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The UK Debt Iceburg....scary stuff.


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Nice one Bruce!


I too do not understand Peter's abrasive attitude?


I really do enjoy it when people make such an effort to be so conciliatory and tolerant of the views of others and your last posting does you great credit with it's sincere offer of help to sooth the mind of the 'Wellingborough Whinger'!

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There’s something quite poetic about how the iceberg graphic is used, when in actual fact the headlong rush to profit from capitalist commodity production has led in no small part to the state of many ‘real’ icebergs; oh, and the current collapse of the world economy.

Not that we’re a self-serving, exploitative, over-populated species or anything though.


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The money that was around before the present crisis is still out there somewhere, but where? has it been burnt on bonfires? doubt it.

It must be languishing in bank vaults or under someones mattress.

I wonder how many people are nursing their burnt fingers at this very moment, I did my bit for the economy today I spent a tenner in Aldi.

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The flow of money in the economy is like a river. A river that takes many paths to its ultimate goal - some of which are mistakes - and some not - but it should be appreciated that the river (or the money) will flow from A to B.


Currently we have a bit of an artificial dam due to a promised lake of plenty fictionalised by certain Wall Street Bankers (That IS a spoonerism in cased you wondered) - but the path for the monetary flow is now being cleared and a new route may be unclear as yet but the direction is fairly clear.


The debt problem is the dam that must be overcome until it is - everything is fairly stagnant. And stagnant water stinks.


There is a chance that the river can be clear fresh and healthy again. But if it is - we need to get rid of the bozos - that includes the politicians, many within the FSA and the Treasury - but most of all the greedy sods within the banking system itself.


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CliveH - 2008-11-17 8:43 PM


The flow of money in the economy is like a river. A river that takes many paths to its ultimate goal - some of which are mistakes - and some not - but it should be appreciated that the river (or the money) will flow from A to B.


Currently we have a bit of an artificial dam due to a promised lake of plenty fictionalised by certain Wall Street Bankers (That IS a spoonerism in cased you wondered) - but the path for the monetary flow is now being cleared and a new route may be unclear as yet but the direction is fairly clear.

The debt problem is the dam that must be overcome until it is - everything is fairly stagnant. And stagnant water stinks.


There is a chance that the river can be clear fresh and healthy again. But if it is - we need to get rid of the bozos - that includes the politicians, many within the FSA and the Treasury - but most of all the greedy sods within the banking system itself.

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Made a mistake on my last post,

When the money dam eventually bursts and the money starts flowing again, it can only go one way, straight back to the money men.

Money is only a tool, use your tools wisely and it will make you more money, but are you happier with millions? is Paul McCartney happier than me? I dont think so at least I can go about my business without hordes of security guards.



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Good point Malcolm, but one point is that whatever we think of Paul McCartney or anyone for that matter - say Dyson for example. We made them what they are by buying what they produced. Music in one case, and vacumn cleaners in the other.


When you say it flows to the money men - it does and it doesn't because as you say - it is just a tool we use for convenience. Without money we would be bartering a gallon of fuel for a few eggs and a side of bacon. Or would we?


Because fuel is heavily taxed and distributed by huge utility companies.


So what about battering a few home grown things for your niehbours excess produce?


If we could cut out the tax man - that is the biggest damn dam out of the way for a start!


I like the idea of Lewis in Sussex and Totnes in Devon in setting up their own local currency. With that you can but stuff but not pay VAT or have to decare "income" to the tax man.


More of the same please!





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BGD - 2008-11-16 11:44 PM


peter - 2008-11-14 9:38 PM


What his awaited terse reply or his attempt to put the frighteners on people. Must be a very sad person to go to all that effort for nothing. >:-) >:-)


Hello once again Mr Keating.


I'm genuinely intrigued. Honestly.


You remain a member of this forum, despite your vitriolic contempt, time after time, for other posters.

What a fantastic team player you prove yourself. Do you have so little esle to occupy your life?


Is this some form of self-flagelation for you?


Should we henceforth refer to you as "Peter the Masochist"?


Your declared personal intrerests demonstrate just what an arresting and engagingly social animal you really have used the gift of life to become:

"Boating, Model boats, Trout fishing, Metal detecting, Motorhome touring".


Yet despite these self-admitted social limitations, you see fit to anoint yourself as the arbiter of what should or should not be discussed in the forum.


Pray share with us other minions, Oh Great One, your reasons for such bellicose opinion.....


Is it the piles playing up once again?

Does the inadequate size of your penis really cause you such difficulties in forming meaningful and positive associations with others?

Is this size-ist issue the reason for your peculiar declared attachment to trout fishing?

Is the size of the fly that you can manufacture in some way an artificial prop to pretend that your rational manhood is adequate?


Is that why, perchance, you were forced to to bear the name "Peter"?......a burden to carry with you throughout this life?


Now Peter, don't by shy.


You are amongst friends here.

Yes, really.

Opening up and expressing your personal frustrations and inadequacies is a very difficult thing to do, but we are all here for you.

They show us who you are.

They illustrate your limitations, but that can be helpful to those professionals who are here to assist you.


We know that it is a struggle for you to comprehend that someone who has moved away from the UK to Spain might, as well as engaging in discourse about Politics and current affairs in Spain, might also still retain some passing interest in perteinent events in the UK; through this organ amongst others.


But be still, thy wildly beating heart.

'Tis but a passing fad.

A zephyr.

Soon enough thou wilt be left to thine own reflections, unafflicted by those others whose views may not accord with thine own.

The light that they had shone into those dark eyes will soon be extinguished, and you can relax back into the murk of ignorance, a dullard, undisturbed by the discord of information and truth.





Now, Peter, we're not expecting you to hold back in your response.


Come, let the red mist descend.....


Let it all out, all that pent-up frustration, all that inadequacy, all those feelings of self-loathing and poor self worth.......

Come, let your public witness the venom, the bile, the very essence of the Keating thing.

And let them, just for once, be convinced of your intellectual prowess; of the compelling power of your advocacy, and of your rational abilities.......


Come on Peter. You know you can do it. My shoulders are broad, and in the end, whatever you vomit forth can only be a cathartic process for you.


If this forum proves to be in any way a positive part of your re-integration to the human species, then all of us here will I'm sure be proud that we have in some small way made a contribution to your rehabilitation.


Ultimately, we're all rooting for you Peter.

















What a sanctimonious PRAT. Get a life man. Next time run the spellchecker. You must have been foaming at the mouth with all the spelling mistakes. Talk about loving the sound of his own voice. :D :-) :->
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Tracker - 2008-11-17 7:00 PM


Nice one Bruce!


I too do not understand Peter's abrasive attitude?


I really do enjoy it when people make such an effort to be so conciliatory and tolerant of the views of others and your last posting does you great credit with it's sincere offer of help to sooth the mind of the 'Wellingborough Whinger'!

Who rattled your cage Taffy?. Go back to your Sheep Sharging.
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What a sanctimonious PRAT. Get a life man. Next time run the spellchecker. You must have been foaming at the mouth with all the spelling mistakes. Talk about loving the sound of his own voice. :D :-) :->

You must have spent one hell of a long time considering your response before you posted this Peter.

You should feel really proud, it's so much better than most expected.

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CliveH - 2008-11-17 10:16 PM


Good point Malcolm, but one point is that whatever we think of Paul McCartney or anyone for that matter - say Dyson for example. We made them what they are by buying what they produced. Music in one case, and vacumn cleaners in the other.


When you say it flows to the money men - it does and it doesn't because as you say - it is just a tool we use for convenience. Without money we would be bartering a gallon of fuel for a few eggs and a side of bacon. Or would we?


Because fuel is heavily taxed and distributed by huge utility companies.


So what about battering a few home grown things for your niehbours excess produce?


If we could cut out the tax man - that is the biggest damn dam out of the way for a start!


I like the idea of Lewis in Sussex and Totnes in Devon in setting up their own local currency. With that you can but stuff but not pay VAT or have to decare "income" to the tax man.


More of the same please!






The first time I went up to the castle Barnard area was when I took my daughter to her friends to stay for a week, when I was coming back I got totally lost, I put out on my CB for directions a lady came on and put me on the right road, to cut a long story short she invited me to her cottage that was just off the main A666 road? we were sat in her garden having a chat and a brew, it was a very rural area, I asked what she did for a living and she said that she was on benefits as there was no work available.

She then told me about a barter system that they had there, a properly run official scheme, the monatory unit was called a cobble and the way she explained it to me was simplicity in itself, so it is possible to live in a comparatively cashless society using the barter system.

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With this credit crunch, economic downturn call it what you like, I have read that it is going to lead to racial tension in as much that indigenous people are going to start saying that foreigners are taking our jobs etc etc, I have also read that British ex-pats living and working in Spain are being accused of takings Spanish jobs, how true that is I dont know, it is only something that I have read in the papers so anyone living in Spain dont jump down my throat, I am only quoting what I have read.
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It is fairly general - immigration is likely to be the top topic at the next election in the UK (see link below) - no doubt due to the total shambles this government has made of border control, but I am sure other countries feel the same.


Thankfully - whilst I am very much a "green" person, keen on recycling and the environment - it also looks as tho' the extreme environmental issues are very low down on voters priorities. I for one, am increasingly concerned that the Global Warming Agenda has been hijacked by the anti-capitalist fringe who are just using the green agenda as an excuse to destroy economies rather than make them cleaner and less polluting. The anti 4x4 campaign that seems to have dribbled away to nothing thank goodness was never about “saving the planet” but all about some arrogant sods believing that they should dictate what others do.


I am so pleased that the great British public saw thro’ this and realised that if these numpties got their way – where and what would these extremists attack next? (Motorhomes maybe???)


The extremists cause was not helped by the likes of Al Gore making his film with 9 serious "un-truths" in it according to a British Judge. They say the pendulum swings and it certainly is.




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An Ode To The Odious.



Ladies and Gents, I’d like to propose an award, to our Mr Keating,

In recognition of his now-renowned prowess at criticism and bleating,

Without the aid of a safety net, he’s prone to put both feet in,

As bile and hatred overcome his attempts at rational speaking.



Many times the rest of us have relaxed into our seating,

Pondering and rationalising the issues we enjoy debating

And then up pops our hero, hamstrung by his lack of reading

But nonetheless determined to add hysterical screaching.



In his posts “X” is always wrong and “Y” even wronger,

(We know the root cause is his shame at his donger)

And if donger and brain size are really related

It’s no wonder, as our intellectual dwarf he’s now feted.



But to Peter our adulation we must bestow,

His lack of ability doesn’t stop the throw,

Of his social hand-grenades into our forum

Unable to debate, he endeavours to destroy ‘em.



If only he'd stick to the issues, not people

And think and analyse, his posts would be less feeble,

Then there might be moments of logic, be they ever so fleeting

From our lonely sociopath pet, Peter Keating.





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You have surpassed yourself.


A truly excellent post that I will be smiling about all day.


The true measure of a man is the ability to make us smile and nod in agreement. So much so that the words are read again for a second helping.


What a contrast, to all that vitriol and bile from "Peter" - I for one scan it and press the mental delete key. If only we could delete such puerile drivel in reality.


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A Tongue Twisting Quandery on Peter's Pecker . (Ooooer!!!)







Peter Keating’s dick’s a tiny pickled pecker


And as his pecker’s pickled Peter is so bitter


But is it better to be bitter ‘bout your pickled pecker


Or be pecking at us people ‘cos you’re bitter?







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Just how do you know so much about Peter’s giblets? 


CliveH - 2008-11-18 8:43 AM ...The anti 4x4 campaign that seems to have dribbled away to nothing thank goodness was never about “saving the planet” but all about some arrogant sods believing that they should dictate what others do. I am so pleased that the great British public saw thro’ this and realised that if these numpties got their way...

You’ll find it’s often not the green credentials of the vehicle that most responsible and reasonable people find distasteful, but the self-important smug superiority that often - but not in every case - oozes sanctimoniously from every pore of their owners.

Thankfully it is actually this puffed-up vanity that is easily seen through by the great British public to which you refer, who, incidentally, also easily recognise thinly disguised plagiarised regurgitation of the broadsheets.

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(Waves arms excitedly..........)


I want to be the Villain.


I can wear a mask with eyeholes, and do scowls and everything.




And really and truly, it sounds much more fun than "trout fishing".

I don't think you could be a proper villain if your idea of an adrenaline-filled day was trout fishing.




"Lock your closet doors and say your prayers little ones, because if you are bad the phantom Trout Fisherman will come in the night and dangle a fly in front of you" somehow doesn't really cut it.




Then again, if your name was Peter, I suppose there is some biblical precedent for being a fisherman..............but so far as I recall, in the Bible he wasn't also publically into model boating or metal detecting (and whilst I'll grant that these are both clearly hugely dangerous and socially engaging pre-occupations, they are as yet still ones that doesn't immediately convince your public that you're a proper evil Villain).


Thus, even if bleating Keating was to parade around the boating lake with red underpants on over his trousers, waving his metal detector in a threatening manner at the litter bins like Darth Vader, I somehow doubt that the parents of the other little children who haven't yet grown out of model boating would whisper "There's that great SuperVillain the Trout Fisher!" to each other.

They'd certainly whisper, (as no doubt they do whenever he appears amongst them even without his villainous costume and accessories) but I'll venture that those would not be the words uttered.



I, on the other hand, have a wonderfully villainous profile piccy.

And friends (albeit that some are dark and mysterious, and thus give me a slightly villainous reflection). I'm sute that decent villains should actually have friends and associates.

And I've got a motorbike,and tattoos, which everyone knows are the true traits and accessories of any proper self-respecting villain.


Thus my vote goes, without a moment of reservation, to.................me!







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So its Peter Keating that is the villain then? Ah, but what about that there crinklystarfish he seems a villain to me, he reminds me of one of those villainous mill owners in the days of those dark satanic mills.

I think three more categories should be set up, one for nice people, one for 'iffy' people and one for horrible people.

May I modestly suggest that I be placed in the nice peoples category.

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peter - 2008-11-17 10:42 PM

Who rattled your cage Taffy?. Go back to your Sheep Sharging.


The Wellingborough Whinger strikes again,

A poor response - please use your brain,

Check my profile - there you'll read,

It clearly states I'm ENGLISH - do take heed,

Your spelling's bad - bottom of the class,

As shagging's spelt with two g's and no r's.



Sorry it's not in the same league as Bruce's but it's the best I could do without thinking about it for too long!



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The thing about adults is that you can agree to disagree. How many times have we all done that down the pub?


i.e. casually say to a mate - "I think you are wrong there" and then say "same again?" and it is all OK. We all have opinions - and differing ones are allowed.


It is like that in general on here.


But some - possibly due to their being too young or just not socially trained in "pub" etiquette find the transition to a forum more difficult. They seem to liken it to a Toddlers Squabble rather than an adult chat.


Let's just groan a bit - deal with it - have a laugh at it as Bruce has so expertly done - and move on.




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Works for me, and just to clear up any misunderstanding.


You have taken many swipes at me over the past few days and from the nature of the posts it seems you have based all of your efforts to have others join your tiresome crusade on a fundamental misunderstanding of something I posted on one of your threads. 

I said: 

crinklystarfish - 2008-11-11 3:01 PM


An explanation:   

I initially simply had a bit of a skit re your “Of interest to all” title, perhaps “Of interest to me”, or “Of vague interest to some” would have been more appropriate; whereupon I wouldn’t have set my hopes quite so high when I first looked at the thread…

… I loath immorality and consider ‘professional scroungers’ as a cankerous scum. I also report them whenever I become aware of them. I hope this makes me part of the solution rather than a part of the problem.

I also have sympathy for those who have a genuine need for a leg up.

 Clearly what is needed is a determined effort to assist the genuine and jettison the scum…


If you read this properly, you’ll see that I initially just had a bit of a skit – get over it. You will also see that I have no issue with those who need help, but do have a problem with the career ‘benefit fraudster’. I’m not quite sure why you think this is worthy of such vilification.

[Edit of formatting only]

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