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Any reaction to UK plates?


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So, now we have to change our plates yet again. Shappes who seems a junior version of Hancock obviously read about the great savings of Brits unable to spend even furloughed cash in pubs and restaurants and came up with an opaque scheme to replace GB plates with UK. Seriously? We need a poll to see who of you worried about this intractable issue whilst isolating behind a mask and one hour purges with a vicious gel.
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curdle - 2021-07-05 9:14 PM


So, now we have to change our plates yet again. Shappes who seems a junior version of Hancock obviously read about the great savings of Brits unable to spend even furloughed cash in pubs and restaurants and came up with an opaque scheme to replace GB plates with UK. Seriously? We need a poll to see who of you worried about this intractable issue whilst isolating behind a mask and one hour purges with a vicious gel.

Haven’t heard about this.


Is this official policy - or Twitter speculation ?



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This is defined Government policy. All vehicles from the UK travelling to Europe and beyond must have UK instead of GB as from 2023. Apparently this is to ensure that it is inclusive of Northern Ireland.



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Speaking as someone who lives in N. Ireland ( NI ), it is rather too late and rather insults our intelligence. The GB notation dates back to 1909 when it apparently covered all of Ireland as well as Wales, Scotland and England. Great Britain is a geographic area of Wales, Scotland and England, so for all of my life I have been expected to show GB plates when abroad. I feel no affinity with either the Republic of Ireland or Great Britain so it has always been the case that I display the unrecognised NI disc as I do not wish to be mistaken for Irish or English. To now change the label as a further sop to the damage done to this part of the UK by successive governments is pathetic. To be pedantic, the proper title is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, so the new plate should really be UKGBNI.

These are my views, a moderate peace loving citizen who along with 1.8 million others is the pawn in the politics between England and Ireland, who get screwed at every turn.



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curdle - 2021-07-05 9:14 PM


So, now we have to change our plates yet again...l.

These articles refer.






If the change just means that motorists will need to affix a “UK” sticker on their vehicle instead of a “GB” sticker, I can’t say that concerns me much.


(Let’s steer clear of the polemics, please, or the thread will get moderated.)

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So what happens if one is lucky enough to already be abroad on 28 September? Change the identifier for a one UK one on that day? Will "UK" be legal before 28 September, or "GB" remain legal after 28 September? Change identifier at midnight? Ceremony? What infantile, tedious, small minded, pettifogging, nonsense! However, providing any reference to GB does not automatically become illegal at (presumably) midnight (GMT, BST, CET? :-)) on 28 September I agree - just buy the bloody sticker and use it - always assuming supplies are readily enough available by then! We'll be required to wear "Union Jack" underwear while abroad next - in case of accident!
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The full title of the United Kingdom or as Ian Hislop would have it "the disunited queendom" is :-

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. That is to say four countries.

For a long time I have wondered why the plates are "GB" rather than "UK" and I think it may be just because they have been around long before the creation of Northern Ireland. The designation is in any event just a code letter not a statement of fact.

Derek may want to amuse himself and perhaps us by looking at the history of ISO Country Codes and there may be an explanation in there.

For my part having to toddle along to Halfords and spend two or three quid on a vinyl sticker is not at the forefront of my worries meantime.


Opps apologies I didn't read Team Rienza's post before I put this one up.

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Brian Kirby - 2021-07-06 8:30 AM


So what happens if one is lucky enough to already be abroad on 28 September? Change the identifier for a one UK one on that day? Will "UK" be legal before 28 September, or "GB" remain legal after 28 September? Change identifier at midnight? Ceremony? What infantile, tedious, small minded, pettifogging, nonsense! However, providing any reference to GB does not automatically become illegal at (presumably) midnight (GMT, BST, CET? :-)) on 28 September I agree - just buy the bloody sticker and use it - always assuming supplies are readily enough available by then! We'll be required to wear "Union Jack" underwear while abroad next - in case of accident!

Wow Brian, sounds like a rant and you are usually so calm and considered. But you know what, for what its worth, I think you are spot on with these observations :-D :-D

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HymerVan - 2021-07-06 3:35 PM


For my part having to toddle along to Halfords and spend two or three quid on a vinyl sticker is not at the forefront of my worries meantime.

Bear in mind that it is not just the number plates that you will need to adjust with stickers to cover the euro starred GB (or the interim GB with union flag if you already made that change). Most European countries will not recognise the number plate decal and will require an individual "UK" decal.

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curdle - 2021-07-06 10:18 AM


Bear in mind that it is not just the number plates that you will need to adjust with stickers to cover the euro starred GB (or the interim GB with union flag if you already made that change). Most European countries will not recognise the number plate decal and will require an individual "UK" decal.

I’ve not seen anything in the legislation requiring the number plate euro starred GB symbol be covered up, only the requirement to have a separate GB sticker. Would you provide your info source please?


On a connected note; I understand that the requirement to have an insurance Green Card will shortly be dropped.

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BruceM - 2021-07-06 5:41 PM


I’ve not seen anything in the legislation requiring the number plate euro starred GB symbol be covered up, only the requirement to have a separate GB sticker. Would you provide your info source please?


On a connected note; I understand that the requirement to have an insurance Green Card will shortly be dropped.

There is no current legislation that you have to cover the euro starred GB, however if you cover it with the GB decal with a Union flag (to become UK) then you do not require a separate UK sticker in Europe except for Spain, Malta or Cyprus where you will require the separate UK sticker regardless of what is on your numberplate. https://www.gov.uk/displaying-number-plates/flags-symbols-and-identifiers Personally, I would expect confusion over the rules amongst the various police authorities so will cover both eventualities. Similarly, I have also licensed my trailer for using in the EU and followed the same reasoning.

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curdle - 2021-07-06 11:14 AM.........................

There is no current legislation that you have to cover the euro starred GB, however if you cover it with the GB decal with a Union flag (to become UK) then you do not require a separate UK sticker in Europe except for Spain, Malta or Cyprus where you will require the separate UK sticker regardless of what is on your numberplate. .................

The above is also my understanding. It remains legal to retain the "Euro" plate on the vehicle, but once away from UK/GB the standard, oval, black lettering on white background internationally agreed national identifier, must also be displayed - be that "GB" to 28/9/21, or "UK" from that date.


I also understand that the "Euro style" plate (with the GB/UK national identifier on a vertical blue band on the left hand end of both front and rear numberplates - but minus the Euro stars) is also legal (with James' exceptions as above) whether or not (as I read the legislation) it also carries a Union flag decal. However, having searched around, I've so far been unable to find the version of this which omits the Union Flag decal, leaving just the blue stripe and the national identifier. Has anyone else found a source for these?

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webby1 - 2021-07-05 9:45 PM


It does seem very motorhome related to me............and very informative.


What is the political aspect that is of concern

The change is purely political, it is a sop to try and keep unionists happy, I predict it will be criticised by the likes of DUP who will make comments such as "We can't have Cumberland sausage, and we're not getting fooled by a UK sticker".

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"The change is purely political, it is a sop to try and keep unionists happy, I predict it will be criticised by the likes of DUP who will make comments such as "We can't have Cumberland sausage, and we're not getting fooled by a UK sticker"".


Well you could argue that, but as we see the costs are cumulatively adding up:

1) Cost of changing numberplate and national decals.

2) Requirement to licence and plate and insure any towed trailer behind your MH into the EU (not needed in the UK)

3) Several countries ejected from the equivalent of the European Health Insurance Card, so now requiring enhanced private medical insurance.

4) Increased telephone and data roaming charges in EU

5) Probably increased charges for drawing cash with UK debit cards or making payment with UK credit cards.


I am sure there will be others.

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I'm not one for flag waving so a plain one would do for me


But being a cheapskate with a white van I can see no reason why I couldn't just write UK on it with a marker pen?

Then I won't have to buy a new sticker when the UK breaks up

I can just wipe the letters off with meths and write the new letters on :-D

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Guest pelmetman

I'm going to have one of each B-) ..........


Just to ensure Johnny Foriegner knows which independent sovereign nation I hail from :D .........



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