  Must have switched it to close then done other stuff then "closed" it again.  Thanks for help and sorry to waste your time.  Off for a lie down.🙄

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