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Can we keep Motorhoming

John Allen

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Billggski - 2020-03-21 5:31 PM


"324 sounds drastic but we have no idea how unwell those 324 were previously. Assumptions cannot be taken as factual."


I think facts can be taken as factual




It's interesting to compare China's graphs with European countries'.

The WHO has now modified it estimate of the mortality rate to 3.4%, based on currently known counts of confirmed cases.


The present numbers of deaths for Italy, UK, and Spain, plus the probable number of cases assuming the WHO 3.4% is about right, plus the number of cases declared for each, are, respectively:


Deaths Probable Known

Italy 4,032 118,588 47,021

UK 177 5,206 4,094

Spain 1,378 40,529 25,374


As can be seen, the probable number of cases significantly exceeds the number of known cases. In part because the health authorities are over-stretched and unable to adequately maintain testing and presumably in part because the disease can be so mild that it doesn't register with those afflicted.


The virus is spread by people, and the slower the authorities were to begin controlling movements, the quicker the number of cases grew.


If any country had unlimited health service resources it might not matter so much, but no country is in that position, and in the absence of a vaccine, the only way to slow and limit the spread is by not mixing with others - in whatever circumstance, on whatever pretext.


We are where we are, so we either cooperate, or we suffer whatever the virus meets out. Cheering thought, isn't it? :-|

Sorry, table didn't translate into post!

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I think its wise to SORN your motorhomes , as where would you be able to go in them? Want to share campsite bathrooms? If you can off-road your van, SORN it... What is the likelihood mot testing sites and garages may close? Or want to drive your vehicle after someone else has breathed inside it? Nah.
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Brian Kirby - 2020-03-21 7:53 PM


Billggski - 2020-03-21 5:31 PM


"324 sounds drastic but we have no idea how unwell those 324 were previously. Assumptions cannot be taken as factual."


I think facts can be taken as factual




It's interesting to compare China's graphs with European countries'.


The virus is spread by people, and the slower the authorities were to begin controlling movements, the quicker the number of cases grew.


If any country had unlimited health service resources it might not matter so much, but no country is in that position, and in the absence of a vaccine, the only way to slow and limit the spread is by not mixing with others - in whatever circumstance, on whatever pretext.


We are where we are, so we either cooperate, or we suffer whatever the virus meets out. Cheering thought, isn't it? :-|

Agreed Brian hence the reason for our rapid increase in fatality figures. China meantime have slowed their rise of cases but interestingly what newly confirmed cases they have are from returning Chinese nationals who've been elsewhere....eg Spain or Italy, effectively 'importing' the virus.


How many Britons have we got coming back from Spain and why are they not being tested or at the very least, quarantined?

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StuartO - 2020-03-21 2:09 PM


John52 - 2020-03-21 12:47 PM


StuartO - 2020-03-21 7:20 AM


John52 - 2020-03-21 3:06 AM

laimeduck - 2020-03-20 10:58 PM

No ifs buts or maybes - stay at home

For how long ?


Whatever it takes!



So if this virus persists for evermore like the common cold or flu we should stay indoors for evermore *-)


Once treatment or vaccination becomes possible the end game will start. Meantime we slow the spread of the virus down as much as we can.


I asked for how long

Why can't you just say you don't know?

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This graph is more detailed than the one i posted before and shows China went into lockdown after just 30 deaths and 35 days later had a total of 2,715 dead. France waited until they had 175 fatalities, Spain 200, and Italy 800. So that sends out a pretty clear message from what i can see.


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pyrie - 2020-03-21 10:08 PM


Even today, Flightradar website continually shows passenger flights to/from Málaga/Tenerife flying to and from UK airports. Madness.


They are not taking holidaymakers out. They are repatriating Brits already out there and taking locals back home.

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laimeduck - 2020-03-21 10:43 PM


Strikes me the mesages is really simple. If you ignore the science and go out in your van and spread this virus, you will most likely kill someone. Make the right decision now - stay at home!

What if your Motorhome IS your home ?

where do you suggest it is parked ? many 'Full timers' i know have NO house or base site, they stay 21 days move off then come back again. A lot stay on All year CMC or CCC sites doing this. What do they do ? They are not Holidaymakers either.


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Rayjsj - 2020-03-22 12:05 AM


laimeduck - 2020-03-21 10:43 PM


Strikes me the mesages is really simple. If you ignore the science and go out in your van and spread this virus, you will most likely kill someone. Make the right decision now - stay at home!

What if your Motorhome IS your home ?

where do you suggest it is parked ? many 'Full timers' i know have NO house or base site, they stay 21 days move off then come back again. A lot stay on All year CMC or CCC sites doing this. What do they do ? They are not Holidaymakers either.


For a start ...stop moving around.

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Rayjsj - 2020-03-22 12:05 AM


laimeduck - 2020-03-21 10:43 PM


Strikes me the mesages is really simple. If you ignore the science and go out in your van and spread this virus, you will most likely kill someone. Make the right decision now - stay at home!

What if your Motorhome IS your home ?

where do you suggest it is parked ? many 'Full timers' i know have NO house or base site, they stay 21 days move off then come back again. A lot stay on All year CMC or CCC sites doing this. What do they do ? They are not Holidaymakers either.


Indeed yes

People shouldn't judge others or tell them what to do when they know nothing of their circumstances.

Whats wrong with someone who hasn't got the virus coming to the Scottish Highlands or wherever to get away from it and avoid spreading it?

And what gives anyone the right to say they can't come and visit the public owned areas?

They need to ask themselves who is the Scottish Highlands or Lake district for?

Because its for EVERYONE

not just for those who own or rent private property here.

So who is being selfish?.....

Those going to the highlands to avoid getting and spreading the virus? .....

or those who are telling them they can't come >:-)

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John52 - 2020-03-22 6:53 AM


Rayjsj - 2020-03-22 12:05 AM


laimeduck - 2020-03-21 10:43 PM


Strikes me the mesages is really simple. If you ignore the science and go out in your van and spread this virus, you will most likely kill someone. Make the right decision now - stay at home!

What if your Motorhome IS your home ?

where do you suggest it is parked ? many 'Full timers' i know have NO house or base site, they stay 21 days move off then come back again. A lot stay on All year CMC or CCC sites doing this. What do they do ? They are not Holidaymakers either.


Indeed yes

People shouldn't judge others or tell them what to do when they know nothing of their circumstances.

Whats wrong with someone who hasn't got the virus coming to the Scottish Highlands or wherever to get away from it and avoid spreading it?

And what gives anyone the right to say they can't come and visit the public owned areas?

They need to ask themselves who is the Scottish Highlands or Lake district for?

Because its for EVERYONE

not just for those who own or rent private property here.

So who is being selfish?.....

Those going to the highlands to avoid getting and spreading the virus? .....

or those who are telling them they can't come >:-)


I am going to disagree with that. People are being fined heavily in France and Spain for trying to escape to the countryside. They do not have the resources to look after people and in a motorhome its impossible not to come into contact with people one way or another. You are going to need fuel, gas, food, water and emptying on a regular basis and if you bring the virus with you unknowingly you can leave it on fuel pumps, taps and other surfaces where some say it can survive for 9 days.


Its perfectly simple. Stay at home, your own home. If your a full timer its different but find an isolated CL or site and stay there. You will not be welcome if you turn up in a motorhome in remote villages, the highlands etc.

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How does someone know they haven't got the virus? 1 aeroplane with 200 passengers and crew. Only takes 1 infected person on board to pass on the virus to these 200+.... Multiply that by flights... Multiply that by people they've shared close proximity with (queues, supermarkets, friends and relatives,work colleagues)..."risk" of passing it on grows exponentially.


Anyone who has a bolshie attitude to this virus deserves karma.


Individuals need to take account of their own actions... Someone you know and love may die... And you need to wonder, did YOU cause their death?

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Sadly there is no accounting for stupid selfish people, is there?


The virus is infectious before it is symptomatic - or at least that is the scientific view, although obviously some on here will know better. So how can anyone who has not properly self-isolated for at least 14 days know they are not carrying it?




John52 - 2020-03-22 6:53 AM


Rayjsj - 2020-03-22 12:05 AM


laimeduck - 2020-03-21 10:43 PM


Strikes me the mesages is really simple. If you ignore the science and go out in your van and spread this virus, you will most likely kill someone. Make the right decision now - stay at home!

What if your Motorhome IS your home ?

where do you suggest it is parked ? many 'Full timers' i know have NO house or base site, they stay 21 days move off then come back again. A lot stay on All year CMC or CCC sites doing this. What do they do ? They are not Holidaymakers either.


Indeed yes

People shouldn't judge others or tell them what to do when they know nothing of their circumstances.

Whats wrong with someone who hasn't got the virus coming to the Scottish Highlands or wherever to get away from it and avoid spreading it?

And what gives anyone the right to say they can't come and visit the public owned areas?

They need to ask themselves who is the Scottish Highlands or Lake district for?

Because its for EVERYONE

not just for those who own or rent private property here.

So who is being selfish?.....

Those going to the highlands to avoid getting and spreading the virus? .....

or those who are telling them they can't come >:-)

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Southwold, a pretty little place on the Suffolk coast,saw a big influx of people last weekend and as we drove down the High Street on our way to walking the dogs on the dunes on Monday lots of them had obviously decided to stay on. There were lots of them wandering about, shopping and using the cafes every bit as if coronavirus didn't exist. Nearly 60% of homes in Southwold are now second or holiday homes and their owners had obviously decided to come and stay in them. Most of them are Londoners and they had obviously decided to evacuate the Big City - but they were wandering around freely instead of observing social distancing, as if they were coming on holiday as usual. One elderly couple were interviewed on the loacl BBC News and were relaxed and happy in their second home, celebrating the access to shops and retaurants etc in the Town. They showed no sense at all of any concern for coronavirus. (Incidentally this couple hit the news when they bought their second home; it was the first property in Southwold to sell for over £1 million. The expensive ones are now £3 million or more.) I hear the same thing is happening in Cornwall and other second home areas.


As a local, I always resent the mass arrival of these Londoners in Southwold with their pushy, selfish behaviour in shops and cafes and their spoiled children, called Jonty or Tafetta or some such - so we steer clear and just drive to the dunes. We had to steer clear of some of them on the dunes last Monday but thankfully not that many. From now on we'll take the dogs elsewhere to walk them and leave Southwold to the Londoners. (The bars and restaurants have of course now closed, so they'll find themselves queuing outside Southwold's small Co-op for food, with everyone else, unable to get their usual supermarket delivery slots.)


So I can empathise with the Scotish Highland and Islanders who want motorhomers to stay away. They have thinly spread health facilities, as we do in East Anglia, so the last thing they need is motorhomers thinking they can go and live in the airy space of Scotland (or the air of the English seaside) to escape coronavirus with some of them very likely bringing coronavirus with them.


Of course motorhoming has to stop, as the Country shuts down to essentials. No argument, lay your vehicle up for the foreseeable future and do your bit in helpfing the slow the outbreak down.

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Initially I thought we’d pop out in the van, pick up a take away and pretend we’re away.




My son is a manager looking after the medical equipment.


A nurse not known to him BEGGED FOR A BP MONITOR


He found one and took it to her. SHE CRIED , that’s how desperate they are, this because people are ignoring the advice. STAY IN.




Your money will hold the virus for a unknown time. It’s estimated 2 to 4 hours.

My son has been informed to take his shoes off and leave outside his house, remove his cloths and wash them immediately when entering the house.

The COVI-19 will even stick to the bottom of your shoes, he was advised.

When you go to a filling station and touch the pump. Door to pay. Counter. Money. Customer close to you while paying the list goes on.


So look after your partner. Family. Friends and people unknown to you.




My son came to see my wife yesterday and stayed outside 2 mtrs away and begged us to stop in.


He turned and had a few tears. He is so under pressure at his hospital and whiteness’s how bad things are now and it’s not peaked, expected in 2 to 3 weeks.


Your life and that of everyone you come in touch with is in your hands.


For heavens sake listen to the advice given.

Stay put.



Before someone says you shouldn’t shout by using capital letters.

It’s an understatement, I’d like to highlight in red, but haven’t a clue how to.


Take care and stay safe everyone.




It’s now confirmed 72 hours

This is how long the virus will live on smooth metal and plastic.


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StuartO - 2020-03-22 8:32 AM


Southwold, a pretty little place on the Suffolk coast,saw a big influx of people last weekend and as we drove down the High Street on our way to walking the dogs on the dunes on Monday lots of them had obviously decided to stay on. There were lots of them wandering about, shopping and using the cafes every bit as if coronavirus didn't exist. Nearly 60% of homes in Southwold are now second or holiday homes and their owners had obviously decided to come and stay in them. Most of them are Londoners and they had obviously decided to evacuate the Big City - but they were wandering around freely instead of observing social distancing, as if they were coming on holiday as usual. One elderly couple were interviewed on the loacl BBC News and were relaxed and happy in their second home, celebrating the access to shops and retaurants etc in the Town. They showed no sense at all of any concern for coronavirus. (Incidentally this couple hit the news when they bought their second home; it was the first property in Southwold to sell for over £1 million. The expensive ones are now £3 million or more.) I hear the same thing is happening in Cornwall and other second home areas.


As a local, I always resent the mass arrival of these Londoners in Southwold with their pushy, selfish behaviour in shops and cafes and their spoiled children, called Jonty or Tafetta or some such - so we steer clear and just drive to the dunes. We had to steer clear of some of them on the dunes last Monday but thankfully not that many. From now on we'll take the dogs elsewhere to walk them and leave Southwold to the Londoners. (The bars and restaurants have of course now closed, so they'll find themselves queuing outside Southwold's small Co-op for food, with everyone else, unable to get their usual supermarket delivery slots.)


So I can empathise with the Scotish Highland and Islanders who want motorhomers to stay away. They have thinly spread health facilities, as we do in East Anglia, so the last thing they need is motorhomers thinking they can go and live in the airy space of Scotland (or the air of the English seaside) to escape coronavirus with some of them very likely bringing coronavirus with them.


Of course motorhoming has to stop, as the Country shuts down to essentials. No argument, lay your vehicle up for the foreseeable future and do your bit in helpfing the slow the outbreak down.


Spot on.


A pub in Greenock yesterday decided to stay open. Some locals started to challenge this and a disturbance/argument spilled out into the street. The Police were called and had to expose themselves to a bunch of selfish, ignorant idiots.

My daughter is working in ICU treating victims of Covid19. She has the full protective gear but its still a concern for her health, and that of her young family.

If she can dedicate herself to the sick why can't people stay at home? If your home is your van thats fine but stay in one spot

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StuartO - 2020-03-22 8:32 AM


(Incidentally this couple hit the news when they bought their second home; it was the first property in Southwold to sell for over £1 million. The expensive ones are now £3 million or more.) .

Who do you blame for that?

They don't pay those prices because they want to

Prices have been forced up by local NIMBYs opposing building and restricting supply.

(whilst the Goverment stokes up demand with taxpayer funded subsidies like so called help to buy)

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Barryd999 - 2020-03-22 8:01 AM

People are being fined heavily in France and Spain for trying to escape to the countryside.


France and Spain are different because they don't have Englands housing crisis.

People could self isolate at home.

Wheras places like London have become so cramped they are likde a petri-dish for the virus.

Social distancing means people spreading out to put some distance between them to halt the spread of the virus.

They can't do that without spreading out into the countryside.


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Den - 2020-03-22 8:35 A



Before someone says you shouldn’t shout by using capital letters.



I was trying to emphasise the word everyone - because our countryside should be for everyone.

Not just the selfish nimbys who are fortunate enough to live there.

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Den - 2020-03-22 8:35 AM



When you go to a filling station and touch the pump. Door to pay. Counter. Money. Customer close to you while paying the list goes on.



You speak for yourself

I use gloves, visa card, and self service pumps

Which you should be doing whether in the countryside or city.

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