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Day 253 and the boots changing to the other foot..........

Guest pelmetman

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Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 12:05 AM


antony1969 - 2018-08-12 8:57 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-12 2:00 PM


malc d - 2018-08-12 1:21 PM


IF we have a second referendum - what happens if the result is very close ( whichever side wins ) ?




I Dont think it will be close. The Brexiteers have lost just about every argument in favour of Brexit over the past two years its just that 90% of the public have switched off. The polls show a small swing to remain but a new campaign would bring people up to speed. I reckon it would be 60-40 in favour of staying.


90% of the public have switched off ... Lordy if only you were one of those ... All thats changed is that a massive onslaught for 2 years regarding bad news Brexit has frightened folk to possibly change their minds much like project fear scared folk not to vote leave ... Tough we've had the neverendum , you lost deal with it ... How much longer does this crap have to go on for ... Liverpool lost the 1977 FA Cup Final ... I'd like a rematch


Or perhaps the public are actually slowly starting to realise just how bad a decision voting leave and leaving the EU was, those that have being paying attention that is. Nobody won or lost anything. It was an advisory referendum and we havent left yet.


How very you ... "Nobody won or lost anything" and I suppose no side will until remain wins ... Was the 1975 referendum an "advisory" ??? and yes clever you something to agree on "we haven't left yet"

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antony1969 - 2018-08-13 6:17 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 12:05 AM


antony1969 - 2018-08-12 8:57 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-12 2:00 PM


malc d - 2018-08-12 1:21 PM


IF we have a second referendum - what happens if the result is very close ( whichever side wins ) ?




I Dont think it will be close. The Brexiteers have lost just about every argument in favour of Brexit over the past two years its just that 90% of the public have switched off. The polls show a small swing to remain but a new campaign would bring people up to speed. I reckon it would be 60-40 in favour of staying.


90% of the public have switched off ... Lordy if only you were one of those ... All thats changed is that a massive onslaught for 2 years regarding bad news Brexit has frightened folk to possibly change their minds much like project fear scared folk not to vote leave ... Tough we've had the neverendum , you lost deal with it ... How much longer does this crap have to go on for ... Liverpool lost the 1977 FA Cup Final ... I'd like a rematch


Or perhaps the public are actually slowly starting to realise just how bad a decision voting leave and leaving the EU was, those that have being paying attention that is. Nobody won or lost anything. It was an advisory referendum and we havent left yet.


How very you ... "Nobody won or lost anything" and I suppose no side will until remain wins ... Was the 1975 referendum an "advisory" ??? and yes clever you something to agree on "we haven't left yet"


It was advisory, all referendums are usually always advisory. The difference is the public were behind joining then with 63%-33% in favour which is about the usual level of majority most countries would require for such a monumental change. Brexit was doomed from day one going ahead on such a divided vote as even those in charge on both sides of the house are tearing themselves to bits like the public are (or at least those that are still interested) as nobody can either make it work or decide a way forward.


Even if Brexit is overturned I wont consider it a "win". Ill just be relieved that we have averted disaster but furious that we did this to ourselves in the first place. This is the problem with Brexit to many, its too emotional. Its all about being the winners to some regardless of how damaging it will be.

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pepe63 - 2018-08-10 10:56 AM


pelmetman - 2018-08-09 7:27 PM


Brian Kirby - 2018-08-09 7:11 PM


To the best of my knowledge, none of the Brexit proponents (I'm happy to be proved wrong), have any direct, hands-on, experience of conveying goods across borders either in, or outside, the EU.


I have hands on experience and never had any problems sending my pouffes abroad ;-) ...........


In fact there was a little more paperwork to send them to Jersey :-| ........


Nothing onerous though........ even a thicko like me managed it :D .........



Come on then Rockerfella... how many 100s (1000s?) of "pouffes" were you were shipping abroad on a daily basis, all of which were to arrive on a "just in time" basis .....?

I bet your neighbours were fed up with all of those shipping containers stacked up high in your front garden (lol)

(and would the above have been before or after your earnings were such that you were eligible claim Working Tax Credits? B-) )


You mentioned being a "dreamer" to Brian the other day...and there's nowt wrong with that..but t's worth remembering that there is a big difference between being a dreamer...and being a fantasist.. *-)

How could anyone "earning more than the average headteacher back in the late 90's when I decided to semi retire", qualify for WTC's? :-S

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Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 8:28 AM


antony1969 - 2018-08-13 6:17 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 12:05 AM


antony1969 - 2018-08-12 8:57 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-12 2:00 PM


malc d - 2018-08-12 1:21 PM


IF we have a second referendum - what happens if the result is very close ( whichever side wins ) ?




I Dont think it will be close. The Brexiteers have lost just about every argument in favour of Brexit over the past two years its just that 90% of the public have switched off. The polls show a small swing to remain but a new campaign would bring people up to speed. I reckon it would be 60-40 in favour of staying.


90% of the public have switched off ... Lordy if only you were one of those ... All thats changed is that a massive onslaught for 2 years regarding bad news Brexit has frightened folk to possibly change their minds much like project fear scared folk not to vote leave ... Tough we've had the neverendum , you lost deal with it ... How much longer does this crap have to go on for ... Liverpool lost the 1977 FA Cup Final ... I'd like a rematch


Or perhaps the public are actually slowly starting to realise just how bad a decision voting leave and leaving the EU was, those that have being paying attention that is. Nobody won or lost anything. It was an advisory referendum and we havent left yet.


How very you ... "Nobody won or lost anything" and I suppose no side will until remain wins ... Was the 1975 referendum an "advisory" ??? and yes clever you something to agree on "we haven't left yet"


It was advisory, all referendums are usually always advisory. The difference is the public were behind joining then with 63%-33% in favour which is about the usual level of majority most countries would require for such a monumental change. Brexit was doomed from day one going ahead on such a divided vote as even those in charge on both sides of the house are tearing themselves to bits like the public are (or at least those that are still interested) as nobody can either make it work or decide a way forward.


Even if Brexit is overturned I wont consider it a "win". Ill just be relieved that we have averted disaster but furious that we did this to ourselves in the first place. This is the problem with Brexit to many, its too emotional. Its all about being the winners to some regardless of how damaging it will be.


Yes it was advisory and didn't have figures set for an acceptable winning margin as with the 2016 vote which we all knew was going to be acted on either way Barry or did you think it was just "advisory"... Jesus 2 years gone and still whinging with that line ... What's "too emotional" about either winning or losing the referendum. ... I don't know anyone who's "too emotional" about it other than you who admits you'll be "furious" that we "did this" to ourselves whatever did this means ... Move on for Christ sake

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antony1969 - 2018-08-12 8:57 PM..................….Tough we've had the neverendum , you lost deal with it ... How much longer does this crap have to go on for ... Liverpool lost the 1977 FA Cup Final ... I'd like a rematch

I wonder how many other Brexiters can't/won't distinguish between the outcome of a football match and the outcome of the Brexit referendum?


Football match: one team wins the other loses, and then they both go off to play other teams until at some future date they play each other again, possibly with a reversed outcome.


Brexit: no teams, and either Britain leaves the EU, which we are increasingly being told, buy people who are better placed than anyone else to know, will damage our economy, or it does not. No other games with other teams, no rematch, and years of foreseeable national decline as the most likely outcome. All for what?


I still - including during the Brexit campaign, the two years since the vote, and all the UKIP etc. pre-Brexit flannel - haven't seen or heard a single persuasive economic argument for leaving. I've heard lots of romantic, empire inspired, visions (even assertions) of what might be if, but I've never seen the if explained in convincing terms.


Brexiters should remember that they aren't the only ones with skin in this game, that they do not own Britain, and all they have "won" is a single vote based on highly questionable (as we keep discovering) and misleading information from a small minority who seem to have no greater interest than their own benefit. They should also take into account the apparently forbidden truth that their "experts" are by definition as liable to be fallible as those they dismiss out of hand who think Brexit will be damage the UK.


Who really "wins" from Brexit won't become clear for at least a decade after we leave - assuming we are misguided enough to do so - and by then it will be far too late to row back.

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Brian Kirby - 2018-08-13 6:45 PM


antony1969 - 2018-08-12 8:57 PM..................….Tough we've had the neverendum , you lost deal with it ... How much longer does this crap have to go on for ... Liverpool lost the 1977 FA Cup Final ... I'd like a rematch

I wonder how many other Brexiters can't/won't distinguish between the outcome of a football match and the outcome of the Brexit referendum?


Football match: one team wins the other loses, and then they both go off to play other teams until at some future date they play each other again, possibly with a reversed outcome.


Brexit: no teams, and either Britain leaves the EU, which we are increasingly being told, buy people who are better placed than anyone else to know, will damage our economy, or it does not. No other games with other teams, no rematch, and years of foreseeable national decline as the most likely outcome. All for what?


I still - including during the Brexit campaign, the two years since the vote, and all the UKIP etc. pre-Brexit flannel - haven't seen or heard a single persuasive economic argument for leaving. I've heard lots of romantic, empire inspired, visions (even assertions) of what might be if, but I've never seen the if explained in convincing terms.


Brexiters should remember that they aren't the only ones with skin in this game, that they do not own Britain, and all they have "won" is a single vote based on highly questionable (as we keep discovering) and misleading information from a small minority who seem to have no greater interest than their own benefit. They should also take into account the apparently forbidden truth that their "experts" are by definition as liable to be fallible as those they dismiss out of hand who think Brexit will be damage the UK.


Who really "wins" from Brexit won't become clear for at least a decade after we leave - assuming we are misguided enough to do so - and by then it will be far too late to row back.


Brian ... My likening Brexit to a football result was an attempt at humour ... It obviously did not work ... Just to be clear I haven't heard any , not one of my Brexit voting buddies liken the neverendum victory to a football result

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antony1969 - 2018-08-13 5:48 PM


Im taking orders on the caps ... Available in all sizes ... https://twitter.com/DavidJoBrexit/status/1029046081185869824 ... My mobile is 0777 555555 or for my home address ask Bullet


Says Im blocked from viewing! My reputation as a Social Media Remainer Activist precedes me! (lol) Can you post a pic of what we could have won?

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Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 6:56 PM


antony1969 - 2018-08-13 5:48 PM


Im taking orders on the caps ... Available in all sizes ... https://twitter.com/DavidJoBrexit/status/1029046081185869824 ... My mobile is 0777 555555 or for my home address ask Bullet


Says Im blocked from viewing! My reputation as a Social Media Remainer Activist precedes me! (lol) Can you post a pic of what we could have won?


Nope ... You've obviously not paid for your last order of rampant roger playthings , hence why your banned ... If ya dont pay ya dont play Barry ... Move it or lose it sister

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Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 6:56 PM


antony1969 - 2018-08-13 5:48 PM


Im taking orders on the caps ... Available in all sizes ... https://twitter.com/DavidJoBrexit/status/1029046081185869824 ... My mobile is 0777 555555 or for my home address ask Bullet


Says Im blocked from viewing!

Because you aren't one of his "followers". They like flying under the radar but nothing an 'anon' account can't sort. Just access 'em using a hotmail or gmail account but sign up as a Trump fanatic, white nationalist or some right wing nut job who hates the EU.

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antony1969 - 2018-08-13 7:09 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 6:56 PM


antony1969 - 2018-08-13 5:48 PM


Im taking orders on the caps ... Available in all sizes ... https://twitter.com/DavidJoBrexit/status/1029046081185869824 ... My mobile is 0777 555555 or for my home address ask Bullet


Says Im blocked from viewing! My reputation as a Social Media Remainer Activist precedes me! (lol) Can you post a pic of what we could have won?


Nope ... You've obviously not paid for your last order of rampant roger playthings , hence why your banned ... If ya dont pay ya dont play Barry ... Move it or lose it sister


Why would anyone restrict access to their Twitter feed to "confirmed followers" only?

Isn't social media about having access to differing opinions? As opposed to the opinions MSM want you to have?

Apparently not.

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Bulletguy - 2018-08-13 8:37 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 6:56 PM


antony1969 - 2018-08-13 5:48 PM


Im taking orders on the caps ... Available in all sizes ... https://twitter.com/DavidJoBrexit/status/1029046081185869824 ... My mobile is 0777 555555 or for my home address ask Bullet


Says Im blocked from viewing!

Because you aren't one of his "followers". They like flying under the radar but nothing an 'anon' account can't sort. Just access 'em using a hotmail or gmail account but sign up as a Trump fanatic, white nationalist or some right wing nut job who hates the EU.


But there is no option to follow this moron and it says my account has been specifically been blocked by him. As Candapack says, whats the point of having a Twitter feed if only you and your fellow morons are able to read it. Then again I guess its like people who just read the Daily Mail or this blokes Twitter feed. They only want to read or hear their own bullsh1t. No debating with these people.

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candapack - 2018-08-13 9:39 PM


antony1969 - 2018-08-13 7:09 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 6:56 PM


antony1969 - 2018-08-13 5:48 PM


Im taking orders on the caps ... Available in all sizes ... https://twitter.com/DavidJoBrexit/status/1029046081185869824 ... My mobile is 0777 555555 or for my home address ask Bullet


Says Im blocked from viewing! My reputation as a Social Media Remainer Activist precedes me! (lol) Can you post a pic of what we could have won?


Nope ... You've obviously not paid for your last order of rampant roger playthings , hence why your banned ... If ya dont pay ya dont play Barry ... Move it or lose it sister


Why would anyone restrict access to their Twitter feed to "confirmed followers" only?

Isn't social media about having access to differing opinions? As opposed to the opinions MSM want you to have?

Apparently not.


Because the gentleman who's Twitter feed it is received vile abuse , threats and insults from vile left wing nut jobs ... You know a bit like the same silly abuse and insults thrown around by the usual suspect on here as he proves once again on this page ... What one does with ones Twitter feed to restrict who sees it is up to the individual and thats why the option to filter is there ... Take it up with the Twitter moderators if you have an issue

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 12:05 AM

It was an advisory referendum and we havent left yet.


Don't recall anyone saying anything about it being an advisory at the time ;-) .............


It only became advisory in the minds of you remoaners when you lost *-) ........


227 days till Independence day :D ...........



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pelmetman - 2018-08-14 8:47 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 12:05 AM

It was an advisory referendum and we havent left yet.


Don't recall anyone saying anything about it being an advisory at the time ;-) .............


It only became advisory in the minds of you remoaners when you lost *-) ........


227 days till Independence day :D ...........



Pretty much all referendums are advisory and not legally binding. I dont recall a lot of things we know now being said about Brexit at the time either Dave. I could give you a list as long as both your arms if you like.

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pelmetman - 2018-08-14 8:47 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 12:05 AM

It was an advisory referendum and we havent left yet.


Don't recall anyone saying anything about it being an advisory at the time ;-) .............


It only became advisory in the minds of you remoaners when you lost *-) ........


227 days till Independence day :D ...........



I seem to remember our PM at the time telling us exactly what leave winning would mean ... Hang on a second I get what Barry means ... He means most leave voters were too thick to realise it was just advisory ... Doh aren't we dummies ... Us poor voted to make ourselves poorer as well while the rich voted for more riches ... We iz fik

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Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 10:33 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-08-13 8:37 PM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 6:56 PM


antony1969 - 2018-08-13 5:48 PM


Im taking orders on the caps ... Available in all sizes ... https://twitter.com/DavidJoBrexit/status/1029046081185869824 ... My mobile is 0777 555555 or for my home address ask Bullet


Says Im blocked from viewing!

Because you aren't one of his "followers". They like flying under the radar but nothing an 'anon' account can't sort. Just access 'em using a hotmail or gmail account but sign up as a Trump fanatic, white nationalist or some right wing nut job who hates the EU.


But there is no option to follow this moron and it says my account has been specifically been blocked by him. As Candapack says, whats the point of having a Twitter feed if only you and your fellow morons are able to read it. Then again I guess its like people who just read the Daily Mail or this blokes Twitter feed. They only want to read or hear their own bullsh1t. No debating with these people.

In a nutshell (bib), all sing from the same hymn sheet. But as explained if you really want to read such bile (somehow i don't think you are that keen!), you gain access by setting up 'anon' accounts either using a VPN or if you don't have that, just sign up on another ip address which is easily sorted.

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pelmetman - 2018-08-14 8:47 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 12:05 AM

It was an advisory referendum and we havent left yet.


Don't recall anyone saying anything about it being an advisory at the time ;-) .............


It only became advisory in the minds of you remoaners when you lost *-) ........


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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-08-14 9:51 AM


pelmetman - 2018-08-14 8:47 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 12:05 AM

It was an advisory referendum and we havent left yet.


Don't recall anyone saying anything about it being an advisory at the time ;-) .............


It only became advisory in the minds of you remoaners when you lost *-) ........



None of which negates what I said ;-) ......ie.......It only became advisory when you lost *-) .......


If we were to have another referendum and you won......would that be advisory too??? >:-) .........


Just askin :D ........

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pelmetman - 2018-08-14 10:02 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-08-14 9:51 AM


pelmetman - 2018-08-14 8:47 AM


Barryd999 - 2018-08-13 12:05 AM

It was an advisory referendum and we havent left yet.


Don't recall anyone saying anything about it being an advisory at the time ;-) .............


It only became advisory in the minds of you remoaners when you lost *-) ........



None of which negates what I said ;-) ......ie.......It only became advisory when you lost *-) .......

Wrong. If you'd READ the link i posted you'd have seen the HoC Briefings which clearly states " It does not contain any requirement for the UK Government to implement the results of the referendum, nor set a time limit by which a vote to leave the EU should be implemented. The UK does not have constitutional provisions which would require the results of a referendum to be implemented."


That briefings paper is dated 3rd June 2015......over a year before the referendum.



If we were to have another referendum and you won......would that be advisory too??? >:-) .........


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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-08-14 11:13 AM


pelmetman - 2018-08-14 10:02 AM

If we were to have another referendum and you won......would that be advisory too??? >:-) .........



So we can ignore that to B-) ............


So there's no point in having another one >:-) ..........



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pelmetman - 2018-08-14 11:22 AM


Bulletguy - 2018-08-14 11:13 AM


pelmetman - 2018-08-14 10:02 AM

If we were to have another referendum and you won......would that be advisory too??? >:-) .........



So we can ignore that to B-) ............

Exactly what is "being ignored"?


So there's no point in having another one >:-) ..........

Yes as more people have gradually come to their senses and seen what a mess Brexit has put the country in. A second vote would prove decisive rather than divisive.....and that's what you most fear.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2018-08-14 11:32 AM


Yes as more people have gradually come to their senses and seen what a mess Brexit has put the country in. A second vote would prove decisive rather than divisive.....and that's what you most fear.


According to Remoaners *-) ........


I see the Remoaners latest wizard wheeze is to re spin You gov poll data by using "secret analytics" to prove folk are changing their minds :D ...........


Which is computer speak for talking boll*cks >:-) ..........

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pelmetman - 2018-08-14 12:11 PM


Bulletguy - 2018-08-14 11:32 AM


Yes as more people have gradually come to their senses and seen what a mess Brexit has put the country in. A second vote would prove decisive rather than divisive.....and that's what you most fear.


You mean according to Remoaners........

No.......Bregretters who've had a harsh wake up call. If you feel so certain and secure......then why would you even fear a second referendum?

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