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The UK Debt Iceburg....scary stuff.


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Some of us can David.


But sadly a minority see sleight at every turn, and in their turn try (in vain) to be clever. They leave and then come back doing the same old thing. Usually saying that nobody “understands them or “reads what they have written”. When outwitted (easily done) they try to bully by saying things like “go to a tuggers forum” or similar – when the laugh is this forum is for all – those who use tents, MH’s and caravans. So exactly who is it that has difficulty in reading?


Especially when a lot of us get together regardless of what “Out & About” methodology we actually use and enjoy each others company.


In marked contrast all the sad people actually have in reality is long memories for the perceived slights they feel must be avenged. Such feelings of paranoia often go with a belief of low worth, leading to low self esteem and the modern peculiarity of a sad chap having a go at all and sundry from the anonymous safety of a keyboard.


I come on here because I get bored with TV and long dark nights.


What a shame some come on here just to try to prove how clever they are.


How puerile. And what a failed exercise!


Give it a rest Crinkly. I will play the odd game with you but you know how it is going to end.


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knight of the road - 2008-11-19 9:09 AM crinkly, You had a skit at me I was duty bound to have a skit back at you, a case of 'tit for tat' no hard feelings on my part of course just the way the banter ebbs and flows.

I would have thought that the above concilliatory post from Knight of the Road would have ended this argument but regrettably Crinklystarfish doesn't seem happy until he's ground down any opponent.

I really don't think that I've ever come across such a cruel person in any discussion on any forum. His desire to overwhelm everyone with what he perceives as his intellectual superiority simply makes him a bigger fool than the supposedly 'dim' people that he berates.

I'll now add to CliveH's terrible sins and add a little plagiarism myself, which I'm sure you'll recognise.

"The self-important smug superiority that oozes sanctimoniously from every pore of his posts."

I shall now retire to a bit of peace and quiet again. I pop along to this forum occasionally and try not to get sucked in as I can be an argumentative bugger myself but there are times when I just have to add my two penn'orth and this is one of them.

Toodle pip!

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Raining here all day but still a good day had by us . Just sitting here decided to see if anyone near or by had a internet connection unsecured of course and hey presto ..........So here I sit, had a chat with my son at college on Facebook logged on here ,read this ,and I cannot stop laughing

ROTF ROTFLMAO hubby keeps asking me what I am laughing at I am not quite sure which part to read him first . Maybe BGDs interest in English Politics which seems to get up somes noses . maybe Bruces poems maybe Peter having ago maybe Rich not getting left out of the act with Pete ...its all so funny.

Malc having ago a Crinkley .Crinkley, trying to point out that he should go back and read again its hilarious I have not laughed this much in an age my stomache hurts


You know what guys its quite plain to see that some are very educated on here . Shame really, some very valid interesting points I don't understand much about politics but I do enjoy reading about them .


Anyway carry on about time the forum came alive again :D

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I think I have made my point regarding the type of person crinkly is so I won't bore the members by carrying it on. But it does seem that crinkly is well known on this group for being the obnoxious person that he is.

As for regards me being dumb or thick I passed my 11 plus and attended a grammar school, I joined the forces at the age of twenty for 22 years with the option of coming out after nine years service which I did in order to marry, the last two years of my service was within the army intelligence branch sifting through the kind of junk you write.

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knight of the road - 2008-11-19 7:57 PM


I think I have made my point regarding the type of person crinkly is so I won't bore the members by carrying it on. But it does seem that crinkly is well known on this group for being the obnoxious person that he is.

As for regards me being dumb or thick I passed my 11 plus and attended a grammar school, I joined the forces at the age of twenty for 22 years with the option of coming out after nine years service which I did in order to marry, the last two years of my service was within the army intelligence branch sifting through the kind of junk you write.


Malcx Sorry Crinkly isnt seen by myself as being obnoxious .

Isnt it funny life, we all have a different perspective on things thats not how I personally see him at all .

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Well Rupert, quite simply, the conciliatory aspect was not present. Far from his claim, Knight… didn’t simply ‘skit’ he launched a persistent unjustified offensive, attacking me at every opportunity. I let it go for days before responding, initially with the simple request that he apologise. I have on many occasions now given him the opportunity to redress his mistake but he has simply escalated the issue. You are clearly not conversant with the history so I trust you’ll forgive me for treating your post with contempt. 


Grown up debate is fine by me, I do reserve the right to defend myself though, in circumstances where I’ve been misquoted and unfairly attacked. I’m sure you’d feel the same way if you were on the receiving end. 


As I said, I’m not quite sure why you see fit to constantly snipe using the distancing technique of your ‘third person’ prose. 

Virtually every time I have expressed a view you have used this weary technique in a vain attempt to undermine not my opinion, but me as a person. Like I said, if you oppose my views then fine, but why not just say so and have the ‘grown up debate’ that parkmoy suggests. Why do you constantly wait until someone opposes my opinion and then have a dig at me personally, rather than my views? 

Why do you do that Clive? I can only imagine it’s because in the early days we did go head to head on about three occasions and on each of those you were left looking a bit daft. 

You’re absolutely right; the outcome of any direct spat is assured. Is this why you find me so repulsive? If it’s not for this reason, perhaps you would like to explain why you can’t wait to have a dig. The same is not true in reverse, though you often spout very dubious views, I am happy to let them go without comment. What do you find so fascinating about me? 

You are bright enough to know that this ‘Knight’ fellow is in the wrong. Why then take the attack me from the sidelines on the back of his idiotic attempts? Do you work yourself up to a frenzy and enjoy the release when you get to have a ‘third person’ pop at me? 

You seem to me to be a sad individual, self-validated only by being ‘brave’ enough to stick the boot in from your anonymous position on the sidelines. It’s not just with me either. I see you did the self-same thing to Peter in Bruce’s recent attack. 

It must hurt you to know you are, in reality, so effete. 

Perhaps you’d be brave enough to explain yourself?

As an aside, I do find it most strange that the same characters suddenly pop up time and time again when you find yourself on the ropes, often having been absent from chatterbox for a great deal of time. Coincidence? 

Oh, and Knight... 

Nothing more to say really, I know you'd struggle to read it anyway.

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Good gracious Crinkly I have had to go and find my dictionary and keep it by my lap top again, now you are back with us. (and no that is not a skit at you just the truth) I genuinely found it interesting looking up words and putting them in context.


Knight by replying to Crinkly I am not having a go at you, just think different opinions can liven debates up would be boring if we were all the same. You both have different but valid arguments and like taking it to the wire. Carol.

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You have nothing more to say, because you are on the ropes as the most unpopular person on this forum which is proven by the amount of PM's I have recieved. You are the one who is ridiculous by coming out with silly statements such as I would have difficulty in reading your replies, rather childish wouldn't you say? dont send a reply because I wont answer it, got better things to do than bandy words with an ill educated oaf.

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Could Tweedledum and Tweedledee possibly continue their jousting in private, via PMs, and leave the rest of us to continue what was, in a politically roundabout way, a string for amateur economists?

It has become sooooooooooooooo boring, and neither of them has anything useful or interesting to say.  Enough?

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CliveH - 2008-11-19 7:23 PM


Some of us can David.


But sadly a minority see sleight at every turn, and in their turn try (in vain) to be clever. They leave and then come back doing the same old thing. Usually saying that nobody “understands them or “reads what they have written”. When outwitted (easily done) they try to bully by saying things like “go to a tuggers forum” or similar – when the laugh is this forum is for all – those who use tents, MH’s and caravans. So exactly who is it that has difficulty in reading?


Especially when a lot of us get together regardless of what “Out & About” methodology we actually use and enjoy each others company.


In marked contrast all the sad people actually have in reality is long memories for the perceived slights they feel must be avenged. Such feelings of paranoia often go with a belief of low worth, leading to low self esteem and the modern peculiarity of a sad chap having a go at all and sundry from the anonymous safety of a keyboard.


I come on here because I get bored with TV and long dark nights.


What a shame some come on here just to try to prove how clever they are.


How puerile. And what a failed exercise!


Give it a rest B.G.D as you must have severe verbal diarrohea by now.

My sentiments entirely Clive. :D
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Brian Kirby - 2008-11-19 9:20 PM

Could Tweedledum and Tweedledee possibly continue their jousting in private, via PMs, and leave the rest of us to continue what was, in a politically roundabout way, a string for the mentally challenged.

It has become sooooooooooooooo boring, and neither of them has anything useful or interesting to say.  Enough?

Well said that man, and hello from a newbie. I thought this forum was friendly, how wrong I was. I hope it's not always like this or I won't hang around long.
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Quite why Peter has changed the last sentence in his quote of my previous post is beyond me.


Silly games again. Didn’t idiots like Alistair Campbell do similar with the WMD 45 min spin?


As for Crinklys efforts - can you not see that they are remarkably childish old son!


As for my referring to you in the third person it is because I am inherently polite and have no desire to enter a Flame war on a Forum such as this with a person who only ever seems to come onto it spitting bile and contempt for others.


Like I say - you know how it will end.


Why put yourself through all the grief?


Just take a deep breath hold it for as long as possible! And then compare you emotional age to the rest of us based upon the childish attacks and verbiage by you so far.


When finished see if the truth makes you feel a little silly and if so start talking to us all again and see if you can do it nicely like a good boy or I expect the moderators will end up making you sit on the naughty seat for a while again.


On a far more serious point - even more serious than the original topic - what about our just beating Germany then!!!! (lol) (lol) (lol)


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theonefromthesky - 2008-11-19 10:50 PM
Brian Kirby - 2008-11-19 9:20 PM

Could Tweedledum and Tweedledee possibly continue their jousting in private, via PMs, and leave the rest of us to continue what was, in a politically roundabout way, a string for the mentally challenged.

It has become sooooooooooooooo boring, and neither of them has anything useful or interesting to say.  Enough?

Well said that man, and hello from a newbie. I thought this forum was friendly, how wrong I was. I hope it's not always like this or I won't hang around long.
Welcome to the forum.Most of the time the forum is quite friendly but from time to time some of the members get a bit carried away on this " Chatterbox" section.I find that at times like that it's a good idea to only look in on the "Motorhome Matters " ( or Caravan or Tent )section where you can get a lot of useful advice from some very helpful people, and just pop back here occasionally to see if they have gone away.Cheers ;-)
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theonefromthesky - 2008-11-19 11:19 PM


Seems like good advice. Still it's good for a bit of a laugh. (lol)




I think you may find it's only good for a laugh for the first couple of days, after that it becomes tedious, and after that you start to get frustrated, and then, in an irritated state, you MAY be tempted to join in.


That's when it's best to turn to another section.


;-) ;-)

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Just be yourself Malcolm and let others make their own judgement. You seem to have strong views on just about everything, which is always welcome, but never allow differences of opinion to become personal. Everyone has the right to express their own views, but coming to a reasoned conclusion can only be reached by a reasoned debate rather than the bitterness and bile so sadly evident in recent threads.
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howie - 2008-11-20 12:48 AM


Just be yourself Malcolm and let others make their own judgement. You seem to have strong views on just about everything, which is always welcome, but never allow differences of opinion to become personal. Everyone has the right to express their own views, but coming to a reasoned conclusion can only be reached by a reasoned debate rather than the bitterness and bile so sadly evident in recent threads.



Perhaps having seen miners trying to protect their jobs being baton charged and abused by Thatchers storm troopers tends to strengthen ones views regarding unemployment.

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knight of the road - 2008-11-20 12:19 AM


*-) Malc d,

The chatterbox forum says this is where you can talk about anything and everything, and as experience shows it is easy to get embroiled in something you dont really want to, If I have upset or annoyed members I apologise.



It's my view that there's nothing wrong with a bit of heated discussion, but once someone starts personal abuse, or indeed sarcastic remarks, it signals to me that they are losing the argument.
















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First, an observation regarding all those who ‘contribute’ regarding how tiresome you find the thread. To read it or not is entirely your choice. I am puzzled though, if it is so irksome, why you would waste your time in doing so, then, furthermore, bothering to take the time to post.

I quite enjoy a spirited debate, and do like a witty put-down, even when I’m on the receiving end. That’s my justification for being here, if you don’t like it, it would surely be a better use of your time to just ignore it. You must have very little to do.

An alternative may be that you actually quite enjoy it, but can’t quite accept it of yourself. I suspect I know which of these possibilities is the more likely.

I warn you now, do not read the following if you belong to this righteous group.

My Dear Clive,

I never thought you would have to stoop so low as to make things up. What naughty step? What Moderator intervention? Never have I received any Moderation communication, why do you see fit to lie?

For the record I’ve given the forum a break because I was sick to death of people creating several different personas and then using each of their characters to help stir the smelly stuff. Sound familiar to you?

Why do you also lie about your motives? The ‘sneaky’ third person stabber-in-the-back side of you is only evident when you are sticking the boot in – whilst hiding behind the metaphorical big kid. You have no problem with writing in the second person most of the time, so again, why lie?

You are clearly made uncomfortable by my presence and take every opportunity to debase me personally rather than just debating the actual issues in a direct way. I know you know that this is what you do, why are you so scared?

For any reader who doubts my assertions, the following narrative is just on this thread alone. There are countless other examples:

I expressed an opinion as to the probable cause of our economic pickle:

crinklystarfish - 2008-11-17 8:00 PM

There’s something quite poetic about how the iceberg graphic is used, when in actual fact the headlong rush to profit from capitalist commodity production has led in no small part to the state of many ‘real’ icebergs; oh, and the current collapse of the world economy.

Not that we’re a self-serving, exploitative, over-populated species or anything though.

Clive, in his inimitable sneaky style, rather than challenging my opinion directly, instead suggests I, and people who hold my view, are ‘arrogant dictators’ and ‘numpties’.

CliveH - 2008-11-18 8:43 AM …I for one, am increasingly concerned that the Global Warming Agenda has been hijacked by the anti-capitalist fringe who are just using the green agenda as an excuse to destroy economies rather than make them cleaner and less polluting. The anti 4x4 campaign that seems to have dribbled away to nothing thank goodness was never about “saving the planet” but all about some arrogant sods believing that they should dictate what others do. I am so pleased that the great British public saw thro’ this and realised that if these numpties got their way...

Of course, it didn’t take a great deal of effort to unravel his nonsense:

crinklystarfish - 2008-11-18 1:17 PM

… You’ll find it’s often not the green credentials of the vehicle that most responsible and reasonable people find distasteful, but the self-important smug superiority that often - but not in every case - oozes sanctimoniously from every pore of their owners. Thankfully it is actually this puffed-up vanity that is easily seen through by the great British public to which you refer, who, incidentally, also easily recognise thinly disguised plagiarised regurgitation of the broadsheets.

Which had our Clive scuttling for cover and feeling a little exposed. He then clearly waited, and waited, and waited, beaten once again and unable to directly respond; until his recently acquired genius friend (the one who’s really nice, but dislikes foreigners, supports benefit fraudsters, and boasts about killing and maiming fellow humans) saw fit to launch a tirade of ill written and inaccurate rubbish directed at me. On the back of this, and from the comfort of his shelter, our Clive pops up again and has another go at scoring points with his dithering third person: 

CliveH - 2008-11-19 4:21 PM If there is ever one person on here who really should give it a rest - it is that person who seems to want to do all the dictating of what other people should do. I wouldn't mind - but haven't we all been here before?

And as I say, it’s not just me. Anyone that our Clive dislikes, he just can’t seem to help himself. Here’s what he ‘contributed’ from behind the shield of Bruce (who, incidentally, I see is not taken to task by the righteous for his persistent and unnecessary attempts to crush Peter long after the point had been made):

CliveH - 2008-11-18 10:39 AM Bruce! You have surpassed yourself. A truly excellent post that I will be smiling about all day. The true measure of a man is the ability to make us smile and nod in agreement. So much so that the words are read again for a second helping…

So Clive, my funny little bundle, perhaps you’d do us all the courtesy of desisting from your games of gleeful sniping and just debate the issues? You refer to notions such as ‘childishness’ and ‘control over others’. You epitomise these beautifully.

I think that you project onto me that which you loath in yourself. You’ll see from your Ladybird ‘My Big Book of Psychology’ that when you point one finger at me, three are pointing back at yourself.

And if anyone else bothered to read this far, does the phrase ‘double standards’ hold any truck with you?

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Ah, Crinkly, you have missed out one very important sector of this, and probably every other forum in web-world - THE COMPULSIVE READER!!


We don't necessarily agree or disagree with the content of the thread; it may have no relevance to our lives (however small you perceive them to be), but we will read the posts because they are there!


It is an open forum and everyone is entitled to their say.


It doesn't make them better than anyone else; it doesn't make them inferior in any way.


I am not on a high-horse, I don't know you personally. All I know about you is what you write on here, and that holds true for the majority of the members on here.


What I would ask is that you, yes you Crinkly (no third-party) resist tearing others' posts to shreds to appease your own ego.


I expect you will now tear my post to shreds.


Why? I am not attacking you personally; I am asking you to moderate your writing style for the continued enjoyment of everyone else who compulsively reads the threads on this forum, that's all.


Have a nice day! (lol)

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Why would I want to tear this to shreds J9? I’ve never responded in such a way to any of your posts. The same goes for many other members. That’s because you, and many others, are reasonable, fair, and honest. Where’s the ego there? I admit I am pretty forthright with those who are insidious, inflammatory or malevolent; I dare to say what others think, is that really so bad?

You have a nice day too.


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